論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > 建議不要到 eBay 買中古相機(如: FED 5)(轉貼)



2005/07/06 22:03
器材: 其他 其他
發信人: knowveryfew (很多東西都不懂), 信區: Photo
標  題: 建議不要到 eBay 買中古相機(如: FED 5)
發信站: 香港網站 (Thu Jun 23 21:09:06 2005), 轉信

早前找到一些資料關於 FED 5 這種舊測距連動全機械相機,覺得幾特別,於是到 eBay 參與網上拍賣。買是買到,但大失所望。因為收到的相機貨不對辦。以下列出一些資料。給各網友參考、留意。

1. 相機之布簾快門嚴重漏光,根本不能拍下正常相片。相機還有其他問題,如鏡頭不能拆下等,所以想退貨。
2. 貨品編號是7513599468,賣家 id 是 integralll,他不肯 refund.
3. 付款是付給他的 agent "Western Bid, Inc.", Paypal 戶口 "sales@westernbid.com"。Western Bid 那個 "30-DAY RETURN POLICY" 說:
Western Bid, Inc. offers a 30-day return policy for all products purchased on eBay.com from eBay seller integralll, provided that the product is returned in the same condition, packed in its original postal box with all seller's packaging materials, manuals, and accessories (if origianlly included).  
Return shipping charges are the sole responsibly of the purchaser. For defective items, Western Bid, Inc. will arrange the full refund including postage paid for the return. PayPal fee are not refundable in any case. For large items, Western Bid can help arrange in-home repair through the manufacturer's warranty (for new items only).

Movies and music cannot be returned, but can be exchanged for a new copy of the same item if it defective or damaged.

If you're not satisfied with your purchase or the service you received from integralll, please contact us within 30 days of the time you received your purchase.
不過當我和 Western Bid 的代表 Alex 電郵聯絡過後,才知道原來它的真正 policy 是要買家先送回貨品給賣家或 Western Bid 才可 refund,而且運費要買家自付!雖然我已提供拍下之相片之數碼版本(JPEG檔案),證明相機是 defective,不能拍下正常相片, Western Bid 也不肯答應有 full refund (包括送回貨品之費用)或任何真正有用之協助。最後我問 Western Bid 要不要不幫我而 lose reputation,但到現在連回應也沒有,所以我要在這裏說說我的遭遇,提醒他人!

3. 雖然 eBay 有 Buyer Protection Program 如下:
PayPal Buyer Protection
PayPal Buyer Protection offers free coverage up to $1,000 when you buy from qualified sellers.

eBay Standard Purchase Protection Program
For most items, eBay covers you up to $200 (minus a $25 processing fee) in the event that you don't receive your item or it is significantly not as described.
但要注意有很多限制如 PayPal Buyer Protection 要買家 "eBay feedback score is at least 50" 或 eBay Standard Purchase Protection Program 要 "The final winning bid price of the item is over $25.",而且 "Items damaged or lost in shipping."也沒有 Protection 等等。所以對於買家來說很沒有保障。

所以我建議各網友不要到 eBay 購買貨品,特別是要經 Western Bid 付款的貨品 或 integralll 賣的貨品。

最後,我想說這篇文雖然不大應該放在這兒,但不竟放在這兒才可提醒其他想在網上拍賣購買舊相機的同好,希望不要刪除這篇文。另外,如果可以的話,也希望版主或版友能轉寄這篇文到其他板,BBS 或 web forum 等提醒其他攝影同好。謝謝。

為何用行列輸入法?好用嘛!行列輸入法是 Windows 內建的輸入法,一字最多只取四碼,一點也不慢呀!而且它是記字根的輸入法,用多了就越打越快。字根在鍵盤上的位置是有很易記的編排,可以說只要記住十個原則就可以記住所有字根的位置,不用死背字根在鍵盤上的位置或口訣,十分易學。而且使用者可以很容易用它輸入各種符號(包括標點)。另外,它有一個重要優點。那就是有“線上查詢"功能,也就是打【土?口】或【土立?】或【?立口】,都可以打出“培"字來!其他的優點請到它的網頁查看吧!

※ 來源:﹒HKIBBS 香港網站 http://bbs.org.hk﹒[FROM:]



41) 2005/07/11 20:29 
我絕對同意 eBay 有很多好的地方,例如可以搜羅到比一般二手店裏能找到的多很多的貨品等。但我會說若單從購買中古相機的買家的保障程度來說,eBay 的分數絕對比用其他的方法低了。若你明白有很多人不是輸不起少少金錢,而是不希望那些無良賣家繼續行騙(騙不到就退貨或退款),那你應認同人家為何建議不使用 eBay 購買中古相機。



42) 2005/07/11 20:50 
I bought many 中古相機 through ebay.  So far no problem at all.  Just by luck?
Nevertheless, I bought many rare items through ebay.  I don't think I can find such kind of things in Hong Kong.  Just have to learn and be careful and patient.



43) 2005/07/11 22:57 
如果有日生活無憂, 時間無限, 與及唔怕必錯或賣家玩o野, ebay係我好朋友.
可惜我未有呢d條件, 亦已經買左絕大部份我呢世人要用既相機, 再買都9成9係心頭好, 百忍成金!



44) 2005/07/11 23:20 
the key is.....

Be patient.
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