論壇主選單 > 器材版 > Nikon 發表Nikon Capture NX



2006/02/21 18:52
器材: Nikon 尼康 D200最新拍賣藝廊作品D200規格表

NEFとは、撮像素子から得られた12ビットRAWデータと、撮影環境情報や画像処理・ 調整情報を1ファイルで扱うニコン独自のファイル形式です。NEFファイルとして保存 した画像に様々な調整を加えても、撮影環境情報に画像処理・調整情報が書き加えら れるだけで、オリジナルデータの画質を劣化させたり、損なったりすることはありません。 NEFファイルは撮影時におけるRAWデータの保存形式であるとともに、TIFF、JPEGに ついては、ファイル形式を維持したままNEFで保存できます。












選択ブラシ、なげなわツール、多角形選択ツール、選択範囲グラデーションツールなどを用いて、ディテールの調整を行います。Capture NXは25種類以上の編集オプションを用意しています。




アンシャープマスク機能を用いてエッジのコントラストを高めます。Capture NXではカラーマネージメント機能が充実しているので、プリンターとのカラーマッチングも容易に設定できます。

推薦者: 泰勒, cyw



81) 2006/07/07 20:52 
Capture NX (German) - Download no longer possible!


my download got stopped after about 90 of the 200MB
(very slow by the way) - new start no longer possible - seems
like file has been removed...

Michael S.

Re: Capture NX (German) - Download no longer possible!
With eveyone posting it, it seems that everyone reading, is already trying to download. The servers cannot keep up. :) Providing a download without the .NET may have helped, but probably not much. :)

Best regards,

Re: Capture NX (German) - Download no longer possible!
THomasAdams wrote:
>Providing a
> download without the .NET may have helped, but probably not much.

Nikon aren't bundling the .net framework, are they . . . surely????

I mean, frankly, i would find that a bit idiotic.


- kirbs

Re: Capture NX (German) - Download no longer possible!
I cannot confirm this, it was stated elsewhere. However the Mac download is well under half the Windows download. I cannot account for the extra 130+ megs(roughly) for the windows download other than Nikon states .NET Franmework is required and the mentioning of the extra sotware included in the download. 4 Hours from now, I be able to answer the question with tangible proof. :)

Yes, They Are ...
In numerous languages.

The actual Capture NX file is under 30Mb. Fortunately I got in early and have the whole 200Mb file, but it was silly to pack all the .NET stuff in the zip file.

Re: Yes, They Are ...
Yes it is, from the site for System Requirements:

Install Notes:

- It is not recommended to install both Nikon Capture and Capture NX on the same computer as this may cause unexpected issues to occur.

- Capture NX is an image browser and editor therefore a separate browser application is not required. Only PictureProject 1.6.3 or later can be used on the same computer, running earlier versions of PictureProject and Nikon View may cause unexpected issues to occur.

- You must have Administrator authority when installing this software.

- Exit all other applications that may be running, and turn off all virus-checking software before proceeding with this upgrade.

- Microsoft .NET Framework will automatically be installed if not already present on your computer.

- The computer must be restarted when installation is complete.




82) 2006/07/07 21:00 

Re: Capture NX... today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here you go...

CaptureNX w/.NET inlcuded (~180 mb): http://www.nikonusa.com/software/NX/1.0/Win/NX_INT_win_wNET.zip

CaptureNX w/o .NET included (~14 mb): http://www.nikonusa.com/software/NX/1.0/Win/NX_NSA_win_wo.zip




83) 2006/07/07 21:02 


終身 VIP

84) 2006/07/07 23:15 




85) 2006/07/08 00:37 

Nikon Capture NX Trial Version Released For Download

Just tried to DL it and there's so many DLing it, it's estimated to take 3 hrs to complete the DL and as more try, I suspect most will time out, or, eventually it will choke the web server. So, I'll wait until around 3am or so, normally it would take about 5-6 min at 3mbs.

Good luck for those who insist on trying BUT I have a better idea.

I would be happy to host it on my speedy dedicated webserver as I've got plenty of bandwidth, so if someone has a copy that I can download, please let me know.

If a few others would do the same, we could help reduce the burden of the Nikon site.

It's huge with the .NET version, 173mb and only 14mb without the .NET. So perhaps if everybody got the .NET from Microsoft.com and then DL'ed the smaller version, that would also greatly reduce the burden.

Okay, it took me less than one minute to download the .NET components and a few minutes for the installation so now I only need the 14mb version of NX.

I suggest everybody go to Microsoft and d/l and install .NET first then get NX. Here's the Microsoft link to get .NET...

http://www.microsoft.com/... ...cb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&DisplayLang=en

to download the .NET component to install on their PC and then you should only need the 14mb version of NX.

Again, if anybody has the 14mb English version that I can download from someone, I'll host it on my server. I won't host the 173mb version because I believe everybody should get the .NET component direct from Microsoft.


已經從Capture NX without .NET...
...is now available on the Nikon Canada/USA site: http://www.nikonusa.com/software/NX/1.0/Win/NX_INT_win_wo.zip/



86) 2006/07/08 00:58 
- Microsoft .NET Framework will automatically be installed if not already present on your computer.




87) 2006/07/08 00:59 
Nikon Capture NX trial available

Nikon has today made available a trial version of its all new image workflow, editing and conversion software Capture NX. Announced back in February this year NX is a result of collaboration between Nik software and Nikon, and is widely anticipated by Nikon owners (as its speciality will be Nikon raw, NEF, conversion). Capture NX will cost $149.95 for the full package or $89.95 as an upgrade when it goes on sale later this month. The 30-day trial is availlable for download at the nikonusa.com website.

Press Release:

Nikon Releases Trial Version of Capture NX Software
Trial Version Offers 30 Days to Test Drive Capture NX - A Powerful and Intuitive New Software That Dramatically Simplifies Photo Editing for JPEG, TIFF and Nikon RAW (NEF) Format Images

MELVILLE, N.Y., July 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Nikon (http://www.nikondigital.com) today released a trial version of Capture NX(TM) -- a new software that is designed specifically for photographers, providing a unique and easy to understand interface with tools that photographers need, but without the level of complexity and clutter of other image editing applications. The software can be used with JPEG and TIFF format images from any source, and its patented new U Point(TM) technology offers photographers a dramatically simplified way to edit their pictures by enabling them to enhance specific areas of a picture selectively, without the use of masks, selections, or layers. Capture NX also works with Nikon's RAW (NEF) format images, and inherits Nikon's robust RAW processing capabilities for the highest quality results from NEF files.

Capture NX is designed to appeal to a broad range of consumers. Users with compact digital cameras such as Nikon's Coolpix series will enjoy the simplicity of using U Point technology to quickly enhance their JPEG pictures, eliminate any red-eye using the Automatic Red-Eye Correction tool and even resurrect underexposed images with the software's D-Lighting feature. Professional and advanced photographers will appreciate the time they can save using U Point technology to make edits to their images, as well as fully utilize over 25 new tools in the software, including powerful batch processing capabilities, advanced color management features, Distortion Correction enhancement and the ability to make every edit non-destructively (when a JPEG, TIFF or NEF image is saved in NEF format).

A detailed online demonstration of how Capture NX works is available at http://www.capturenx.com or http://www.nikondigital.com.

The 30 day trial version of Capture NX software is available for download at http://www.nikonusa.com, in the Software Download section. The software is expected to be available for purchase in July at an estimated selling price of $149.95**. A special limited-time upgrade price of $89.95 will be offered to current owners of Nikon Capture 4 software in the U.S. market. This upgrade will only be available on http://www.nikonmall.com for registered Nikon Capture 4 owners and will be limited to one upgrade per legitimate Nikon Capture 4 product key. The upgrade will require certain customer verification of ownership. Customers who have not already registered their version of Capture 4 will receive instructions to do so at the site.

* Some Capture NX functions apply to NEF files only.

** Estimated selling prices listed are only an estimate. Actual prices
are set by dealers and are subject to change at any time.




88) 2006/07/08 02:18 
"no need to uninstall capture" - Nikon Tech

Hope this helps someone. The Incident number via Nikon Tech is 060707-000092. See below for Nikon's answer:


Thanks for the question. There is no need to uninstall Capture 4 before trying NX. If you choose to update to NX you will just need to enter your old serial number to get the upgrade pricing. Hope this helps.

Thanks for using Nikon products!
Nikon Inc. (USA) Support / Service




89) 2006/07/08 02:37 
You can save time downloading NX trial.

This was my experience with the NX Trial download.

I didn’t have Microsoft.Net on my machine, and Nikon says NX requires the DotNet Framework, so I chose the NX with DotNet option, which is 172MB in size – a large download. It started its download at around 7KB and after a few minutes gradually got up to 14KB. The download was calculated to take in excess of 6-hours. The computed time was bouncing around between six-something and seven-something hours.

I canceled the down load and went to Microsoft.com and downloaded DotNet ver. 2.0. I had a download speed of 759KB and the download took less than half a minute. It did however take about 10-minutes to installed. I went back to Nikon and download the NX option without DotNet which is 13.4KB. The download speed started out at 17KB but quickly began dropping. The download speed at the halfway mark was at 12.3KB. ended up taking about 25 minutes. Nikonusa.com needs to upgrade connect speed.

Next task is to download the manual.




90) 2006/07/08 02:41 
First NEF file processed with NX..

NX works fine but I dislike it's interface which IMHO is clumsy compared to NC 4.4. Here's a D2X NEF file I shot yesterday and processed today with the new software.




91) 2006/07/08 05:07 
下載檔案很大的原因,是因為除了NX之外,還包括了含英文在內,七種語言的dot net fix。(每種語言的版本近22MB)
如果您的電腦已經裝了Framework 1.1或更新的版本,就可以只下載不含dot net的NX。



92) 2006/07/08 08:50 



93) 2006/07/08 10:12 
Playing with NX - sample before and after

I haven't used Capture.... so this is my first look at Nikon's product. I currently use Photoshop Elements (so I am not advanced)...

I like the UPoint technology - very very cool.

In general - there is a learning curve to the tools (at least without any knowledge of the previous product).

Here is a before picture (already did some work in Photoshop), and the after with NX (just playing). Performance did lag, but I don't consider it "unbearable" or prohibitive. I assume they will work on this in the future.






94) 2006/07/08 13:50 
Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?

Did you have to uninstall NC 4.4 before installing NX ?
Yves P.

I Didn't Have To Uninstall Capture 4 (nt)


Re: Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?


I am running both on a reasonably old, slow machine. I have not tried to run them at the same time...don't want to tempt the fates.


Re: Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?

I have had both running at the same time (PC). No trouble so far, but I'd hardly call my experience a test. best, mark




95) 2006/07/09 00:46 

I have never tried nikon capture before yesterday.The control point feature I like.Below the same image converted with raw developer and NX.Alot to learn about NX but just the control points will make this a winner.

converted with raw developer:

converted with NX in about 5 min.:




96) 2006/07/09 03:58 
Thoughts on Capture NX with sample (optimized?) workflow

After playing with Capture NX for the past two days, I'd like to share some thoughts with the forum. Take this for what it’s worth - I just saw the program yesterday, like many of you, and I’m still digesting what I’ve learned, but thought this might be useful.

There appear to be two "chunks" of code in the product:

Legacy Nikon Capture code (slow) - maintained for backwards compatibility and quicker product deployment

New NIK code (fast) - added functionality, recoding of legacy components

Most of the legacy Nikon code (i.e., the stuff we used in Nikon Capture) is included in what NX calls “Base Adjustments” (Layer 1 of the Edit List). Some of these adjustments (e.g., Camera and Raw Adjustments) can ONLY be performed in Layer 1 (i.e., with the legacy Nikon code), but the other stuff (e.g., Light & Color Adjustments, Detail Adjustments and Lens Adjustments) has ALSO been recoded and can be done in separate layers using the new / faster NIK code! Breaking out the edits this way can REALLY enhance the performance of the product and helps to address some of the performance concerns I've been reading about (and experiencing myself).

Working with this in-mind, I’ve developed a preliminary workflow that works well for me. Here’s an example:

1. Using the Browser, select a NEF to work with. I chose a flower because I thought it was pretty :-)

Original photo (i.e., as shot):

2. Perform ONLY the Camera and Raw Adjustments necessary using Layer 1 of the Edit List. For this image, I made sure Color Mode was set to “II”, left White Balance “As Shot”, left Tone Compensation “As Shot” (was set to Auto in camera), changed Saturation to “Normal” and turned off Sharpening. I also adjusted Exposure by -0.67, since I had been using Matrix instead of Spot or Center-Weighted and blew the highlights a bit :-(

After Layer 1 adjustments:

3. Start to add layers using the new NIK-added code.

My first step was to crop the image to 8x10 so any future edits would be based on my “final” vision for the photo. Quick tip: double-click on the Crop tool to change from free crop mode to “Fixed Aspect Ratio” to select the 8x10 (or any other) aspect ratio. Also, turn on the grid to help you visualize using rule of thirds (if desired).

Next step, add an LCH layer (a standard adjustment I developed to correct some hue anomalies I’ve noticed with my D200 - only effect on this photo was to move the green a bit).

Next, add an Auto-Levels layer. I use the “Advanced” drop-down to fine-tune this one to turn off the Contrast adjustment and leave only the Colors adjustment enabled. I could take this or leave it, since the effect was not exactly what I wanted - but what’s cool is that with NX, you can go back and adjust the Opacity of ANY layer to get exactly the amount of effect you want! This is like working with layers in Photoshop, but it doesn’t use NEARLY so much memory - NX actually applies these instructions in real time to the underlying image, without having to actually generate the image data into separate (duplicate) layers, which really saves on memory. I left the Color adjustment at 50% but faded the layer Opacity to 50% (since I wasn’t using the Contrast adjustment, I could have just faded the Color adjustment to 25% for the same effect, but thought I might like to go back later and add a little Contrast, so. . .).

Next, I tweaked just the yellow parts of the photo using Color Control points. I selected a representative point on the flower and enhanced Brightness, Saturation, and “Warmth” just a bit (until it looked the way I wanted it!). It is easy to control the scope of the effect using the top slider (the rough equivalent of creating a mask in Photoshop), and you get access to RGB, HSB, etc., for the affected area. I also added a second Color Control point to tame the blown highlight at the top of the flower. Again, I picked a representative col



97) 2006/07/09 04:00 
Next, I tweaked just the yellow parts of the photo using Color Control points. I selected a representative point on the flower and enhanced Brightness, Saturation, and “Warmth” just a bit (until it looked the way I wanted it!). It is easy to control the scope of the effect using the top slider (the rough equivalent of creating a mask in Photoshop), and you get access to RGB, HSB, etc., for the affected area. I also added a second Color Control point to tame the blown highlight at the top of the flower. Again, I picked a representative color, then adjusted the scope of the effect and played with the settings until it looked “right” to me.

With the preliminary adjustments done, I added a USM layer and finished off with a High Pass layer (in Overlay mode) to pick up fine details. I really like how you can control the order in which the Layers are applied and use what you consider to be your optimal workflow.

Final image:

That’s basically it, at least so far (I’m looking forward to digging a bit deeper into the capabilities of the product). This example is not very dramatic, I admit, but I am pleased with the level of control the Edit List / Layers concept gave me and, by breaking out the adjustments into Layers, performance is greatly increased vs. what I saw yesterday. On my PC, this thing really flies, while my Mac Intel still lags a bit behind because the code is not yet optimized for Intel-based Macs - still much faster than Capture 4.x on the same machine.

John Walker




98) 2006/07/10 05:00 
Using NX with JPEGs

I'm finding it easier to make the image adjustments I desire to JPEGs in Capture NX rather than in Nikon Capture or Photoshop Elements.

Back when I first got a D70 I started out shooting in JPEG. After a couple months I switched to NEF and have been shooting NEF ever since (now with a D200). But that left me with some JPEGs I couldn't seem to adjust to my liking.

Here are the NX steps I used to improve the JPEG below.

I straightened the image, which automatically crops in NX, unlike NC.

I used Black / White / Neutral Control Points on the lighthouse to correct the color and overall brightness.

I used two Color Control Points in the sky to darken it and increase saturation.

I used two Color Control Points in the trees to lighten them and increase saturation.

Using Colorize, I painted the darker areas of the lighthouse to select them. Then, I switched the step to Noise Reduction and used a small amount. Then, I linked an Unsharp Mask adjustment to this same step and added some sharpening to the same selected area.

Finally I used Colorize to paint out a small dust spot. This isn't as effective as the Spot Healing Brush in PE, however.







99) 2006/07/10 05:03 
sharpen with NX

Been playing around with capture NX. Wondering how one can sharpen a picture. I can't seem to find it. I must say I like it though. Seems pretty intuitive to me.

In the Menu select Adjust > Focus > Unsharp Mask

or in Base adjustments > Detail Adjustments > Unsharp Mask

or in Base Adjustments > Camera Adjustments > Sharpening

or in Camera Settings > Sharpening (just below File Directory)




100) 2006/07/10 05:07 
NX Color Control Points - Simple Example

In playing around with Control Points, I thought I would share a very simple example of what I did with them.

We'll start with a basic image of my son:

Let's say that I want to (1) brighten up the cap, (2) brighten his face, and (3) desaturate the background. So here goes!

First, click on the "Color Control Point" in the toolbar and click on his hat. You'll see the control point appear.

First, slide the top button to the right/left to adjust the circle of where the adjustments will take place. I made the circle just big enough to cover his entire cap. Now slide the "B" slider to the right (increase Brightness of the hat).

Now click on the "Color Control Point" again and create another control point on his face.

Again, slide the "B" slider to the right to increase brightness.

Lastly, I created about 5-6 more control points on the background, selected the sizes appropriately, and then slid the "S" slider all the way to the left to decrease Saturation.

Final image:

It's not the best final image, (it appears as if I had my background circles a little too big, as I desaturated his face) but it does show some of the basic functionality of control points.

Have fun!!


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