論壇主選單 > 器材版 > Nikon 發表Nikon Capture NX



2006/02/21 18:52
器材: Nikon 尼康 D200最新拍賣藝廊作品D200規格表

NEFとは、撮像素子から得られた12ビットRAWデータと、撮影環境情報や画像処理・ 調整情報を1ファイルで扱うニコン独自のファイル形式です。NEFファイルとして保存 した画像に様々な調整を加えても、撮影環境情報に画像処理・調整情報が書き加えら れるだけで、オリジナルデータの画質を劣化させたり、損なったりすることはありません。 NEFファイルは撮影時におけるRAWデータの保存形式であるとともに、TIFF、JPEGに ついては、ファイル形式を維持したままNEFで保存できます。












選択ブラシ、なげなわツール、多角形選択ツール、選択範囲グラデーションツールなどを用いて、ディテールの調整を行います。Capture NXは25種類以上の編集オプションを用意しています。




アンシャープマスク機能を用いてエッジのコントラストを高めます。Capture NXではカラーマネージメント機能が充実しているので、プリンターとのカラーマッチングも容易に設定できます。

推薦者: 泰勒, cyw



141) 2006/07/16 13:32 
NX - what's this Icon?

This Icon show up in the browser and also the title bar of the image window once you've saved the photo back to the NEF file, but I have been able to locate anything describing its purpose.

The only thing that comes to mind is that its an indicator that it is no longer the original NEF from the camera.

Anybody seen a description?

Re: NX - what's this Icon?

I thought that it indicates that the file has been modified in some way from the original (e.g some sort of adjustment has been applied)....but I don't know for sure.

Oh! It appears to be an indicator that it is cached



142) 2006/07/16 13:35 
Pricing for Capture NX (Full & Upgrade)

FYI - A tech. support answer from NikonUSA lists the following:


"Nikon Capture NX:
Released in July 2006.
Estimated street price of $149.95*

A 30-day trial download is now available. Follow the links for Mac and Win versions.

Expected to be available from Nikon Imaging Dealers and The Nikon Mall.

A special limited-time upgrade price of $89.95 will be offered to current owners of Nikon Capture 4 software. This upgrade will only be available on The Nikon Mall.

Registered Nikon Capture 4 owners will be allowed one upgrade per legitimate Nikon Capture 4 product key. The upgrade will require certain customer criteria in order to verify ownership. Customers who have not already registered their version of Capture 4 will receive instructions to do so at The Nikon Mall's website.

*Estimated selling prices listed are only an estimate. Actual prices are set by dealers and are subject to change at any time."


Here's the actual link:




143) 2006/07/17 00:07 
D2Xs first tries with NX

Got my D2Xs yesterday and processed some NEF files with NX. Camera is great. Focus is faster than with my D2X and much faster than my D200. I like the new HSC mode. Here's a sample of a NEF file, converted with NX. NX is fine but still too buggy!! I tried to resize and crop the picture but NX would not save those changes so I had to continue with CS2 or NC 4.4 after the file was saved as JPG.




144) 2006/07/17 12:15 
Increased size of edited NX NEF files

I'm really liking the new U point controls. However, I just worked on a new NEF file from my D70, added about 15 control points, and the resulting NEF file doubled in size from 5+ MB to 10+ MB. I'm wondering what will happen with the even larger compressed NEFs from my D200 (starting out at 10+ MB?) when it gets back from Melville -- file size bloat from control points? What's your experience been -- and is there any way to hold down the size without giving up some of the editing?


Re: Increased size of edited NX NEF files
AviBen wrote:
> I'm really liking the new U point controls. However, I just worked
> on a new NEF file from my D70, added about 15 control points, and
> the resulting NEF file doubled in size from 5+ MB to 10+ MB. I'm
> wondering what will happen with the even larger compressed NEFs
> from my D200 (starting out at 10+ MB?) when it gets back from
> Melville -- file size bloat from control points? What's your
> experience been -- and is there any way to hold down the size
> without giving up some of the editing?
> --

Right now, a full size - fine quality JPEG is being saved in the NEF as well as the extra data, this will probably be fixed in a couple weeks...

All said and done it's still a lot smaller than a 16 bit PSD file with layers. And of course you could save as JPG. Perhaps it will get better as the app is tuned in future releases


Known issue. Hopefully will be fixed soon.
Many have already reported this issue to Nikon. They have acknowledged it and apparently have been passed to the development team as per an email I have received from some "Heinrich B." from Nikon.

This issue was discussed at length here -



145) 2006/07/17 12:34 
basis editing in NX

Where are the tools that permit basic editing of a RAW file? If the histogram shows underexposure of .5 stop, is that correctable in NX? In Capture 4.4, there is an info palate that displays useful information, and there is an Advanced Raw selection box that permits Exp. Compensation.

I have read criticism of the NX product, and now realize it is severely lacking in basis controls and adjustment abilities. Thank you.


Re: basis editing in NX
Open Camera settings on the left side, and or Base Adjustments in Edit List on the Right side. And then take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with the Idea of RTFM.


Re: basis editing in NX
NX has everything NC 4.4 has (for starters), then adds a lot more. You have nothing to worry about except "realiz(ing) it is severely lacking" without ever having looked at the program or read the manual.

John Walker

Re: basis editing in NX
Reading the manual does help! I had the same question as i was going on instincts at first, and my instincts told me to use the tool bars on top. Wrong! The edit menu is really pretty nice. I am sure i can do some customizing, but I also have much more to read in the manual. I am beginning to like NX a lot more. I still wish we could go from photo to photo as fast as in ACR, but NX does some nice things ACR does not do so I will not complain. I hope in time the program will get faster and I am anxiously awaiting View Pro.


Re: basis editing in NX
Hi Larry

I must admit.. I felt the same way about NX UNTIL I actually read the manual... Read it. I think all your questions will be answered..

After some tweeks in the UI NX will be a great package...

Re: basis editing in NX

I found downloading microsoft.net version 2.0 really helps speed (many probably already have this, but for those that have the older version it will help). I would like to see some things done a little faster but this is version 1.0. Reading the manual helps big time and I don't recall Capture before NX having so much documentation, and I am grateful for the manual.


Your In For A Drubbing
Hello Larry. With a statement like this, you've left yourself wide open for a severe drubbing by this crowd. Try "Base Adjustments" at the top of the Edit List (all the way on the right side of the window). All the basic NC 4.4 adjustments are there. This version of NX is still a bit buggy and has a few performance issues, but it clearly goes way beyond NC 4.4's capabilities.

I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own



146) 2006/07/17 12:40 
Example of NX processing

Here's another example of NX processing. First, here's the unprocessed image "before":

Now comes "after" -- and, yes, I know, I overdid it, but it was so much fun! Basic edits were exposure reduction, straightening (so much easier in NX than any other application, with the automatic crop feature), and sharpening. Then came the color control points -- and, wow, this so much more intuitive, precise and easy than anything else has been. Compared to this, adjusting particular colors before NX was like trying to type in mittens. Here's the result:




147) 2006/07/17 12:42 



148) 2006/07/17 13:39 
5. "Highlight Recovery using Color Control Points-- an exam"

Control Points- Highlight Recovery Example
Often times, the dynamic range of a scene can be much more than your digital camera can handle. You are faced with either blown highlights or an under-exposed subject. When shooting a subject with a super-wide lens, it is very easy for a scene to exceed the overall dynamic range of the camera. However, an advantage of shooting in RAW is the ability to do some major highlight recovery. Here’s an example of how I made a very usable image from something challenging using color control points.

I shot the image below using my D2X and Sigma 10-20mm lens 1/125 sec @f/11.

Clearly, the sky has some blown highlights, and the main subject, my dog, is much too dark.

I brought the image into Capture NX. The first thing I decided to do was change the tone compensation to “Low”. I then wanted to recover the highlight detail in the clouds. So, under “Base Adjustments-->RAW Adjustments--> Exposure Compensation, I dialed in -1 EV. Here is the result:

Now the clouds look good, but everything else is much too dark.

I next added two color control points; one on the blue sky and another on the green grass. I adjusted the radius to cover those respective areas and increased the brightness level of each control point. This is what I got:

Now the sky and grass look pretty good, but my dog is still too dark. I could have added another point in the previous edit step, but I chose to add a separate edit step so that the next control point would be independent of the two previous ones.

Now the image is looking pretty good. I made some final overall levels/curves adjustments, applied my standard USM routine (55/5/4) and here is the final image:

I could have tried using D-Lighting, but I found I got more control by working with the color control points. The D-Lighting settings I needed to use tended to wash out the color of the image and create a “flat” look. The color control points allowed me to customize the local contrast and brightness of different areas on my image. Best of all, because the color control points are saved as “edit steps”, the result isn’t “baked in” to my image. If I decide I want to make a change to the way I processed this image, I can easily get back to my original starting point, without losing any data along the way.


推薦者: yawli



149) 2006/07/17 14:58 
推薦者: kuankuoyun2002



150) 2006/07/18 08:18 
How to stop NX from opening jpeg's???????

Somehow I clicked something I shouldn't have when I downloaded the trial, and Capture NX is now the default for opening all images. Can someone tell me how to change that?

I can't seem to find it in the manual or help file.


Right click a JPEG image and select "Open With...."

And then when you select the program you want to open it with, also check on the checkbox that says, "Always use the selected program for this kind of file."


Re: Right click a JPEG image and select "Open With...."

You can also make a change in Folder Options/File Types tab, select Jpeg and then change and select the program you want to use to open Jpeg's.

Personally I use the Windows Pictures & Fax Viewer to display Jpeg's. If I want to edit Jpeg's I use either the Open With right click option or open the program I'm going to use to edit them and select Open from the File menu, then select the images to open. I like the WP&F Viewer becasue it gives me a reference as to how they will look on a website. I find neither PSCS2 or NC 4.4 gives me a true view of the Jpeg's.




151) 2006/07/18 13:31 
Red channel blown, 2mins, NX results, thoughts?

Hi all
The dreaded red channel, blown.
The steps I followed in NX follow in recovering the red.
NB! These with jpg from camera.

First, the original:

Now, the NX'ed ver:

The steps (2 minutes worth)
1. Pressed CTRL+SHIFT+A (shortcut key for U-point) - PC
2. Placed point where you see it, with the RGB option selected.
3. Set SHOW SELECTION to see which parts will be affected.
5. Dragged R slider towards left to reduce RED only.

A live preview of how blown the red channel is with R selection being set.

Repeated steps above on next blown petal(s)

What impresses me no end is the intelligence behind the U-point selection, and which area(s) it chooses to select for you to work on.

Adding to or subtracting from the selection is just as easy as selecting.

Select the brush + or _ option, right click with brush active, select brush size, opacity, and paint in or away what you dont want to be selected.

Hope this can help someone

Re: Red channel blown, 2mins, NX results, thoughts?

Hey Kevin,

Although you working with the software did a fine job to repair the blown out red channel, there is still some data that is missing. On the truly blown out parts there is no texture to the flower. It is just red. I was surprised that no one had chosen to mention this to you. I assumed that this is what you were looking for since you posted the question of any more comments. It is a very nice redo but it has not been brought back to the perfect picture. Here is the areas I am talking about.

Keep taking those shots. Most of them are glorious. Every once in a while you need to screw up, just shows your human side. Good day.

Leo G

not blown leo

Leo G wrote:
> Hey Kevin,
hi there
long time to speak :)
> Although you working with the software did a fine job to repair the
> blown out red channel, there is still some data that is missing.
> On the truly blown out parts there is no texture to the flower. It
> is just red.
i go with the theory that webhosting lost the info.

hopefully this one will show the detail, visible down to the almost last pixel :)

dropped brightness, upped contrast on this 100% crop to show the availability of the data left behind.




152) 2006/07/18 14:14 
NX for dummies - background color change tutorial

Hi all

NX for dummies - people like me, that dont want to get caught up in layers and masks and what have you's :)

Normal shot, background objectionable:

After resizing, and checking for B/W points;
added 1 u-point
adjusted B(brightness) C(Contrast) S(Saturation) all the way down.
right click that u-point.
select duplicate control point
dragged the new duplicate to where seen on the left
repeated for one more point (not visible, below the edit list)

Next, you can work with multiple u-points by shift clicking or ctrl cliking in the edit list

ALL the sliders of the various u-points then move together, eg, B for all, so you dont have to select a u-point, then the next, etc ..

That's it! Background color modified!
Next up, sharpen;

Zoomed in to show hte effect of these sharpening parameters.
Notice how evident the outline sharpness is?
On top, the little brush, click that, then the minus (-) next to it.
This Subtracts from the sharpness you have applied.
Paint over the areas you want to unsharpen (use [ or ] for brush size)
Here is your "mask" of the unsharpened areas;
Press CTRL-Shift-A to get back to u-point.
Right click anywhere, then show selection

How the mask looks

and the final product;

All of 3 mins worth of work.
Now, THIS I can understand :)
Hope someone finds favor in this tutorial.



153) 2006/07/18 18:22 
Tutorial裡有一條,在Browser裡選好相片,再點Save as...,就可批次存成JPEG檔。
不過我的電腦存十幾張可以,存多一點,NC NX似乎是在預處理NEF,就完全停住了,感覺有點笨,不會先queue住檔名就好了,這樣根本沒實用價值。



154) 2006/07/19 01:00 
NX tut: Sharpening Selectively

Hi all

this is a quick take on the sharpening abilities of NX, with a very basic workflow process.

First, the original, your everyday prancing zebra shot ... you know, the one which everyone has lying around on their hdd? :)

At any point when you are ready to sharpen, the steps I follow are;
1.1 Click NEW STEP (bott right)
1.3 Select FOCUS

This opens the UNSHARP MASK dialog with it's parameters.
I have applied 100 / 2 / 5 to start with.

Here (while the USM tool is active) I have zoomed in by pressing (Z) and dragging a zoom box around the hind quarter to demonstrate the USM in progress.

Have a look at the grass to the left of the (everyone has one lying one their hdd zebra pic) and notice the effect of the USM.

Check the stripes on the hind leg too.
Very obvious USM applied.

FURTHER, the USM is applied to the ENTIRE pic, not just a selection. Makes sense so far ...

>>> However! I only want to apply USM to the prancing zebra and the areas which make photographic sense, ie, very close to him (or is it her?) hmmm... <<<

We all know sharpening trees / branches etc really show the effects of USM, so we want to stay away from sharpening there. (Well, I think so at least eh?) ;)

The magic of the NX "mask" / selection process kicks in now.

Still with the USM tool active, press (B) which gives you the Brush tool (sorry, screenshot did not want to include the brush shape here) but its just a circle cursor, with a + or - to indicate, well, + or - USM to apply.

Paint away any unsavoury looking USM applied by left clicking and dragging over areas of the image you want to be left alone (IOW, no USM applied to those areas)


If you feel you have removed USM where you wanted to have it in the first place, simply swap your brush by pressing the inverse key (+ or -) depending on which one you have active then, and paint the USM back onto your pic. Neat!

TIP: At any point you can click the (Z) tool to zoom out and see your results. Click (Z), right click and select 100% zoom.

In the above, I have REMOVED USM by painting over the image (all this, without a mask or selection tool, besides a loose brush, applied anywhere)

Notice, to the left of the hind leg, under the belly, is where I have removed USM. The grass and background and other areas are all still with WIP USM applied.

Here, I am revealing the "mask" that NX has created by using the B tool

Notice how undefined the edges are, how loosely the mask can be applied by painting away / back the tool in use ?

The bright red between the legs is because of reducing the brush size (while B is active, press + or -) to change size.

Further, still with B active, you can right click, and the Brush dialog opens, giving you the ability to change the opacity, hardness, size of the brush on the fly.

When done adding / removing selective USM, click OK on the USM dialog box, and you're done.

Lastly (and only for reasons known only to myself, LOL) I have applied the gaussian blur step (hey, I need to play too eh?) , which once more, applies to the WHOLE image by default.

I then repeat steps above for removing blur from the zebra only (B minus) and painting, very loosely, adjusting B size and opacity for effect.

That's it.
USM and Blur applied, using the loose brush selection.

There are other methods to achieving this too, eg. selecting ONLY the zebra, and working on that, this doesn't cover those options.

Hope someone can use this, and it's straightforward enough in it's presentation.
Hope the pics are presentable, if not, just resize them till they look good :)

Should there be any Q. comments etc, shout please.



155) 2006/07/24 12:00 
BRAVO! NX Saves portraits

Some may remember a wedding I did a while back.

Shots were destined for the recycle bin, and having installed NX decided to give them another run.

Your thoughts pls?


U-points (Control points) in action:

Note the other edits in the edit list too. USM etc.


Another rework:

Similar step followed to above.

Original Group:

Group rework:

Really impressed with it's capabilities, sorry that the shots are'nt that good.

Now, if that new model has "magic comp" built into it ;)
.photoholic. - incurable -
some pics: http://www.rootminus1.com/freepics/index.php?cat=10032




156) 2006/07/24 12:01 
Nice try Kevin...

But it still could look a lot better. A lot of haze and it still looks a bit muddy. Here is my try with PSP 8.1. I used a few techniques and did layering. Took about 10-12 minutes. I'm sure the guys with CS could put my try to shame.

My try

Orig retouch

Leo G




157) 2006/07/24 18:42 
NX vs CS2 vs NC4.....my conclusion

I've been testing my head off since NX was released and this is what I find. For the photographer shooting RAW, there seems to be no doubt that either NC or NX are superior in result to CS2. Colors are easier to get right and just better overall. The only advantage CS2 has is speed.

On the other hand, if you shoot JPG then CS2 is a clear winner. With its superior shadow/highlight and other tools it allows much more manipulation than NX. Speedwise there is no contest.

Also, if you shoot raw and use NX you will still find yourself re-opening in CS to do the final tweeks and manipulations that NX can't do.

Conclusion: Shoot JPG and edit with CS2 unless you have lots of time on your hands then you will find yourself opening in NX and finishing up in CS.

Aside: RAW does NOT save a poor exposure, and a good exposure is equally good in either raw or jpg.



158) 2006/07/26 09:12 



159) 2006/08/01 00:03 



160) 2006/08/02 00:54 
Nikon NX upgraded user manual

Available since the 28th, the manual has been upgraded (noticed graphic updates on pages 10 and 12). I assume that there are other updates.


推薦者: yawli
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