論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 新版的105mm MacroVR對macro攝影很有用



2006/03/22 18:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D2Hs最新拍賣藝廊作品D2Hs規格表
new micro-nikkor 105: VR works well for macro

I have seen skeptical posts on dpreview on the effectiveness of VR for macro shots, in complete contradiction with my own experience with the 80-400VR+Canon 500D close-up in the field.

A french guy had actually the opportunity to try the new AF-S 105 VR, and he posted his impressions on his site (in french) with some examples shot handheld at slow shutter speeds:


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

Another really interesting point is that the AF was really fast with his D2Hs, fast enough in continuous AF-C to compensate for translational (subject to lens) motion !! Wow, if this holds true, I think Nikon has a real winner here :)


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

推薦者: adammfc, cc5, chinphoto, 葉0503, daniel0211, Raywang123, 黑松, ko440301



361) 2006/06/12 18:59 
用 AFS-VR105mm macro 及用AFS-VR200mm f2 G IF所拍攝的貓米圖比較之下可見識到F2大光圈的銳利度和105mm VR在f3.3的銳利度.

Alexander Pita 12
FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro ,Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro
1/20s f/3.3 at 105.0mm iso160 with bounce flash full exif


Alexander Pita perched on printer 01.jpg
FujiFilm FinePix S3 Pro ,Nikkor 200 mm f2 G IF AFS VR
1/45s f/2.0 at 200.0mm iso 200 with Flash full exif




362) 2006/06/13 00:42 
Samples 105VR
Posted by   nikonians

Words of wit, yet a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are some 105VR samples.  
智者之言, 一張相片終必勝過一千個字(千言萬語). 這裡有些 105VR的實例




363) 2006/06/13 11:01 
105vr meets a Peace Lily

The 105vr is my first macro lens. So far I am enjoying the macro it
opens a world not normally noticed.

For example the seed pod of a "Peace Lily"

I am still learning how to use and best enjoy this lens.





364) 2006/06/14 00:03 
The 105VR even focuses fast enough...
...to capture action.




365) 2006/06/14 01:48 



366) 2006/06/14 12:34 
Nikon 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor User Report

Serious Flower Power
It's true, it's certainly not for everyone, and I've often said to myself that I don't 'get' macros, but I've found I'm shooting a lot more macros since I'm able to get acceptable results without the aid of a tripod.

My review: http://hackyourtoys.blogspot.com/2006/05/nikon-105mm-f28g-if-ed-af-s-vr-micro.html




367) 2006/06/15 00:03 
Re: 105VR: What do you want to know?

Here's one from my 105 Micro VR. VR off as I was using a tripod and SB-600.




368) 2006/06/15 10:31 
AFS 105mm 2.8 macro _ extension tube(s)

Does anyone know how much closer the common Kenko extension tubes (12mm, 20mm, 36mm) would allow me to focus with my 105mm macro? Either individually or in comination. I basically need to be able to focus about 3 inches closer than the len allows.

I am trying to get my old Nikon ES-1 slide duplicating attachment to work with the new 105 macro lens. It was designed to work with a 50-55mm macro. I would prefer to just extend the slide attachment further off the end of the lens, but I cannot find a simple filter thread type extension tube.

Any input would be appreciated


Re: AFS 105mm 2.8 macro _ extension tube(s)
Have you tried a Nikon T5 or T6 close up lens? It might work.

Re: close up lens
I'd really like to avoid any more glass in the equation

thanks for the quick reply



369) 2006/06/16 00:02 
Always pick experience over equipment.
I would rather travel with a 50 mm 1.8 then stay home with
a 600 f4.

But, I love this 105 mm f2.8 VR macro lens.
A joy to use. The AF-S means you can rotate the focus
ring anytime you want. The VR seems helpful even at
macro distances, and its quite sharp close and far.
I think this is one of Nikon's great lenses.
Keep traveling, but give up smoking and drinking, and get
this lens.


Wally's Baskets, D2X + 105 VR macro + R1C1 flash:




370) 2006/06/16 09:33 
Re: 18-200 VR or 105 Micro VR???

I have both of these lenses and they are a killer pair IMO.

The 18-200VR is just so versatile and the VR makes the long end more manageable and lower light non-moving subjects easier to shoot.

The 105VR is super sharp has the VR and is just plain faster (at infinity) than the 18-200. So I'd say get the 105 VR now (with the right to return of course) and try it out and see how you like it. In another month or two the 18-200 will be far more available.

BTW, the 105VR is bigger and heavier and far better built than the 18-200VR FWIW.




371) 2006/06/16 10:04 


新款AF-S VR 105/2.8G ED(IF)微距镜头俱乐部



372) 2006/06/16 13:47 
AF-S Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 G ED VR

Before and After
Here is a before and after shot of a bad solder joint (crack) found on the






373) 2006/06/16 17:35 
The 105VR even focuses fast enough...
...to capture action.

Ed wrote:
> ...to capture action.

Yup, I have found the focus of the lens to be plenty fast at conventional distances. I think a lot of the issues mentioned regarding the AF of the lens stem from trying to use AF at or very near macro distances, and then focusing on objects at a much greater distance, or vice versa.

For general shooting, the AF-S seems to live up to the hype -- the lens is quick to focus for general shooting, and it does so very quietly.




374) 2006/06/17 00:36 
outstanding macro lens (pic)

I had read that the VR does not work well at close macro distances, but I have found it very useful even when using a 20 mm extension tube
here is a sample of a Venusta Orchard spider, about 1 cm across
I find getting a focus lock using auto & then using the excellent MF ring to fine tune an excellent technique ...I placed the camera on a monopod & the VR clearly helped even with the extension ring

I owned the 105 AF Nikkor Micro and find my new lens easily as sharp & the bokeh much, much nicer
it makes a fine portrait lens as well

I have other samples here -----> http://www.pbase.com/artichoke/fauna&page=5 as well as one full resoolution crop & shooting information if you wish




375) 2006/06/17 14:07 
Nikon 105 VR Lens

What was Ken Rockwell smoking ? This lens does everything from 1:1 to infinity in perfect form, it replaced just about everything in my bag, with the exception of my wides. It's an amazingly sharp lens. But it’s only one focal length – oh my gosh, what’s one to do – move my feet, I’m so confused ?

The bokeh on this lens wide open is just stunning, couple that to low light shooting with the VR II on and you’re putting to shame the 85 1.4 with it’s archaic focusing and rotating front lens.




376) 2006/06/18 00:12 
-->>105VR panning shot<<--

It is quite seldom for me to do panning shot because I don't own a good tripod.

But now with 105VR, it seems to be more easy to achieve acceptable results.

I tried the following shots while waiting for the traffic lights.

D50 + 105VR, handheld, 10-20m away, 1/20sec for motorbike, 1/15sec for bicycle.

Comments are welcome!!

Oops, he is looking at ME.
This one is my favourite. =)

Shoot with RAW




377) 2006/06/18 02:05 
Re: Nikon 105 VR Lens

As a recent owner of the new 105 and a previous owner of the old one the new lens has much better boketh (near perfect), much faster AF, accepts Nikon AF-s converters, being AF-s has instant manual focus over ride, has the latest nano crystal coating, has 4 stops VR, includes a hood in the price, and a price reduction - compared to the old lens it is a "no brainer" - though it is a lot bigger and heavier.

It has 1 inch of focus ring travel between infinity and 1 meter (the main portrait focus range) compared to 1.5 inches on the 85mm f1.8 which makes it a lot more portrait user friendly lens than many macros, though still not as good as a true portrait lens.

It also has 4 stops VR, though Nikon point out (wisely) in the instructions compared to normal hand holding speeds the shutter speed gain does not apply closer than a 2 foot 6 inches wide subject on DX format. Closer than this the extra magnification starts to increase camera shake regardless of VR or no VR so you get 4 stops gain on whatever your close up hand holding speed is rather than 4 stops gain on your safe infinity hand holding speed.

Working distance (front element to subject is similar to the previous 105 but at 1:1 it is under 3 inches with the huge hood in place. Being able to use the "e" converters means you have an option to increase working distance.

It does not have a tripod collar - very useful in macro work on a tripod.

I rate it overall excellent and for portraits much closer to the 85mm f1.4 than 85mm lens owners dreamed might ever be possible.

Stirring the "85mm f1.4" pot many regard the 70-200 and the 105 DC (with the bonus of a soft focus option) as having even better boketh.

Leonard Shepherd
Most modern cameras are capable of taking better pictures than their owners.




378) 2006/06/18 12:09 
-->>105VR panning shot<<--

Re: -->>105VR panning shot<<--
You must be from Singapore (this looks like the Padang).... nice shots



379) 2006/06/18 12:12 
Question if you have a 105mm VR macro & extension tubes

I'm trying to make my old Nikon ES-1 slide dupe attachment work with my new 105 VR macro. I'm wondering if anyone has a set of extension tubes and this lens who is willing to tell me how close they are able to focus with the various extension tubes alone or in combination. Also, if you have the Kenko tubes, do metering and autofocus work?

I need to be able to focus about 2 - 3 inches in front of the lens.

I've tried to use various online 'macro" sites but am not sure that the calculated results are really accurate and would hate to buy a set of extension tubes and find out that they do not work. My other and preferred option is to find an extension tube that scres onto the filter threads. Not sure if anything like that is available - I certainly cannot find anything. Would have to be about 3" long with diameter anywhere from 52mm - 62mm .

I could have tried a set of regular ext tubes at the local (San Luis Obispo, CA) camera store today, but they are so overpriced ($219 before tax versus $159 at BH) I did not take that route. I won't allow myself to use them to check an item out and then order it online. Not illegal, but does not seem ethical to me.

So, if anyone has the lens, the tubes, and the time to do a quick check, or has a lead on a front end/filter thread ext tube, I would certainly appreciate hearing from you.


Re: Question if you have a 105mm VR macro & extension tubes
--You better get this if you like to dupe slides




380) 2006/06/18 18:43 
Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 VR Lens

I was asked if the new 105mm lens had the resolution to show Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial on the back of a penny. Well, judge for yourself:

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