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【「大自然,森之築」“Constructive Elements” 第五系列之藝術攝影。】來自英國的現代攝影家:Michelle Lin Braby

【「大自然,森之築」“Constructive Elements” 第五系列之藝術攝影。】來自英國的現代攝影家:Michelle Lin Braby

從  8月 1日 至 8月13
恆昶藝廊    台北市仁愛路四段 396之1號1樓
上午10:00 -下午6:00 (周一公休)  電話 (02)2706-6466

【「大自然,森之築」“Constructive Elements” 第五系列之藝術攝影。】來自英國的現代攝影家:Michelle Lin Braby 

前四系列作品“Elements-「大自然」及“Collective Elements-「大自然的合成」和"Interactive Elements"--「大自然的互動」與 “Formative Elements”「大自然的邂逅」20042010年已在國際上巡迴展出。)  

此展【大自然・ 森之築】是藉由大自然與人類之創造力作為對比,影像擷取於世界天然美感及人造之結構美學物造。

主題 :
人造和大自然結構;專注於形式,線條,紋理和顏色平衡的組合; 強調對人vs. 大自然的奧秘。所謂大自然的邂逅之後的延伸,構成的要素為此展覽主題「大自然,森之築」。



Press release
Photography exhibition: Constructive Elements
by Michelle Lin Braby

This photographic exhibition entitled ‘Constructive Elements’ is the fifth in a series of work by Michelle Lin Braby.  The previous four: - ‘Elements’, ‘Collective Elements’, ‘Interactive Elements’, and ‘Formative Elements’ have also been shown internationally in 2004 to 2010.  The collection of images in this exhibition show is a study of the aesthetics found in natural and man-made structures to contrast both elements.  Man’s creative inspiration is derived and constantly influenced by e.g. different symmetry, composition, shape and form found in nature. Through these basic elements, couple with man’s own skill levels and uses, new works are created showing both skills and the beauty and influence of nature. 
The exhibition’s theme focuses on the combination of structures and compositions showing the equilibrium in shape, form, line, texture, and colour; emphasizing on the mystery of man vs. nature.

I am looking forward to you looking.

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