論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > never go to wingshing again!



2004/01/20 22:43
器材: 其他 其他
This is my personal experience today!

Today, I left the office and went to WingShing to have a look.  Suddenly I saw a couple who were interested in T3.  Being a fans of T3, I talked with them and told them the pros and cons of this camera.  At that time, the husband was trying to see through the viewfinder of the black version of T3.  Then I told him, if he didn"t mind the colour, he shall buy the silver one because it was cheaper.  Since there was no display of the silver version, the husband asked the staff to take him a silver version for him to have a look of the colour.  

After a minute, the staff came out with a new set of silver version of T3.  He open the package and give it to the husband to have a look.  Then the husband asked the staff to teach him how to switch on the camera because he was totally new to cameras.  The staff replied him, "Do you want to buy it? If yes, then I insert the battery and test it for you".  The husband said, "Of course I have interest in it , but I wanna see how to use this camera.  If I find it difficult to use, then I may not buy it."

我忍不住出聲.  I told to the staff, "You can teach him how to use the camera by using the display black version if you are afraid that you would scratch the new silver camera."  But the staff didn"t reply me.  He just insisted that if he didn"t want to buy, then he won"t test it.........

At late the couple left the staff with full of anger!

Although I was not the buyer, I was also full of anger!

後記: I will never go to wingshing to buy cameras!  I will not recommend others to go to wingshing to buy cameras!  I will ask the people who are buying cameras at wingshing to go away!



61) 2004/01/24 23:54 
The news mentioned that ".....無禮貌,無耐心講解....."



62) 2004/01/25 00:10 
it should be "The Cranberries"
wake up & smell your coffee, ha ha

法拉利 (新仔)


63) 2004/01/25 03:30 
The owner of that shops doesn"t mind the presence of rubbish sales, cos he"s continusouly gaining profit every min.
Therefore, the rubbish sales keep their disgusting manner w/o fearing of being fired.
Let"s vote by foot la! Although everything won"t be changed, I would spend my little $ to support those good shops~~ eg 美麗華, 照相館, ect.



64) 2004/01/25 07:38 
>One of the news is saying that the service attitude of many HK shops is poor. HaHa!




65) 2004/01/25 11:46 
The service of both Wing Shing and Man Shing is not really good but I find that they are improving. For me, I will go there if possible at weekdays around 11am, when they are not busy, they are more willing to share more with me. Also, I prefer going to WingShing and to find "Brother Hong", he is compratively nicer.



66) 2004/01/25 11:53 



67) 2004/01/26 20:48 
Yes, vote by foot! that"s why I would like to share my experience here.

Brother Hong works in Manshing, not Wingshing



68) 2004/01/26 23:27 
<never go to wingshing again!>

I would rather prefer "Go to WingShing ...... but never buy ! "



69) 2004/01/27 00:15 

go to wingshing to ask the people out......haha



70) 2004/01/27 00:25 
"go to wingshing to ask the people out"

Then tell them go to "Chong Shing" haha...



71) 2004/01/30 08:04 
Here in Canada, the service is really good. Most stores actually provide camers for testing except some expensive models like 1Ds, Kodak 14N...etc. Also, even they know you don"t buy any stuff, the sales still like to talk to you and help you to solve your problem. One store, Vistek, is my favorite because it is big and comprehensive. They usually print out superB size image from different DSLRs. If you don"t have money, you can rent the equipment. I think it is totally different compared to HK stores. However, you pay what you get. Hk stores sell cameras very very low price.

The luminous landscape mention about Vistek before.



72) 2004/01/30 12:10 
"However, you pay what you get. Hk stores sell cameras very very low price."

The cost we pay (C) = price of the item (P) + service charge (S)...

In HK, C is low, but P remains unchanged, so S is low......haha!



73) 2004/01/30 19:08 
In HK, C is low, but P remains unchanged, so S is low......haha!

美麗華同照相館C is low, P remains unchanged, S is still good wor~

Francis Poon


74) 2004/01/30 22:49 
In my experience, both Wing Shing and Man Shing service is above average and Man Shing is very good.

I can"t comment if you feel bad about their service since I haven"t encounter any. I also saw one guy asked for AFD 105 2.8 macro lens and after he examined 3 lens, he said he was not satisfied with them and uncle Tsuen of Wing Shing just said it didn"t matter, please came later.

We can"t judge the whole shop just due to someone"s report as we don"t know what happened actually.

If you feel good, then go for it.
If you feel bad, just don"t go there.
You may report your bad experience here.
People could judge by their own experience.



75) 2004/01/31 01:21 
"We can"t judge the whole shop just due to someone"s report as we don"t know what happened actually."

May I have the chance to explain to you if you find unclear about the story?

I admit that I could not reflect the 100% fact by words here, but I would try my best to describe the situation.





76) 2004/01/31 08:13 
Did someone being "呃" in your case?
Did Wing Shing/Man Shing 呃 anyone in your case?

Do you think that you are responsbile as well for the result?



77) 2004/01/31 11:53 
To mickey_mouse:

"Did someone being "呃" in your case?

Certainly!  The PK didn"t tell to the couples that the normal version is cheaper than the special version.

"Did Wing Shing/Man Shing 呃 anyone in your case?"

Please note that I have never said that manshing 呃人!

"Do you think that you are responsbile as well for the result?"

Yes!  If I was not present, the couples may have bought the special version.  But the couples did not buy any version any last, so I change the result! haha!



78) 2004/01/31 12:37 
How do you value the result?



79) 2004/01/31 17:07 
1) 如果太貴又冇錢, 就會去永成做分期, 當然係交易完成即走人, 盡量減少和那些 Sales的眼神接觸及交談.
2) 如果夠錢o既話就一定去九龍生活買(因為冇分期), 而幾位大哥服務週到, 唔識用就一定教到你識用, 重有一樣o野大家可能唔知, 九龍生活o既歷史係耐過永/萬成 !



80) 2004/01/31 20:35 
For item 1: I would like to choose manshing, instead of wingshing

For item 2: totally agree!!
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