論壇主選單 > 器材版 > Nikon 發表Nikon Capture NX



2006/02/21 18:52
器材: Nikon 尼康 D200最新拍賣藝廊作品D200規格表

NEFとは、撮像素子から得られた12ビットRAWデータと、撮影環境情報や画像処理・ 調整情報を1ファイルで扱うニコン独自のファイル形式です。NEFファイルとして保存 した画像に様々な調整を加えても、撮影環境情報に画像処理・調整情報が書き加えら れるだけで、オリジナルデータの画質を劣化させたり、損なったりすることはありません。 NEFファイルは撮影時におけるRAWデータの保存形式であるとともに、TIFF、JPEGに ついては、ファイル形式を維持したままNEFで保存できます。












選択ブラシ、なげなわツール、多角形選択ツール、選択範囲グラデーションツールなどを用いて、ディテールの調整を行います。Capture NXは25種類以上の編集オプションを用意しています。




アンシャープマスク機能を用いてエッジのコントラストを高めます。Capture NXではカラーマネージメント機能が充実しているので、プリンターとのカラーマッチングも容易に設定できます。

推薦者: 泰勒, cyw



101) 2006/07/10 06:40 
還只是Beta版, 轉出檔案超慢的




102) 2006/07/10 11:41 

Nikon Capture NX 1.0 Full Version/Trial - Windows
Nikon Capture NX 1.0 Full Version/Trial - Macintosh



103) 2006/07/10 12:04 
audiofan兄提供這兩個連結和之前的版本有什麼不同嗎?(Full Version/Trial vs Beta版@@)
Sorry 沒有細看內容只想知道該換掉NC4.4了沒...



104) 2006/07/10 12:15 


I just loaded a NEF from a family picture I took last week...did all my same settings (took me a little bit to find them). Saved as JPG with max quality..


It only took about 5 seconds to save the file, where Capture 4.4 took at least 15 or 20 seconds to save...

Image quality is a little better also for my same workflow...

Looks like a great program. Can't wait to figure out all of the features...

Now on to the real job...




105) 2006/07/10 12:19 
I downloaded this last night, and played with it about an hour before work today. My initial reaction is ... huh? The interface is less apparent to me than NC 4, and it runs extremely slow on my 2 year old Mac.

Besides the lack of speed, and my understanding of the interface, I also could not find a way to widen the File Browser window so I could see the names of all my files, nor could I see the whole names of files and folders in the folder view window.

I gotta say though, some of the controls are slick! I suspect this free trial version is really the beta.

I'll keep working on it til I can process a picture though.
Chris Heilman




106) 2006/07/10 12:20 
Me, for one. The control points are so crudely implemented that fine adjustments are impossible, the grouping of functions is non-intuitive, The highlite slider in the D-Lite control still does nothing, just like it has in every previous version. Very, very klutzy. I can't see spending any money on this one as I would most likely just use it for dematrixing, sending the file to PS for serious work. I can do that just fine with 4.4.

It's every bit as bad as I expected, having had a long and grim history of dealing with Nikon's inability to write decent code.




107) 2006/07/10 12:21 
Wow, what a disparity of opinions! It took me about an hour to get somewhat comfortable with it, and find all my typical adjustments that I used in NC 4.4. On my system it is faster than 4.4, but 4.4 was fast anyway. The control points are very cool and in my opinion, NX is a good strong move forward from 4.4... (I'm running a two, dual core processor 64 bit Opteron system with 4gig or ram).




108) 2006/07/10 12:22 
I am running dual Xeon 2.6 GHz, 4 GB, and it is SLOW. It does not seem to take advantage of multiple CPUs.




109) 2006/07/10 12:23 
Bad things I see are:
Can't figure out how to pin the tool palettes to their locations and size - they keep minimizing and disappearing on their own - a real pain when using 2 monitor setup - in NC4, I had all tool bars on the side monitor and image / main window on the main monitor.
Browser window is special pain - I'd like to have it on side monitor sized so I see a good number of thumbnails. Doing just about anything, resizes it. To top it off, the browser does not include a decent preview window - only thumbnail view.
Much more memory hungry than NC4 so, it runs slower on my older machine than NC4 does
The interface is NOT intuitive.

Unsure of:
Is there a magic wand or, does one have to manually, very carefully select the areas? There is distortion correction but only for very general barrel / pincushion. No keystonning correction?
A simple channel swapping (to do false colour IR) still not possible?

Good things:
Control points
Operations list
Andrew Kalinowski




110) 2006/07/10 12:24 
I get excited about learning new things including software. I couldn't wait to try it. I woke up at 5 am this morning and worked with NX for four straight hours.

Final analysis: I'm uninstalling it and keeping NC 4.4 until a new version of NX comes out.

My reasons include some of those those already mentioned.

I. cannot lock the tools pallettes in position
a. the small arrow in each tool pallete will reposition it to the original location, but i keep moving it when trying to select a tool.

II. no preview in the browser

III. Histogram window is too small and cannot be resized.

IV. Changing WB is faster in 4.4
a. this is on a G5 2.5 ghz Quad with 2.5 gb ram

V. The color control point is a great idea, but I don't always need a circle
a. It would be more useful if it could be used with a selection tool like the lasso

VI. No icon (that i could see) to open the file in Photoshop

just my opinion, Greg
Yours in the Cafe' Brotherhood,



111) 2006/07/10 12:28 
I agree, NX is very slow. CS2 runs VERY fast with many photo's open at the same time on my PC. I know I dont have a slow machine.


I have to disagree a bit here. NX is working much faster for me than Capture. The download was also quite simple and speedy. I like it so far!




112) 2006/07/10 12:32 
Done. Thanks for posting the contact. My post hasn't shown up yet, and given my experience with their somewhat "rigorous" rules, perhaps I inadvertently violated one.

I included the following:

"First, an introduction: I'm new here. I am a wildlife and landscape photographer, and a long time Nikon user in Maryland, USA, with D2X, D2H, Capture 4.4, PS CS2, Aperture, Macintosh G5 Dual 2 gHz, 4 gb RAM, 1.5 tb storage, and a 30" ACD with ATI Radeon 9600 Pro (256 mb VRAM).

"I installed NX yesterday and have used it only for an hour or so, but so far, I have the following observations -

1. It opens quickly but rendering time is long.

2. The tool palettes are much too small and the sizes are unadjustable.

3. The Capture 4.4 curves histogram is a key part of my workflow. I make fine adjustmenets with it and can do so quickly because it's large and detailed and allows me to do that. It's excellent and can't be found in any other application that I've seen. That now includes NX. The curves histogram in NX is much too small to be useful, and unless it can be larger and function as well as 4.4, I probably won't upgrade. In 4.4, I can go from load file, through processing, to print in two minutes or less. It will take much longer with NX because of the curves histogram; it simply lacks the fine control that 4.4 provides.

4. The tool palettes that constantly disappear are a real aggravation in NX. In 4.4, I keep about five open all the time and so can readily see what I've done and not done.

5. I'm unable to find a preview pane in the browser, only thumbnails. It needs a preview pane.

6. The browser thumbnails should include the file names. (!)

6. I like the control point idea, but it would be greatly improved with a magic wand or lasso sort of option so that a custom selection could be used.

7. No link to open a processed file in PS for post processing."

Ched, good points there and I agree with you on most of them.

Did you see Open With... in the File menu? It will send the current image from NX to whatever application you set up in the preferences. Or is this not what you meant in point 7?


Have you tried the zoom tool over an imagine in the browser, it does inlarge that image.

Also if you select camera info it will show all the details of the image highlighted in the browser.

Very different than Capture 4.4 for sure.




113) 2006/07/10 12:33 
Originally Posted by ddietiker
I agree, NX is very slow. CS2 runs VERY fast with many photo's open at the same time on my PC. I know I don't have a slow machine.

I have to agree. I've got dual-core Pentium @3.72 GHz, Tons of RAID disk space and 3 gig of RAM and NX all but gags it.
OTH PSCS flys and NC runs at a bearable pace.

The interface is also driving me batty. Why did the wheel need to be re-invented or is this just a Mac interface ported to a PC app?

Those color control points, while being painfully slow on D2x NEFs, don't seem to be working as advertised.
They're affecting surrounding areas that are way different than the intended selection.
I expected to be able to click on a patch of grass and have all the adjacent grass selected for the CCP, instead a circle gets selected and I have to use several CCPs to do all the (adjacent mind you) grass.

The Curves control is way too small (hint: make stuff like this user scalable).

So far this is making Bibble look both very polished and a better alternative.

I've got my fingers crossed that I'll get the hang of it and it will start making sense, but so far it is clunky.


I went and tried a D200 file, only slightly smaller than D2x, but smaller.
Good news CCPs worked better - I think because I was using them on vague regions rather than clearly defined.
Band news - I decided to time a few operations.
Save NEF - 30 seconds!!! (save same as JPG - after NEF save - almost instant)
Switch from fit to window to 100% - 20 seconds!
Back to fit to window - 8 seconds!
White balance settings on / off - 9 seconds to display the change!

Task Manager shows no other processes using CPU time.

Worked on a couple more files with less editing and zooms, saves etc: were much faster.
Tried CCPs again and they were more friendly. Odd how they can understand sky much better than lawns.
My hope is increasing.




114) 2006/07/10 12:37 
Nikon Capture NX: Strange New Worlds of Editing! *Images Added*


Added post with pics and walkthrough of what I did further down the thread
Hi all!

Well true to form I was one of the first to download NX- I even downloaded the japanese version but decided not to install. I skipped the euro download instead preferring to get the USA version right when it came out to avoid the overloaded european server.

a few minutes later I was running Nikon Capture NX on my Macbook Pro. And what a treat it is!

I had some pretty high expectations coming in to this program- and so far I don't think i've been disappointed.

Speedwise i'm running it on an intel mac via Rosetta, so it is not running natively. Still, it runs faster than 4.4 at about everything, including NR, opening, and so on.

Control points are truly neat- you can select from several quick selections to have when you click the point aside from sizing it, or you can have all of them- there are quite a few. Menus are straightforward, and I absolutely love the easy to use "Edit List". At any time you can just click the step you want, delete it, revert to it, or click the little arrow and modify the settings and opacity you used in it independently.

Opacity adjustment is really nice- kind of like working in layers only simpler. It helps when you want to partially desaturate something. I'll be posting a sample shot and giving you all my step by step.

One of the best features IMHO is the +/- option- you can select the brush, lasso, marquee, etc. and use them to add or remove the effect you selected in a given area. right-clicking when the brush is selected accesses the brush options box. Using a + marquee lets you select an area and when you use the brush, it only affects that area- basically you're masking off everything else with painter's tape . Right click with the marquee tool to change its edge hardness.

I did find one thing a bit confusing, and that is that the RAW adjustments are part of the left-side "camera settings" tab- part of the Nikon Browser that you can instantly open up just by pressing the little +. I think this is supposed to be for convenience and speed, and in time I may find this to be the case.

EDIT: I just found you can also access them in the "Base Adjustments" section of the edit list, but one part at a time, as in separate ones for exposure comp, color mode, etc.

What could be better? It could have been Universal Binary- the MacTels like mine run 4-5x faster than the best Powerbook did when each runs a native application, but it runs about the same as a PB G4 1.5-1.67 when using a power-PC only app. Nikon really should have had this universal at release, but NIK dropped the ball I suppose. Still, it is perfectly usable for me.
What else could be better? I liked the camera settings thing to be at the top not the side.

Overall i'm extremely pleased with the software- my next post will have an image for you all to enjoy.



115) 2006/07/10 13:02 




116) 2006/07/10 13:02 
Originally Posted by Steve S
Thanks Harrison for at least showing where the h@ll the raw adjustments were. I initially thought that this was no substitute for NC, but maybe not.

What I do think is that it's going to take the average, or like me, below average user, a long, long time to master this inteface.  That said, I will add that I absolutely hate learning new software!

Download the manual, it looks pretty comprehensive.
Bill Dewey

Well, I got it downloaded, but now the PDF download for the Manual is stuck on page 225 (of 234).


Where is the PDF manual?

I only manage to find a marketing brochure which is good enough for me to establish a workflow with NX. http://nikonimaging.com/global/produ...Xcatalog_e.pdf

All the NC options are there, mostly in the Base Adjustment.

But one must go beyond those NC functions. NX is much more powerful than NC, the control points, the selection gradient, and more. Plust many of these functions have built-in overlay/opacity options.

In a way it does in a simpler and fewer steps than Photoshop which requires more complicated layering and masking. Just by playing with NX for two hours, I'd say NX does 80% or more of PS digital photography post-processing whereas before Nikon Capture is just a RAW converter like ACR.

I will need to spend more time to evaluate the tool to decide if I can completely do away with PS for most of my post-processing.

Here is a before/after comparision and a screen snapshot of the steps. It took me an hour for this "quick" fix as I wasn't familar with the tool. I'd say it shouldn't take more ten minutes once I become efficient with the program.




117) 2006/07/10 13:13 
Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?

Did you have to uninstall NC 4.4 before installing NX ?
Yves P.

I Didn't Have To Uninstall Capture 4 (nt)


Re: Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?


I am running both on a reasonably old, slow machine. I have not tried to run them at the same time...don't want to tempt the fates.


Re: Can you run NX and NC 4.4 side by side ?

I have had both running at the same time (PC). No trouble so far, but I'd hardly call my experience a test. best, mark





118) 2006/07/10 13:17 
Captain's Log... (lots of photos)


Well, i've been working on this conversion as a learning experience as well as a serious conversion, while chatting with several people and posting continuously, so it took me a while- like 2 hours while...but I had most of it done after a very short time, the rest was just going back and checking it over, writing this up, uploading to web, saving other versions, realizing i'd forgotten to check the resize box before resaving, going back and resaving the resaves, etc.

In this case I did the edited version first, then unchecked all the little boxes except size/resolution (resize for easy post to web) so it would revert to the original version.
I will say now that at the last minute I remembered I forgot to apply USM...but I don't think it really needs that.

So, I've got a little bit of a step by step here. I'll show you some intermediate versions since I didn't take screenshots. It is really easy to give someone the step by step on this- you do the whole thing then just click the check marks

A Photo in the Making
Wednesday afternoon, it was getting a bit cloudy and I wanted to go shoot. I took my sorely underused pair (D200+200 f/2) outside with me on a monopod and slung the HS and 70-200 over my shoulder. It stayed there- the 200/2 saw all the use.
This is one photo from my little journey, of one of the Jackfruits on my father's biggest jackfruit tree. Shot in Raw on the D200.
Its vital statistics at creation:
Nikon D200, ISO 800 1/160 sec. f/2.8 with 200mm f/2.0G VR.

This is basically how it looked out of the camera.

not terrible but a little PP would make that look a fair bit nicer.

Enter capture NX. I admit, I waited to do this batch until I got NX

I got the idea to do a bit of boosting the greens on part of the image but I felt that doing so would overpower the fruit and tree too much because the original background was so close in color.

NX to the Rescue. I start by sizing a control point to fit the fruit. This is really easy to do. Another thing I did was in the control point dialogue box, hit view selection. This changes you to a black and white view that shows you by the bright areas just what the control point is affecting.

here is a screenshot of the control point with all options enabled and in view selection mode.

After checking where it would apply, which is very intelligent in its choice of how much to apply even when the radius spills over, I then added my desired changes: Hue +10 degrees, Saturation +34%, -4 brightness and +12 contrast.

Then I added a little bit of Noise Reduction- but I did so Selectively. There was already a tiny bit applied in the base settings, but I applied a bit more because it was a bit aggressive in the shadows near the bottom of the fruit. It was already supposed to be out of focus, so a bit of softness didn't matter. I started by applying it over the whole image. I then used a large diameter minus brush while NR was selected to remove NR from the whole fruit and its stalk, the leaf above it, and part of the tree that was well exposed. This let me get it done very quickly. By going to view> show selection you get a representation of the areas you selected to remove it from in red on the white background. This lets you quickly check if you covered everything.
Then I took the plus lasso, which restricts whatever you do to inside the lasso, and whipped it around the bottom/right part of the fruit where it drops off into the shadows and the noise was building up, and used the plus brush to add the NR back in in those sections.

NR by the way if overdone doesn't look super good, but if you do it in the right amounts it is perfect. NR On-Low with the D200 auto applied gave me luminance only, grainlike noise only in the worst areas.

So here was the result after the Color Control Point an



119) 2006/07/10 13:20 
Looking better so far.

Next step was to simply play with the curves a bit: mostly dropping the darker end down under the baseline and nudging the area just past the midpoint the tiniest bit up.

After the curves:

Finally all that remained was the selective color partial black and white conversion....yeah like that'll be easy (NOT!), especially since I want my background to be toned down but not all the way B&W.  

Actually it was more than just easy, it was downright insultingly easy!
There are at least two ways I can think of to do this, but the way I used was described in the preview of NX that was linked here a few weeks ago. What you do is you go to Filter-> Black and White conversion. This converts the whole image to B&W. You can apply filters- I didn't bother changing it from defaults this time around. You then adjust the opacity of the B&W conversion- normally it is 100% so it covers the whole thing. I put it to 65% opacity. Then you do something like I did with NR. You take the minus brush, size it appropriately (with hardness at a minimum so it doesn't look weird) and go over the areas you want to have color. I started out with the huge brush, and moved to a smaller one at high magnification for the edge work. Whenever I accidentally went out of bounds, I just took the plus brush and added the conversion back in. You could theoretically lasso the whole image area you wanted like that and applied the brush but that would have been kind of difficult and time consuming. I would think it might be possible to use the lasso/marquee tool to keep the B&W from affecting the area in the first place but again, i don't draw straight lines with my mouse

Then I just saved as JPEG and here is the final product:

Hope you all enjoyed this supplement to my Capture NX ruminations thread and liked the image as well! let me know what you think.




120) 2006/07/10 13:23 
I kinda like it. UGLY UI, what is with the widgets? That is like 4 steps backward. I am spoilt by the speed of bibble pro, and this thing is SLOW compared to that, but many steps ahead as compared to capture 4.4.

I LOVE control points. Just a quick test, I went from here


to here


in about 3 mins with one control point. This would have taken about 20 mins with my crippled photoshop skills.

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