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2005/10/10 07:49
器材: Nikon 尼康 D70最新拍賣藝廊作品D70規格表
Photoshop CS3 details emerge, two new Adobe apps set for release

Adobe is exploring offering two versions of Photoshop CS3, a Standard version and a Premium version. According to one plan under consideration, some principle new features, such as Camera Raw 4, would be available to both versions, while other functionality, such as Vanishing Point 2, would be available with more advanced options in the Premium version. Still other features, such as rotoscoping that was introduced in CS2, would be moved exclusively to the Premium package.

Sources have also disclosed that Photoshop CS3 will include significant improvements to non-destructive image editing and that the software is prepped to receive a rather significant interface overhaul that will better organize tools and options. Tablet users will be pleased to learn that Photoshop CS3 will adopt a number of features Corel currently packs into Painter, including an easily rotatable canvas designed to mimic drawing on paper. Vanishing Point 2 will also improve Photoshop's perspective-based editing, introduced in CS2, by allowing objects to wrap around multiple surfaces, measure distances, and export to CAD applications. Photoshop CS3 will also deliver significant performance improvements to Camera Raw and include new measurement and scale tools.




1) 2005/10/10 09:34 
Is it possible update from CS2 to CS3 or is it entire code different ?

推薦者: ml1931js
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