論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > The nikon camera F4s



2002/01/17 21:10
器材: 其他 其他
hi everyone,
i like to use the manual camera therfore i have the F2a and FM2, but recently  i have bought the nikon F4s from my uncle in a very good price. And i find that there is a very litte web site talk about this camera. As i konw that this is a professional camera, but it seems only a few people like to use. When compare with the nikon F5, is it really the F5 much better than the F4?
In my opinion, i would like to prefer the F4 as the design of camera look more tradition in the nikon series , e.g no LCD monitior otherwise, similar to the Canon. This is only my opinion, I want to listen to others on the comment on the Nikon F4s



1) 2002/01/18 00:49 
I don't have F4s, but I learn from the opinions from some of the professionals via the oversea Nikon user groups that:

F4 is the best manual camera Nikon made, because it is the only camera that offer matrix metering in nikon manual lens

it built like a tank, like an F5

it is better than F5 in that F4 can remove the large vertical hand grip while with F5 you cannot

its AF speed is acceptable especially with AF-S lens

it is a truly Nikon professional camera

So welcome you to join the Nikon professional world

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