論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > Help !!! Film scan 唔 Sharp !!!

pigpig stone


2002/03/25 16:36
器材: 其他 其他
I'm using Minolta Dimage Scan Dual II.....
But the scanning is not sharp.....
I had try AF and Mf..
but i can't see the 微粒..



21) 2002/03/26 16:04 
I think I know where your problem is after looking at your photo: the contrast is too high.  The scanner (Scan Dual II) has a dynamic range of 3.2 only.  In order to get enough details at the dark part of the photo, the light part has to blew up.... You can do nothing with it because the Minolta scanning software do these things automatically for you.

All you need is to get another scanning software such that you can have full control of the scanning settings.  Get a raw scanning image without processing and then do all the image adjustment by Photoshop.

pigpig stone


22) 2002/03/26 18:25 
the problem also come out when i'm using normal film.
I already take it to repair today.
In fact I just can print out up to 8*10.
I'll scan the film outside if i need 11*14 or larger.

Thanks you.



23) 2002/03/26 21:36 

the problem also come out when i'm using normal film.
I already take it to repair today.
In fact I just can print out up to 8*10.
I'll scan the film outside if i need 11*14 or larger.

Thanks you.

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