論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > 唉, 真係慘, 今日睇牙醫...



2005/03/16 03:25
器材: 其他 其他
隻大牙痛左好多日, 今日去睇牙醫, 佢檢查完話要道牙筋, 咁仲唔止, 另外仲有幾隻注牙要補, 有隻智慧牙又打橫生, 唔知洗唔洗開刀脫(因為未照x光), 如果要開刀, 整哂咁多隻牙我諗起碼要預$3差野冇走雞, 都唔知點解會咁大鑊, 我早晚都刷牙又唔鐘意食甜野...! 唉! 買350D既計劃睇怕都要押後啦! 慘慘!



41) 2005/04/05 00:39 
the said thing is also that those started to pick up smoking naively think they look cool... but in fact smelly mouth and yellow teeth and hoarse is not cool at all...many of them cannot enjoy the excitment of many physique demanding sports...they cough, they spit and they take medicine...of coz u wont those ill ppl them on the street, coz they are all stay in hospital or at home(too exhausted to walk on street). Only those young, handsome smoking model will appear on advertisement(if not how can they cheat u to earn your money).

精彩 doesnt necessary exclude 短氣,the Pope can live to over 80 years old and yet he has done so many things that can influence the world and all mankind.... Many ppl once they have carried a disease, they cant have the energy and physique to to do 精彩 things... if u take psychological drugs for fun or sniff THINNER, then u will become an idiot or paralyse in the long run... how can such a cripple live in  精彩....

Health(Worth Health Organisation definition for Health is the integrity of physical, psychological and social aspect ): most of the time is a pre-requisite for any enjoyment..
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