論壇主選單 > 手札哈拉區 > 貓熊笑 黑熊哭



2008/12/18 13:31
器材: 其他 其他
貓熊笑 黑熊哭

◎ 許戰






推薦者: pin226666, crt631015, 李冰, 阿聊♂, nightcat, 望田, kbay10, 2189, 大頭螞蟻


終身 VIP

81) 2008/12/19 11:08 
                           35歲女師 勾17歲男學生上床

更新日期:2008/12/18 04:34 周敏煌/高雄報導



網誌爆醜聞 教授丈夫揭露




趁先生入闈 每周幽會偷情






82) 2008/12/19 11:42 

35歲女師 勾17歲男學生上床

更新日期:2008/12/18 04:34 周敏煌/高雄報導



網誌爆醜聞 教授丈夫揭露




趁先生入闈 每周幽會偷情









83) 2008/12/19 13:19 
原發文者: crt631015 發文時間: 2008/12/19 10:57
還有啊~~本人不知道你的年紀多大啦~~有沒有看過當時的新聞報導~~ 如果要找~~你可以去國立圖書館..(恕刪)

沒錯, 就算是沒看過當時的報紙事後還是可以找, 我曾經對中途島海戰很有興趣, 就跑去圖書館找出紐約時報的微縮膠片看, 現在是資訊發達的時候, 要想隱瞞事情是沒那麼容易的.


推薦者: crt631015, lin99y



84) 2008/12/19 13:24 
原發文者: scsheen 發文時間: 2008/12/19 13:19
沒錯, 就算是沒看過當時的報紙事後還是可以找, 我曾經對中途島海戰很有興趣, 就跑去圖書館找出紐..(恕刪)






85) 2008/12/19 13:24 
原發文者: crt631015 發文時間: 2008/12/19 10:52
-請在此輸入回應- 用台灣這個名義是我個人舉例的一個名稱而己~~但是ROC是不被聯合國及老共所..(恕刪)

老布希當時在UN提議讓台灣以ROC名義加入之所以被否決,  是那些反對國家的自由意志還是因為老共反對? 如果是老共反對, 請問改成甚麼名字, 老共會同意?



86) 2008/12/19 13:43 
原發文者: scsheen 發文時間: 2008/12/19 13:24
老布希當時在UN提議讓台灣以ROC名義加入之所以被否決,  是那些反對國家的自由意志還是因為老共反..(恕刪)








87) 2008/12/19 13:44 
原發文者: scsheen 發文時間: 2008/12/19 13:24
老布希當時在UN提議讓台灣以ROC名義加入之所以被否決,  是那些反對國家的自由意志還是因為老共反對? 如果是老共反對, 請問改成甚麼名字, 老共會同意?



88) 2008/12/19 17:29 
原發文者: crt631015 發文時間: 2008/12/19 13:43





89) 2008/12/19 17:31 
原發文者: lin99y 發文時間: 2008/12/19 10:29




90) 2008/12/19 17:43 
原發文者: Viper_c 發文時間: 2008/12/19 17:31






推薦者: crt631015, hc4391, 李冰


終身 VIP

91) 2008/12/19 18:36 

全歐革命? 希臘學生嚇壞歐盟

更新日期: 2008/12/19 15:40 巴黎特約撰述 郭乃雄


上街頭 高唱無政府



政黨輪替 亂象依舊




亂象 讓歐盟冒冷汗

政府呼籲全國團結冷靜,結果火上加油,反而換來示威群眾促政府下台。歐盟其他成員國領袖目睹希臘亂象,無不冷汗直冒,今天希臘的場面,難保明天不會發生在自己的國家,危機才剛到歐洲大門口,希臘已亂成這個樣子, 「明天過後」(災難片the Day After Tomorrow)又會如何?





92) 2008/12/19 19:42 
原發文者: Viper_c 發文時間: 2008/12/19 17:31






93) 2008/12/19 20:35 


推薦者: hc4391, 李冰, crt631015



94) 2008/12/19 20:41 
原發文者: chenchihching 發文時間: 2008/12/19 20:35




推薦者: hc4391, 李冰



95) 2008/12/19 21:05 
原發文者: lin99y 發文時間: 2008/12/19 20:41
這就是重點了.. 每個國家都會為了他們國家的利益...而反對台灣加入聯合國. 那等於跟中國作對.. ..(恕刪)

 那等於跟中國作對.. ..






96) 2008/12/19 21:37 
1971 USA駐聯合國大使是老布希, 看看老布希在聯合國的日子




The defining events in the first year of Bush's UN tenure reflected Kissinger's geoplitical obsession with his China card. Remember that in his 1964 campaign, Bush had stated that Red China must never be admitted to the UN and that if Peking ever obtained the Chinese seat on the Security Council, the US must depart forthwith from the world body. This statement came back to haunt him once or twice. His stock answer went like this: "that was 1964, a long time ago. There's been an awful lot changed since...A person who is unwilling to admit that changes have taken place is out of things these days. President Nixon is not being naive in his China policy. He is recognizing the realities of today, not the realities of seven years ago." One of the realities of 1971 was that the bankrupt British had declared themselves to be financially unable to maintain their military presence in the Indian Ocean and the Far East, in the area "East of Suez." Part of the timing of the Kissinger China card was dictated by the British desire to acquire China as a counterweight to Russia and India in this vast area of the world, and also to insure a US military presence in the Indian Ocean, as seen later in the US development of an important base on the island of Diego Garcia.

On a world tour during 1969, Nixon had told President Yahya Khan, the dictator of Pakistan, that his administration wanted to normalize relations with Red China and wanted the help of the Pakistani government in exchanging messages. Regular meetings between the US and Peking had gone on for many years in Warsaw, but what Nixon was talking about was a total reversal of US China policy. Up until 1971, the US had recognized the government of the Republic of China on Taiwan as the sole sovereign and legitimate authority over China. The US, unlike Britain, France, and many other western countries, had no diplomatic relations with the Peking Communist regime. The Chinese seat among the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council was held by the government in Taipei. Every year in the early autumn there was an attempt by the non-aligned bloc to oust Taipei from the Security Council and replace them with Peking, but so far this vote had always failed because of US arm-twisting in Latin America and the rest of the third world. One of the reasons that this arrangement had endured so long was the immense prestige of ROC President Chiang Kai-Shek and the sentimental popularity of the Kuomintang in the United States electorate. There still was a very powerful China lobby, which was especially strong among right-wing Republicans of what had been the Taft and Knowland factions of the party, and which Goldwater continued. Now, in the midst of the Vietnam war, with US strategic and economic power in decline, the Anglo-American elite decided in favor of a geopolitical alliance with China against the Soviets for the foreseeable future. This meant that the honor of US committments to the ROC had to be dumped overboard as so much useless ballast, whatever the domestic political consequences might be. This was the task given to Kissinger, Nixon, and George Bush.

The maneuver on the agenda for 1971 was to oust the ROC from the UN Security and assign their seat there to Peking. Kissinger and Nixon calculated that duplicity would insulate them from domestic political damage: while they were opening to Peking, they would call for a "two Chinas" policy, under which both Peking and Taipei would be represented at the UN, at least in the General Assembly, despite the fact that this was an alternative that both Chinese governments vehemently rejected. The US would pretend to be fighting to keep Taipei in the UN, with George Bush leading the fake charge, but this effort would be defeated. Then the Nixon Administration could claim that the vote in the UN was beyond its control, comfortably resign itself to Peking in the Security Council, and pursue the China card. What was called for was a cynical, duplicitious diplomatic charade in which Bush would have the leading part.

This scenario was complicated by the rivalry between Secretary of State Rogers and NSC boss Kissinger. Rogers was an old friend of Nixon, but it was of course Kissinger who made foreign policy for Nixon and the rest of the government, and Kissinger who was incomparably the greater evil. Between Rogers and Kissinger, Bush was unhesitatingly on the side of Kissinger. In later Congressional testimony Ray Cline, a wheelhorse of the Bush faction of the CIA, has tried to argue that Rogers and Bush were kept in the dark by Nixon and Kissinger about the real nature of the US China policy. The implication is that Bush's efforts to keep Taiwan at the UN were in good faith. According to Cline's fantastic account, "Nixon and Kissinger actually 'undermined' the department's efforts in 1971 to save Taiwan." [fn 10] Rogers may have believed that helping Taiwan was US policy, but Bush did not. Cline's version of these events is an insult to the intelligence of any serious person.

The Nixon era China card took shape during July, 1971 with Kissinger's "Operation Marco Polo I," his secret first trip to Peking. Kissinger says in his memoirs that Bush was considered a candidate to make this journey, along with David Bruce, Elloit Richardson, Nelson Rockefeller, and Al Haig. [fn 11] Kissinger first journeyed to India, and then to Pakistan. From there, with the help of Yahya Khan, Kissinger went on to Beijing for meetings with Chou En-Lai and other Chinese officals. He returned by way of Paris, where he met with North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho at the Paris talks on Indo-China. Returning to Washington, Kissinger briefed Nixon on his understanding with Chou. On July 15, 1971 Nixon announced to a huge telvision and radio audience that he had accepted "with pleasure" an invitation to visit China at some occasion before May of 1972. He lamely assured "old friends" (meaning Chiang Kai-Shek and the ROC government on Taiwan) that their interests would not be sacrificed. Later in he same year, between October 16th and 26th, Kissinger undertook operation "Polo II," a second, public visit with Chou in Peking to decide the details of Nixon's visit and hammer out what was to become the US-PRC Shanghai Communique', the joint statement issued during Nixon's stay. During this visit Chou cautioned Kissinger not to be disoriented by the hostile Peking propaganda line against the US, manifestations of which were everywhere to be seen. Anti-US slogans on the walls, said Chou, were meaningless, like "firing an empty cannon." Nixon and Kissinger eventually journeyed to Peking in February, 1972.

It was before this backdrop that Bush waged his farcical campaign to keep Taiwan in the UN. The State Department had stated through the mouth of Rogers on August 2 that the US would support the admission of Red China to the UN, but would oppose the expulsion of Taiwan. This was the so-called "two Chinas" policy. In an August 12 interview, Bush told the Washington Post that he was working hard to line up the votes to keep Taiwan as a UN member when the time to vote came in the fall. Responding to the obvious impression that this was a fraud for domestic political purposes only, Bush pledged his honor on Nixon's committment to "two Chinas.""I know for a fact that the President wants to see the policy implemented," said Bush, apparently with a straight face, adding that he had discussed the matter with Nixon and Kissinger at the White House only a few days before. Bush said that he and other members of his mission had lobbied 66 countries so far, and that this figure was likely to rise to 80 by the following week. Ultimately Bush would claim to have talked personlly with 94 delegations to get them to let Taiwan stay, which a fellow diplomat called "a quantitative track record."

Diplomatic observers noted that the US activity was entirely confined to the high-profile "glass palace" of the UN, and that virtually nothing was being done by US ambassadors in capitals around the world. But Bush countered that if it were just a question of going through the motions as a gesture for Taiwan, he would not be devoting so much of his time and energy to the cause. The main effort was at the UN because "this is what the UN is for," he commented. Bush said that his optimism about keeping the Taiwan membership had increased over the past three weeks. [fn 12]

By late September, Bush was saying that he saw a better than 50-50 chance that the UN General Assembly would seat both Chinese governments. By this time, the official US position as enunciated by Bush was that the Security Council seat should go to Peking, but that Taipei ought to be allowed to remain in the General Assembly. Since 1961, the US strategy for blocking the admission of Peking had depended on a procedural defense, obtaining a simple majority of the General Assembly for a resolution defining the seating of Peking as an Important Question, which required a two-thirds majority in order to be implemented. Thus, if the US could get a simple majority on the procedural vote, one third plus one would suffice to defeat Peking on the second vote.

The General Assembly convened on September 21. Bush and his aides were running a ludicrous all-court press on scores of delegations. Twice a day there was a State Department briefing on the vote tally. "Yes, Burundi is with us...About Argentina we're not sure," etc.) All this attention got Bush an appearance on "Face the Nation", where he said that the two-China policy should be approved regardless of the fact that both Peking and Taipei rejected it. "I don't think we have to go through the agony of whether the Republic of China will accept or whether Peking will accept," Bush told the interviewers. "Let the United Nations for a change do something tha really does face up to reality and then let that decision be made by the parties involved," said Bush with his usual inimitable rhetorical flair.

The UN debate on the China seat was scheduled to open on October 18; on October 12 Nixon gave a press conference in which he totally ignored the subject, and made no appeal for support for Taiwan. On October 16, Kissinger departed with great fanfare for China. Kissinger says in his memoirs that he had been encouraged to go to China by Bush, who assured him that a highly publicized Kissinger trip to Peking would have no impact whatever on the UN vote. On October 25, the General Assembly defeated the US resolution to make the China seat an Important Question by a vote of 59 to 54, with 15 abstentions. Ninety minutes later came the vote on the Albanian resolution to seat Peking and expel Taipei, which passed by a vote of 76 to 35. Bush then cast the US vote to seat Peking, and then hurried to escort the ROC delegate, Liu Chieh, out of the hall for the last time. The General Assembly was the scene of a jubilant demonstration led by third world delegates over the fact that Red China had been admitted, and even more so that the US had been defeated. The Tanzanian delegate danced a jig in the aisle. Henry Kissinger, flying back from Peking, got the news on his teletype and praised Bush's "valiant efforts."

Having connived in selling Taiwan down the river, it was now an easy matter for the Nixon regime to fake a great deal of indignation for domestic political consumption about what had happened. Nixon's spokesman Ron Ziegler declared that Nixon had been outraged by the "spectacle" of the "cheering, handclapping, and dancing" delegates after the vote, which Nixon had seen as a "shocking demonstration" of undisguised glee" and "personal animosity." Notice that Ziegler had nothing to say against the vote, or against Peking, but concentrated the fire on the third world delegates, who were also threatened with a cutoff of US foreign aid.

This was the line that Bush would slavishly follow. On the last day of October the papers quoted him saying that the demonstration after the vote was "something ugly, something harsh that transcended normal disappoijntment or elation." "I really thought we were going to win," said Bush, still with a straight face. "I'm so...disappointed." "There wasn't just clapping and enthusiasm "after the vote, he whined. "When I went up to speak I was hissed and booed. I don't think it's good for the United Nations and that's the point I feel very strongly about." In the view of a Washington Post staff writer, "the boyish looking US ambassador to the United Nations looked considerably the worse for wear. But he still conveys the impression of an earnest fellow tryint to be the class valedictorian, as he once was described." [ fn 13] Bush expected the Peking delegation to arrive in new York soon, because they probably wanted to take over the presidency of the Security Council, which rotated on a monthly basis. "But why anybody would want an early case of chicken pox, I don't know," said Bush.

When the Peking delegation did arrive, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ch'aio Kuan-hua delivered a maiden speech full of ideological bombast along the lines of passages Kissinger had convinced Chou to cut out of the draft text of the Shanghai communique some days before. Kissinger then telephoned Bush to say in his own speech that the US regretted that the Chinese had elected to inaugurate their participation in the UN by "firing these empty cannons of rhetoric." Bush, like a ventriloquist's dummy, obediently mouthed Kissinger's one-liner as a kind of coded message to Peking that all the public bluster meant nothing between the two secret and increasingly public allies.

The farce of Bush's pantomime in support of the Kissinger China card very nearly turned into the tragedy of general war later in 1971. This involved the December, 1971 war between India and Pakistan which led to the creation of an independent state of Bengladesh, and which must be counted as one of the least-known thermonuclear confrontations of the US and the USSR. For Kissinger and Bush, what was at stake in this crisis was the consolidation of the China card.



97) 2008/12/19 21:48 
原發文者: scsheen 發文時間: 2008/12/19 21:37
1971 USA駐聯合國大使是老布希, 看看老布希在聯合國的日子 http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook/bush..(恕刪)


能不能翻譯一下,謝謝!        我的英文能力不好~~有看沒有懂!


推薦者: lin99y



98) 2008/12/19 22:40 

迎來貓熊 趕走拆遷戶
◎ 楊美雲


看著動物園為準備迎接中國來的「貴客」,官方上上下下忙得不亦樂乎,宛如舉辦國慶一般歡騰。但,可有人知道在動物園園外服務中心「Zoo mall」有一群長期被政府踐踏、棄顧的小市民,心在泣血?







99) 2008/12/19 23:36 
  • 1961年 1971年間,由於亞洲非洲新興國家大多支持中華人民共和國,美國乃改提「重要問題」議案,先確認「中國代表權」問題為重要問題,得過半數同意,其後任何改變中國代表權的議案,均需三分之二多數方能通過,以此保住中華民國在聯合國的席次。
  • 1971年美國改變對中國政策,當年重要問題案即未獲通過(55票支持、59票反對、15票棄權)。
  • 1971年 10月,中華民國代表團在阿爾巴尼亞所提《恢復中華人民共和國在聯合國之合法權利案》表決之前退出會場。


推薦者: hc4391



100) 2008/12/20 10:59 

原發文者: scsheen 發文時間: 2008/12/18 16:40



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