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Minuit 余白個人攝影展

余白,自2003年定居台灣的法國記者兼攝影師 。將在十一月十六號至十二月十五號在八樓當代藝術空間推出他在近三年來的個人代表作。 這次的個人展主題為 【Minuit】 為法文的午夜之意。 以在台北舊街景的午夜故事為主軸。

  在二十四幅50 x70的作品中 ,以黑白底片為主要攝影技巧,讓觀賞者感受臨場的詩意及情境。余白以他個人對台北的感觀 捕捉午夜的黑暗沈重如何緩慢融入脆弱的五光十色霓紅燈彩中。 這些影像中時有穿插經過的人影,就像是在黑夜中跳舞的影子。為此,余白以一個有趣的角度讓我們看到隱藏在這大台北裡日常夜生活迷人的美感及吸引力。

  余白在1996年開始他漫長的攝影生涯,在過去將近二十年來,他拍攝存在於城市中居民與環境的連結的感情。 透過城市的要素,他試圖尋找人們在時間的流逝過程中留下的痕跡。大台北是他最鐘愛的主題之一。 他足跡遍佈各個城市的角落,與當地人們交流 以攝影的方式紀錄他們的過去及被時間洗滌的記憶。他的作品曾在巴黎、台北、印尼萬隆展出,也在法國及台灣的各雜誌中發表過。在他個人網站 www.huberkilian.com可以欣賞他個人的更多的攝影作品。

Hubert Kilian is a French photographer and journalist based in Taiwan since 2003. From November 16th to December 15th, he is showing his work from the last three years at 8th FLOOR CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER. Named Minuit, which means midnight in French, the exhibition is about night stories collected in the old district of Taipei.

Exclusively shot in black and white film, the 24 photographs (50x70) are convening a special sense of poetry and moods while giving to the spectator a strong feeling of “being there”. With his unique way to look at Taipei streets, Hubert Kilian is capturing dark and heavy atmospheres slowly emerging from the dark in the weak and flickering neon lights. His images are eventually habited by a few characters passing by, projecting a sense of their interactions with the urbanity turned by the photographer into a spectacle of dancing shadows.

By doing so, Hubert Kilian is offering us a rare glance at Taipei city, an interesting angle on an everyday evening life that is revealing the hidden beauty and charm of the Taiwanese capital.

Hubert Kilian began his photographic odyssey in 1996 and, for the past two decades, has been photographing cities to document the relationships between inhabitants and their environment. Through this urban momentum, he seeks to reveal the dramatic potential of the great spectacle of time and people passing by, and of the stones that remain. Taipei is one of his favorite subjects. He has spent many hours visiting every corner to meet people, to record their ways of life and to capture reminiscences of the past and vanishing memories. His work has shown in Paris, Taipei and Bandung, as well as being published in several French and Taiwanese magazines. At www.hubertkilian.com can be seen a more extensive selection of photographs.




MINUIT 是余白 2010年和2013年在台北城市之間所拍攝的。


[ 展覽時間 Date ] : 2013.11.16 – 12.15

週二 - 週日 11:00 - 19:00 (週一休館)

[ 開幕時間 Opening ] : 2013.11.16 (SAT) 14:30

[ 展覽地點 Venue ] : 八樓當代藝術空間 Floor 8 Contemporary Art Space

104 台北市中山區雙城街19巷21號8樓

8f No. 21, Ln 19, Shuang Cheng St., zhongshan Dist., Taipei city104 , Taiwan


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