論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 新版的105mm MacroVR對macro攝影很有用



2006/03/22 18:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D2Hs最新拍賣藝廊作品D2Hs規格表
new micro-nikkor 105: VR works well for macro

I have seen skeptical posts on dpreview on the effectiveness of VR for macro shots, in complete contradiction with my own experience with the 80-400VR+Canon 500D close-up in the field.

A french guy had actually the opportunity to try the new AF-S 105 VR, and he posted his impressions on his site (in french) with some examples shot handheld at slow shutter speeds:


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

Another really interesting point is that the AF was really fast with his D2Hs, fast enough in continuous AF-C to compensate for translational (subject to lens) motion !! Wow, if this holds true, I think Nikon has a real winner here :)


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

推薦者: adammfc, cc5, chinphoto, 葉0503, daniel0211, Raywang123, 黑松, ko440301



61) 2006/04/07 11:50 
105 VR, VR effect at macro distances tested

got my 105 VR a couple days ago, and I have been doing some experiments on the VR effectiveness at macro distances. Nikon of course has said that VR does not work at macro distance, but some posts here had said that it did. Obviously this stuff is extremely hard to rigorously test -- I have no idea if I am above or below average in my hand holding ability, so your results may be very different than mine.

The bottom line is that Nikon is right -- it does not really help. I am finding that hand held at 1:1 and 1:2, I need a 1/250th shutter speed to guarantee critical sharpness. At 1/125th all my shots have a bit of motion blur (though not very much). I need to do another round of testing between those two speeds to see where the cutoff is.

Testing my 60mm micro, I find that I can get 100% critically sharp shots at 1:1 or 1:2 with 1/125th hand held if I am careful. At 1/100th I get about 40% of them critically sharp, and at 1/80th about 20% are sharp, and below that none.

So I guess the smaller degree of magnification with 60mm vs. 105mm makes more difference close up than the VR does.

On the other hand, the 105 VR is far more pleasant to actually shoot macro with. The auto focus is way better, and having the extra working distance is tremendously helpful. I have not actually tried to compare image quality, bokeh, etc. yet. When they have enough shutter speed, I would say both are equally sharp.




62) 2006/04/07 18:23 
VR On vs. VR Off
John Yu wrote:
> Could you compare the sharpness of macro shots at 1/125s or slower
> with VR on and VR off? I believe many of us will be interested to
> know the rest.

I did some VR on/off comparisons this morning, but only took one shot at each distance/speed combo, so I am not as confident in the results as I am with the 105 VR on vs. 60 tests (where I did 5 shots of each combo).

But what I am seeing is that at 1/100th at 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:3, no visible difference with VR on/off. At 1:5 the VR is definitely sharper, though I would not call it critically sharp, but probably sharp enough. Specifically, with VR on I see motion blur at 100%, but I don't see it at full screen 1920x1200 on my monitor. With VR off I definitely see it even at full screen. But again, since this comparison is based on one exposure at each combo, it does not mean a whole lot.

Dropping down to 1/60th, the VR at 1:5 still looks about the same -- motion blur at 100%, but not when reduced to 1920x1200. While the non-VR case has become totally unusable. Also at 1:2 or 1:1 the VR looks slightly better than the VR off at 1/60th, but probably not usable.

So I guess the bottom line is not that the VR does nothing at macro distances, but that it does not do nearly as much as switching to a shorter lens does. So, if you already have the old 105 micro, getting the new one will probably get you a bit more hand-holdability, but if you have the 60 micro, it won't.

And again, I want to stress that these are just my totally unscientific personal results -- limited sample sizes, and no way to consistently reproduce results.




63) 2006/04/07 20:50 
今天終於有時間試一下 6T 在 Micro 105 VR 上的效果 (學國外一樣以這顆鏡頭為被攝物)



推薦者: kuankuoyun2002



64) 2006/04/08 00:57 
105 VR in AF-C mode

I have found something unexpected with the new 105 VR: if I shoot in AF-C, the focus is fast enough to compensate some "subject to lens" motion. In manual focus, I need a shutter speed of about 1/125 to keep excellent sharpness (this is about 1 stop better than with the old 105 AF-D or my Tamron 90, my hands are not standy at all), whereas I still can obtain very sharp shots at 1/60 in autofocus AF-C mode.

Here are some samples, all handheld in AF-C mode:

~1:1, 50% crop, 1/60, f11




65) 2006/04/09 01:25 
A few sample images

Following are 100% crops, illustrating a couple of the findings in my previous posts. I put the green marks one inch apart on the newspaper. Since the D200 sensor is one inch wide, an image encompassing five inches is at 1:5, etc.




66) 2006/04/09 09:35 
you will not be disappointed with this lens. It is funny that I have been one of the first person to receive this lens here in Switzerland, while I am still waiting for my D200...

I own (or owned) many macro lenses (the AiS 55 f3.5, the 105 AF-D, the 80-400 VR+ Canon 500D and the Tamron 90 DI) and this new 105 VR is a real winner in my opinion. The possibility to shoot in autofocus mode for macro work is something new for me, even though the CAM900 of my D70 is not really fast.

happy macro,




67) 2006/04/09 11:46 
小弟是覺得去比那個 VR on & off 沒什麼作用




68) 2006/04/09 15:37 
AJM wrote:
> A quick question: do you have a filter in front of the lens, and if
> so, which brand and model?

I often use filters (B+W circular polarizers or UV to protect the lens), but not on the 105 VR. This lens has a strange design: the first optical element has a small diameter (~45mm), it has a 62mm thread and has a full diameter of ~80mm. There is small chance to

Hope this helps,



69) 2006/04/09 17:06 



70) 2006/04/09 17:11 
Nikon 105mm VR ichneumonid wasp on window1




71) 2006/04/09 17:26 
Nikon 105mm VR ichneumonid wasp on window...or "Dancing with Myself"




72) 2006/04/10 01:08 

105mm 2.8g VR _ 001.JPG
Nikon D2x
1/125s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif


105mm 2.8g VR _ 001_2.JPG  




73) 2006/04/10 07:51 
Re: 105 VR, VR effect at macro distances tested

Using the 105mm VR lens on my D200, I have taken very sharp hand-held macro photos all the way down to 1/10th and 1/20th second. This may have something to do with the camera itself. The D200 has an advanced mirror dampening mechanism which seems to work wonders. You can see some samples at: http://www.pbase.com/nc_bill/nikon_105mm_afs_vr_lens

NIKON 105mm f/2.8 AF-S VR LENS
All photos in this gallery, except the photos of the D200 with the lens (photo #2 and #3) were taken with a Nikon D200 camera and a Nikon 105mm f/2.8 AF-S VR lens. I received this new lens on 27 March 2006. The lens is solidly built, is very easy to use and balances well on my D200. ALL PHOTOS WERE HANDHELD (some down to 1/10 second!). Since I wanted to test the capability of the len's autofocus system, no manual focusing was done. Autofocusing accuracy is precise and impressive. Focusing is FAST and motor noise is almost non-existent. I had previously used a Tamron 90mm macro lens and really liked it, but the Nikon lens allows much more working distance from the camera to subjects that might want to bite/sting you! I have almost been having too much fun with this lens and have even started chasing ants around my house!





74) 2006/04/10 07:52 
Very nice macros. I find it interesting that some people do not want to think that the 105VR has any advantage in handholding macros over the non-VR version.

With the proper technique including the right camera and camera settings, it appears that the 105VR can be handheld for macros with significantly better results than the non-VR version.




75) 2006/04/10 07:53 
The VR definitely does help, though not nearly as much at 1:1 as it does further away. You will certainly get sharper hand held results at low shutter speeds with the VR on than with it off.

But my experiments have convinced me that lowering the focal length, and shooting with the 60 micro makes a bigger difference in hand-holdability up close than the VR does.

RBFresno wrote:
> Very nice macros. I find it interesting that some people do not
> want to think that the 105VR has any advantage in handholding
> macros over the non-VR version.
> With the proper technique including the right camera and camera
> settings, it appears that the 105VR can be handheld for macros with
> significantly better results than the non-VR version.
> RB
> http://www.pbase.com/rbfresno/profile




76) 2006/04/10 07:54 
> Using the 105mm VR lens on my D200, I have taken very sharp
> hand-held macro photos all the way down to 1/10th and 1/20th
> second. This may have something to do with the camera itself. The
> D200 has an advanced mirror dampening mechanism which seems to work
> wonders. You can see some samples at:
> http://www.pbase.com/nc_bill/nikon_105mm_afs_vr_lens

Have you tried shooting the same image at 1/250th and 1/20th near the minimum focus difference? While you may be able to get something good enough for your purposes at 1/20th, if you can get absolute sharpness at that speed I will be extremely impressed with your hand-holding skills.




77) 2006/04/11 01:48 



78) 2006/04/11 02:37 
Nikon AF-S 105mm f2.8 VR Original Samples

Somehow I can't get the exif data to accompany the pics!
To put it simply, I just used the P-mode with my D50.




79) 2006/04/11 11:17 
Bill McClung wrote:
> The AF-C mode really does made a difference. I have managed some
> sharp macros all the way down to 1/10th and 1/20th second. Check
> out some samples at: http://www.pbase.com/nc_bill/nikon_105mm_afs_vr_lens

glad to know that I am not the only one to find the AF-C mode effective :)

Either your hands are more steady than mine or the AF of the D200 is much faster than the AF of the D70 (and maybe mirror vibrations less pronounced) because the proportion of keepers decreases drastically below 1/60 for me. But I am already really happy with this shutter speed, this is ~1-2 stops faster that what I could manage with the 105 AF-D to keep critical sharpness close to 1:1.

Great samples by the way. This lens has great optics, but more impressive is how practical this lens is in the field.

happy macro,



80) 2006/04/11 11:49 
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