論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > 大家用甚麼Digital Wallet?



2004/08/09 23:15
器材: 其他 其他
想統計一下大家用甚麼牌子的Digital Wallet來儲存數碼相



21) 2004/08/11 15:02 
Hi dear henrykwl,
Thank you for your kindly comment,
Since I buy it, I almost try to transfer photos every night, but the result always makes me disappointed. Really very tired…
May I ask some more questions.
When you do transfer , you always transfer the whole folder (including sub-folders)? Or one by one?
Do you have installed the Chinese fonts file to your Gmini?
I’m thinking that may be my operating procedure is wrong.
Or I have do something wrong to my Gmini but you didn’t.

My DC : Canon10D, powershot S45,
My cards : Sandisk red&blue 1G CF, Sandisk red&blue 128M CF, Sandisk urtra type II 512M CF,

Thanks & Regards,



22) 2004/08/11 15:19 
Dear Jabbar,

I will use different type of file copy scenario like you described, e.g., copy a folder a time; multiple selection of files to be copied; copy one-by-one; etc..  Indeed, just treats Gmini as a hard disk of your system is enough.  

Besides, the OS was upgraded to 1.7.0 in Jun, 2004.  Nothing special but help to display Chinese MP3 playlist.  That"s a bonus.

It is recommended to perform disk surface scanning and reparing procedure as stated in your product manual.  For example :-

You Gmini Drive letter = X:

1. Goto DOS prompt (manual said that Window"s scandisk / defragmentation tools are not effective to repair its error)

2. Type the following command on DOS prompt

c:>chkdsk X: /f

The above procedure could locate the weak and bad sectors of your Gmini disk and mark them "bad" to avoid future access.  Perform this procedure is always help you maintain the Gmini in good shape.  

Maybe your Gmini batch has been suffered from heavy shock during transportation.  If the assumption is true, your Gmini become a defective item.



23) 2004/08/11 15:34 
I also used Gmini 220 (also brought in Mongkok) and I don"t have problem in transfer the files. However, I do have the following problems:
- The 220 will shut down itself when it try to preview some files.

I changed for another unit, but still have the same problem. I e-mailed ARCHOS and send them one sample jpeg, and they said that the problem is with the non-standard file header of my jpeg (by istD), therefore the 220 cannot locate the small thumbnail, and the 220 don"t always have enough memory to display the large jpeg. They also fixed this problem in the 1.8 firmware (will not shutdown itself, but will check the file size before it display the file)... I havn"t try yet but I do appreciate the proactive response of ARCHOS. Bravo.

I also e-mail the problem to Pentax and suggest they correct it in they firmware upgrade, they thank me for my suggestion.



24) 2004/08/11 15:43 
Dear henrykwl,
You are right! I will perform the disk surface scanning to-night.
Good luck to me.



25) 2004/08/11 16:03 

someone reported similar problem in dpreview. See if this thread helps you.



26) 2004/08/11 16:47 



27) 2004/08/11 17:11 
One thing to remember, you can"t use multiple language patches on the device as stated on the readme.txt file.  You could either select Traditional Chinese or Simplied Chinese at one time.  Please check the directory \system.  Only one of below file could be existed on the directory.

CP936.GFZ = Simplified Chinese
CP949.GFZ = Korean
CP950.GFZ = Traditional Chinese


At www.archos.com, the OS 1.9 is now available for download.

The version seems to be addressed a bit of problems that maybe occurred.  To certain end, archos is a company paying resource on after sales service.  

I"ll try to upgrade the OS tonight!!  Good luck to guys who want to have "perfect" item.



28) 2004/08/11 17:30 
我也打算買gmini220, 但有以下問題請各位指教:

1. 如harddisk壞了怎麼辦?
2. 其讀咭及儲存速度和其他(如x-drive)比較如可.




29) 2004/08/11 17:36 
Henry 兄.

gmini220可否preview D70 的NEF file?




30) 2004/08/11 17:55 
Dear Kelvin,

The Gmini can only preview JPeg images and does not have capability to display RAW files of any kinds.  

However, it can save and restore the RAW files to your PC without problem.  Just missing the preview function of RAW file as most of the PC softwares.  Hence, it doesn"t a matter to me.

Besides, its operating menu is very similar to a Window Explorer and quite easy to be mastered.



31) 2004/08/11 18:16 
Dear Kelvin,

On the other hand, the Gmini incorporate a harddisk and I think it could be replaced by supplier and/or by ourselves (if one day this type of harddisk is available in Golden.)

Read/write performance (for reference only),

1. 1G Ultra II CF => Gmini : below 20 minutes
2. 10G MP3 files from PC (USB 2.0) => Gmini : around 15 minutes
3. 6G images files from Gmini to PC (USB 2.0) : around 15 minutes

Obviously, the performance would be :-

Gmini=>PC  >  PC=>Gmini  >  CF=>Gmini

(Note: the figures are only my personal timing and please refer to vendor specification as the final justification)



32) 2004/08/11 20:59 
Thanks Henry!!

by the way, could you please tell me the current price of gmini 220.

Thansk again.



33) 2004/08/11 22:33 
Dear Kelvin,

The price of Archos Gmini 220 is quite vary between $2600 to $2980.  But be careful, the water good would be lower in price but lack of after sales support.  Please ask the retailer regarding the guarantee covered area and after sales related matters if you opt for grey market item.

For 24-mth interest free installment, go Broadway or Fortress lar.  



34) 2004/08/11 23:07 
Dear Jabbar,
If you are using Microsoft Windows system,
you should format the device in FAT32 system by Windows 98.
Because some of Digital Wallet have the simulated problems and
they can be solved by the above method.
Good luck :)



35) 2004/08/11 23:17 
Dear Jabbar,

Don"t format your Gmini 220 harddisk because it has self-contained operating system, like Linux or Symbian, for example.  The OS made the device works like a handheld PC.

Otherwise, your device will not be working anymore until you return the unit to vendor for software reinstallation.



36) 2004/08/12 00:35 
First, thank you for everybody.
Specially thank you to Henry, your idea works! you are great!!
After I perform the chkdsk /f command from Dos prompt. some file system errors have been fixed. And then, I try to transfer about 100 photos from my CF cards to 220, all of the photos I can see in my notebook.
Anyway, I will try it again tomorrow, until sure that everything return to normal.
Once again, Thank you very much!



37) 2004/08/13 00:25 
Bad news.
I transfer 312 photo files today, total 5 photos cannot be open in my notebook.
I try to run chkdsk but computer reported that no any errors ocurred.

I think a photo wallet has to be reliable, not like this.
I will go to Beijing with my family next week, I have to consider an other method for the photos storage...



38) 2004/08/13 10:10 
There are some users reported in  dpreview forum about the same problem. Some said the problem is due to an incompetible USB chipset (as advised by ARCHOS support), and some saie the problem is due to a bad contacted USB cable. Hope this help.

I am also using G220, and have no problem with the unit. However, I cannot install the musicmatch program in my Win XP... it makes my SCSI CDRW disappear... strange.  The downloaded version of musicmatch 9.0 can work, but it don"t have the portable device driver for G220.....



39) 2004/08/13 10:44 
Dear Jabbar,

The last method I could advise is to upgrade the OS to 1.9.0.  Because, as stated on the web page, the version has resolved some incompatible JPEG file problems.  Try try lar.  

Besides, my unit has been upgraded to 1.9.0 and tested free-of-problem till now (with couple of times to transfer files between CF/GMini/PC in batches of over 300 pieces of photos.)


Last but not least, try connect your unit to other PC and USB cable to check if the problem is related to chip set compatiblity problem and / or USB cable defect.



40) 2004/08/13 11:08 
Some brainstorming :-

1. Maybe read the failed files directly from the Gmini harddisk by the application and save as another file to your local harddisk

2. Change USB port

3. Change USB cable

4. Use "Contact Cleaner" (what we called "volumn water" in Ap Liu St) to clean the ports and USB connectors

5. Ensure your PC is virus free (it is very important)

6. Upgrade the BIOS of your motherboard with latest version

7. Be careful some latest Window patches are worst off some oldies (both hardwares / softwares)

8. Turn off other softwares before file transfer, particularly, virus scan, etc.

Good luck!!
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