論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 新版的105mm MacroVR對macro攝影很有用



2006/03/22 18:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D2Hs最新拍賣藝廊作品D2Hs規格表
new micro-nikkor 105: VR works well for macro

I have seen skeptical posts on dpreview on the effectiveness of VR for macro shots, in complete contradiction with my own experience with the 80-400VR+Canon 500D close-up in the field.

A french guy had actually the opportunity to try the new AF-S 105 VR, and he posted his impressions on his site (in french) with some examples shot handheld at slow shutter speeds:


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

Another really interesting point is that the AF was really fast with his D2Hs, fast enough in continuous AF-C to compensate for translational (subject to lens) motion !! Wow, if this holds true, I think Nikon has a real winner here :)


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

推薦者: adammfc, cc5, chinphoto, 葉0503, daniel0211, Raywang123, 黑松, ko440301



41) 2006/03/31 23:41 
40) 日本報價 約兩萬七
台灣 香港不知何時報價與到貨

香港已報出官方價 但僅存參考~



42) 2006/04/01 01:05 
(^_^) 期待下星期趕快寄到家。



43) 2006/04/01 08:10 



44) 2006/04/01 12:07 
People with the Nikkor 105VR

I frequently see requests for people shots with the new Nikkor 105VR. Mine arrived a few days ago and I love it. Here are some people shots with me just messing around in the house right after it arrived. These are all handheld, with VR, bounce flash. One thing that takes a bit getting used to is that even when you're at f/8 or f/10, there's not a lot of depth of field if you get close. My first impression is that this is a razor sharp prime with great color and contrast. Here are some goofing around people shots. Be sure to check out the last shot (100% crop of an eye).




45) 2006/04/01 19:34 
New Nikon AF-S VR 105mm F2.8G Macro shot with the Nikon TC-14E I teleconverter attached. No focus problems with the converter.






46) 2006/04/01 19:36 
Nikon Teleconverter TC-14EII !.4X does auto focus with the new 105 VR. Full range close up to infinity:)




47) 2006/04/02 11:09 
D200 and 105 vr f/2.8 macro pics.

Just got this lens on friday and went to the local conservatory saturday afternoon. I'm liking this lens already. Macro and flowers are not my usual shooting preference...but I like what this lens gives me handheld!




48) 2006/04/02 11:15 
First shots with 105mm VR (pics)

I collected my new Nikkor AF-S VR 105mm lens from my favourite dealer yesterday. Typically it was blowing a gale outside today with rain showers, so I collected a few specimens and took some shots indoors with the flash and a black backcloth.

All shots D2X (most shots cropped), AF-S VR 105mm, SB800 flash, on a tripod, manually focused and shot as compressed RAW.




49) 2006/04/02 11:21 
New D200 with 105mm f/2.8 VR

Just got this camera after a very long wait and I am thrilled with it. My shop had the new Macro 105mm VR and so I snapped it up. Here are a few shots with it. They are only here to show that the VR really works.




50) 2006/04/02 18:19 
105VR goes to the nursery

Still playing with my new 105VR. I had to go to the nursery to get some stuf for the yard and I decided I'd take my camera and grab some shots of the flowers and see how well the VR works. My tripod is on order so these were all taken handheld with VR. Shutter speeds range from 1/20th to 1/125th. For reference, I am not very good at slow handheld shots as I sometimes have trouble at 1/60th with my 17-55.

Gallery here: http://jfriend.smugmug.com/gallery/1326864.

And a few examples:




51) 2006/04/02 18:24 
Here's a sample portrait I've shot with my new 105mm VR. I would not hesitate to shoot portraits with this lens along my 85/f1.4. They are both excellent lenses. Shot with my D200 at 1/250, f/3.0 at iso 100 and internal flash fired for fill.




52) 2006/04/03 00:39 
My review of 105 VR Micro-Nikkor

I have tested my new 105 VR Micro-Nikkor for the past five days, having taken and studied a couple hundred pix with the D200 and the D70, indoors and outdoors, “normal” and close-up distances, including tests with a resolving power chart viewed on a monitor at 300% enlargement. In the past I’ve owned and extensively used (and tested) the 60 AF and 105 AF-D Micro Nikkors and have a clear memory of how they worked (and my record of my res tests on them).

This lens is a real winner. It’s as sharp as the other Micros at f:8 and f:16 but is at least one test-step (about 12% more lppm) sharper at f:2.8 than both those lenses, on a D200. I see no evidence of any spherical distortion or chromatic aberration. The auto-focus operation is the fastest of any Nikkor I’ve ever owned or used, including my new 18-200 VR. The manual-focus operation is silky, smoother than the manual operation of any AF lens I’ve ever tested. The VR works as advertised (4-stop improvement in stable shutter speeds hand-held) up to about 1:10 magnification, but (as Nikon warns in the manual) it drops off at close-focus, in my tests to 3 stops at 1:6, 2 stops at 1:4, and 1 stop at 1:2 or 1:1. However most users will put the camera on a tripod at 1:4 or closer so close-focus VR probably isn’t a big issue for most of them. The camera’s AF-assist lamp is useless for close-up work due to the shadow cast at short distances by the rather wide lens, even without (but especially with) the hood attached. However, just use the manual M/A over-ride to fine-tune the focus if you need to. The lens can be used without a hood with the built-in flash at any distance including 1:1; with the hood attached, a shadow is cast with that flash if you’re closer than about 1:3 (roughly 18 inches). You can use an SB-800 on-camera with the lens and hood at any focus distance without any shadowing. With a TC-14EII tele-converter, you lose auto-focus (but not the AF confirmation indicator in the viewfinder) but still have VR, auto-exposure, and I can see no loss of sharpness either in the centre nor in the corners with that particular tele-converter (the only one I own).

Re Ken Rockwell’s unfair recommendation based on some AF problems he experienced at PMA: I am able to replicate the problem he describes, but only in a rather abnormal condition (start the lens at infinity focus, then try to get it to AF on the print on the user manual at very close range in low light at an oblique angle to the page). The AF is so fast, and the depth of field so shallow at that distance, that the lens races past the target, bounces back to infinity or near it, and shuts down. Simple solution: use the manual focus M/A over-ride to start the focusing more-or-less in range to give the lens a decent chance, and the AF will focus. Rockwell’s issue with the lens is, in my experience, a strange tempest in a teapot and based on likely not very much time with the lens at a trade show. Ignore his review of this lens, it’s unworthy both of the lens and of him. This is a very sweet lens with breath-taking performance. I traded in both my 105 AF-D and my 135 f:2 AF-DC to get this lens, and I have no regrets - it’s sharper than both of them wide-open (and sharper than the 135 at most apertures), auto-focuses circles around both of them, and (except for some close-up work, as noted above) you can use it without a tripod in much dimmer light than you’d ever get away with for either of those two lenses.




53) 2006/04/03 00:40 
As much as I'm often amused by Rockwell's "reviews," he really blew it on this one.

I got this lens a couple days ago and just really can't believe how it operates. It's like a dream. Hand-held macro shots at 1/8th second in room lighting with no flash -- who'da thunk? The bokeh is simply delicious. When the month-long tsunami lets up, I can't wait to put some bugs under my new 'microscope.' I'm in heaven.




54) 2006/04/04 14:47 
Nightlife with Nano

I took a few casuals with the AF-S VR 105mm tonight. You can see the rest of them on page 3 of the D200 gallery at http://www.pbase.com/clintthayer




55) 2006/04/04 20:57 






56) 2006/04/06 08:51 

105 2.8 Micro VR (pic)

I picked up a 105 f2.8 VR for my D200 on Saturday. Took a few grab shots on Sunday. This was posted on the D200 forum, but probably fits a little better here. Same image cropped and uncropped.

Critique appreciated. Thanks.




57) 2006/04/06 13:19 
由於 105VR 的口徑由原本 AF105 的 52mm 改成 62mm

而小弟手上剛好有一片 6T 鏡片(原來是AF200mm在用),

這下應該也可以給 105VR 使用吧......



58) 2006/04/06 16:36 
只找到Tamron 90mm + 6T

Tamron 90 + 6T bug macros

thought I would try to get closer to some small bugs so I got myself a 55 to 62 step up ring and attached my Nikon 6T to the Tamron, the working distance is shorter so its only good for bugs that don't spook very easy I went out in the evening when the bugs were slower.

The flys and some of the other bugs are only about 1/8th of an inch long I still cropped a lot to get them to a decent size. All hand held with flash.




59) 2006/04/07 00:49 
Hi C Hing,
Can this 105VR use on F4s?



60) 2006/04/07 01:18 
Hi C Fu,

The AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED is engineered for use with both Nikon DX format digital and 35mm film SLR cameras.


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