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2006/05/24 13:50
器材: 其他 其他
慈濟紐約分會與經典雜誌合作將從6/3日起至6/11日,推出「西域記風塵」攝影展。在 一千三百多年前,玄奘法師從長安出發,耗時十餘年,經歷無數的險境與考驗,終於 完成了到印度的取經之旅,寫下了一頁亙古的探險傳奇,為中國佛教帶來了深遠的影 響。一千三百年後《經典》雜誌花了五年時間,動員了龐大的人力物力,親履法師足 跡,首度橫跨中國、中亞、印度採訪, 以文字、影像記錄現今西域十一國現況與往昔 佛教文明,這條路曾是佛法最鼎盛時期的要道,卻已危脆如風中之塵,因此取名《西 域記風塵》 展出內容是從二萬五千多張照片中選出的一百六十張,真實記錄沿途民情風光;透過 現代的影像,見證了巴米揚大佛的毀滅、阿富汗的重生、在衝突頻仍的巴基斯坦覓得 佛陀的遺痕,豐富的內容,歡迎大家一同來目睹文明的演替、體味歷史的遞嬗 。 敬請大家踴躍前來觀賞,在現場並有導覽志工來為大家做引導,團體參訪請先預約 ,開幕日參訪者將有經典雜誌與大家結緣,送完為止。除了攝影展,現場並有中英記錄 片播放,經典雜誌總編王志宏將親臨紐約於開幕日,分享拍攝的緣起及過程;同時也 在兩個週六6/3、6/10及週日6/4、6/11分別邀請:王志宏、王鼎鈞、方元、宜樹錚 、繼興法師、郭正昭、李又寧等學者專家,分別作專題演講,主題及時間如下。敬請 把握良機!
展覽時間: 06/03/2006 開展 9:30am; 6/03-6/11 週六、週日 10:00am- 6:00pm; 週 一至週五 11:00am- 5:00pm 展覽地點: 美國慈濟基金會 紐約分會 137-77 Northern Blvd. (緊鄰北方大道法拉盛高中旁) Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 469-4590 / (718) 888- 0866
推薦者: Fisher Lin



1) 2006/05/24 13:53 
You are cordially invited to "Journey to the West", a photographic exhibition.
Do not miss this wonderful opportunity. This is a FREE event. Please feel free to invite your family and friends to come with you.
From June 3rd to June 11th, let us take you back in time to a journey that was taken over 1,300 years ago.
During Tzu Chi's relief effort in Afghanistan, journalists from Tzu Chi's Rhythms magazine found the opportunity to document and follow the footprints of Master Hsuan Tsang of the Tang Dynasty, who spent 19 years in his pilgrimage thru Central Asia and India.
These journalists visited historical sites and documented the scenery and culture all along the route. 160 photographs were selected from over 25,000 taken, including the precious photo of the giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley, which was destroyed in 2001. Exhibition Date & Time Opening Ceremony 2006/06/03 9:30 am Public Exhibition 06/03 - 06/11 Mon.-Fri. 11 am ~ 5 pm and Sat. & Sun. 10 am ~ 6 pm
Exhibition Location Tzu Chi Foundation USA 137-77 Northern Blvd. Flushing NY 11354 (corner of Northern Blvd. and Union St. ) For more information, please call (718)460-4590



2) 2006/05/26 09:29 



3) 2006/06/02 01:01 



4) 2006/07/27 00:56 
最後  在紐約的台北經濟文化辦事處

Dear friends,

If you have time in the coming week, please stop by to check out this photo-exhibit from Tzu Chi Foundation. There are many photos from western China, central Asia, and India that will take you to far away corners of the world where many rich and colorful local culture never stop to inspire me.

"Journey to the West" is a Photographic Exhibition hosted by Tzu Chi Foundation, U.S.A., Northeast Region. Tzu Chi's Rhythms Monthly magazine devoted five years of daunting efforts, exerted tremendous resources and manpower, retraced the footsteps of Master Hsuan Tsang, a Tang Dynasty's Buddhist monk of over 1,300 years ago. The Rhythms Monthly's journalists took many photographs of various historical sites, as they traced the footsteps of Master Hsuan Tsang, witnessed the marks left behind from the rise and fall of the historic civilization and the cruel afflictions of the warfare.

Location: Taipei Economic and Culture Office at 1 East 42nd Street, New
York, NY 10017 (Corner of 5th Ave. and 42nd St.)

7/26/06           10 am - 5 pm
7/27/06           10 am - 5 pm
7/28/06           10 am - 2 pm
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