論壇主選單 > ☆色彩管理/影音軟體版 > How to draw line for table



2003/09/20 12:32
器材: 其他 其他
Hi, I have a problem here with drawing table or chart, I"ve tried using line tool but it always end up in boxes , so the writting in the table doesnt show up becos covering up by the boxes... if I put the table( line) at the bottom layer, the line doesnt show.

I know it is very easy by using office or words software but I need it as jpeg file, what can I do?



1) 2003/09/20 12:40 
sorry, I am using photoshop 7.



2) 2003/09/20 21:05 
define your lines by GUIDE LINE, then use select tool select boxes, substract whatever you do not want.. then a table should be as simple as that.

or, you can use dreamweaver to create table (or netscape, mozilla editor, front page, even word).. then just copy the part you want and paste into photoshop, then use select color tool, select WHITE (usually it"s the background) and then delete the white part will give you easy table border as well.



3) 2003/09/21 19:22 
Thank you Chris 版主 of your reply, I have tried to use line tool with the help of the GUIDE LINE to draw up my table, but once I wan to add words or numbers on ( which is on a new layer), the line dissapear cos of the layer.... so I thought I might see everything once all the layers have been merge together, but it isnt.... so I dont know what am I doing wrong, or could u pls explain more clearly? Thanks!!!



4) 2003/09/22 08:24 
layer shouldn"t affact your guide line. What I do normally, I draw lines onto a new layer, then I put a text layer on top of it.  However, becareful about your zoom factor (preview options), they might because of your screen resolution and can not show you direct 1 px therefore your lines will disappear for a while, till you finally switch back to 100% viewing area.



5) 2003/09/22 17:36 
I totally understand what u were saying above, but didnt solve my problem....so what I"ve tried was using pecil tool to draw up a table, is not that convinient but it does the job, it doesnt have the problem I had be4 with the line tool/rectagle tool which only showed up as vector mask, which I have no idea what is it for n the line only appear when click on that layer... many thanks again!!!



6) 2003/09/23 10:11 
alright.. try this.. go to "path" pannel, create a new path.
Use that path tool "Icon looks like a ink pen", start pointing "points" on the screen.  Later use the white arrow tool to adjust "points" locations.

As far as you want, a box created by 4 points, and many other lines within will also create by this tool, Pressed down "SHIFT" while draging will allow you to draw perfect stragith lines.

after all your lines were done on path, then go back to your layer mode, and create a brand new layer, then go to path pannel, use that right hand side arrow "looks like a small arrow pointing to right" drag down and select "STROKE".. then select "PENCIL" for your tool..   as far as your "PENCIL" is setting up correctly, photoshop will draw lines right on your "PATH" to make perfect boxes or tables.



7) 2003/09/23 17:57 
Ahh.......I got the table I want now, although I still not totally understand everything u said, specially about PATH, I guess this is what it made the table showing at all time and solved the mystery I had be4....Once again, thanks to Chris 版主 for your patience & your time, you are one of the best 版主 in 手札, cheers man!!!

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