論壇主選單 > 器材版 > Nikon 發表Nikon Capture NX



2006/02/21 18:52
器材: Nikon 尼康 D200最新拍賣藝廊作品D200規格表

NEFとは、撮像素子から得られた12ビットRAWデータと、撮影環境情報や画像処理・ 調整情報を1ファイルで扱うニコン独自のファイル形式です。NEFファイルとして保存 した画像に様々な調整を加えても、撮影環境情報に画像処理・調整情報が書き加えら れるだけで、オリジナルデータの画質を劣化させたり、損なったりすることはありません。 NEFファイルは撮影時におけるRAWデータの保存形式であるとともに、TIFF、JPEGに ついては、ファイル形式を維持したままNEFで保存できます。












選択ブラシ、なげなわツール、多角形選択ツール、選択範囲グラデーションツールなどを用いて、ディテールの調整を行います。Capture NXは25種類以上の編集オプションを用意しています。




アンシャープマスク機能を用いてエッジのコントラストを高めます。Capture NXではカラーマネージメント機能が充実しているので、プリンターとのカラーマッチングも容易に設定できます。

推薦者: 泰勒, cyw



121) 2006/07/10 13:47 
剛打電話到國祥詢問已購買NC4.4版的人,購買NX是否有任何的優惠方案,答案是...沒有... 唉!



122) 2006/07/10 16:18 
What I've learned about NX

I've played with this program for 3 days now and maybe a total of 10 hours. I originally downloaded the trial with .Net. It ran excruciatingly slow when executing certain tasks like NR. Other tasks it ran just fine. However, the occasional slowness was too much to live with. A poster recommended I install .Net 2.0 so I uninstalled NX, downloaded 2.0 from Microsoft.com, and downloaded and installed the NX version without .Net. Note - I did not uninstall .Net 1.0.

The difference is stunning and NX is a much faster app than Capture 4.4 (on my PC at least). I do not experience the severe slowness I had before. The sliders are very responsive. I have noticed saving is sometimes slow but I can live with that. Also, the zoom seems to hangup at 50% and above and this takes a brief moment to correct (though it's faster than 4.4's zooming). The app has thrown one error message while trying to save a TIFF which required me to close down and re-launch the app (it saved fine after the re-launch and I haven't had the problem since). (Sidebar: I've sent the error message to the Nikon tech that has been helping me out on the side. This Nikon tech sent me an email after reading one of my posts the other night. I'm amazed that Nikon has someone that is responding to posters through email and helping out.)

All in all I have to say the control points are the best feature in this application. They are everything it was advertised to be however I do find that you really have to be careful when applying them if you have some similar color tones in your image and your "size" is set to a large diameter. I work around this by reducing the size and duplicating the control point then dragging the duplicated point to an adajcent area.

The New Step functionality is also fantastic. Being able to layer enhancements and selectively turn them on/off, alter the opacity and selectively paint them in is just wonderful and powerful flexibility. I also believe the raw conversion results are impressive and I "think" better than 4.4 (though that's just an unsubstantiated opinion since I haven't done a side by side comparison yet).

The double threshold has made the color cast correction that much more efficient. It's much more efficient than Photoshop's Threshold feature since you can do both the light and dark at once and apply the black and white control points while in the Threshold mode (instead of having to twice, once for black and once for white, close the Threshold box and then apply the color sample marks in PS). While I still see myself using Photoshop, I am using it less now than before.

Disclaimer: I have not batch processed at all and my workflow is such that I really don't do a lot of that.

In short I think this is a fantastic application and I will buy it at the end of my trial in a heartbeat. I know there are people that are having trouble out there and all I can say is I hope it works out for you. Some of the problems I've read seem like legitimate issues. Too many of them however are whiny learning curve complaints from people that haven't taken the time to read the manual. If these people would just take the time to learn the application and stop considering learning curve issues as "bugs" then I think they'd see more of the benefits of this application.

To those that have serious slowness issues I can tell you my system setup is a Pentium 4 with 4 GB RAM and Windows XP Professional. As I said earlier, when I reinstalled with .Net 2.0, leaving 1.0 on my system, the application improved by a factor of 10.

Just my .02.




123) 2006/07/11 09:35 

功能超強 (但操作介面幾乎與NC4.4不同)
速度超慢(我用NB 1.4GHZ, 512MHz RAM)




124) 2006/07/11 13:04 

1.介面沒有 NIkon Capture 4.4 好用,部分界面隱藏在選單中,無法一目了然。

2.感覺上與 NIkon Capture 4.4 完全不同的軟體。
3.Control Point 的功能非常棒,通過色彩控制點,來分別調整尺寸、亮度、對比度和色調。還可以通過各個控制點的設置欄進行進一步的設置。但需要經驗累積,調整才會完美。

4.Camera Setting 部分增加,COLOR MODE I、II、III、Ia、IIIa、Black and White,各種不同已經設定的效果不仿大家試試,有意思!

5.IPTC Information 可以加入更多的作者資訊,及圖像管理資訊。

推薦者: kuankuoyun2002, wolfwind



125) 2006/07/11 13:30 



126) 2006/07/11 13:55 
NX可和NC 4.4同時存在,不會蓋過去,可放心安裝。



127) 2006/07/11 14:15 

在安裝過程中,有一選項要選 "Traditional Chinese"即可  



128) 2006/07/11 15:22 
感謝 as159 說明,因為原安裝為 cnxeur.zip (檔案大小 201,541KB),沒有中文版。

現改用 82樓 連結點下載安裝 第一步出現



推薦者: wolfwind



129) 2006/07/11 15:37 
同時安裝 Capture NX SMP1.0.0 、Nikon Capture 4.4中文版、PictureProject1.6中文版

推薦者: kuankuoyun2002



130) 2006/07/11 15:39 




131) 2006/07/11 17:22 
另一張使用CAPTUR NX 修圖

推薦者: kuankuoyun2002



132) 2006/07/11 17:55 
太棒了! 氣勢非凡啊~~



133) 2006/07/12 00:47 
Capture NX vs Photoshop


I have been used NX for over one full day (>10 hours) and found that control point is the most impressive.

Can anyone describe how we can simulate the control point of NX in photoshop? e.g I would like to higher the saturation of the sky and darken the sea etc ... Do we need heavy masking?

and the most important is, assume a skillful photoshop artist and a causal NX user processing the same image. One using masking of PS and one using control point of NX, beside the time spend on PP, would the result image has quality difference??

Personally I think the result of control point is perfect assume u have time to fine tune it, which means use a smaller control point and copy it elsewhere.

Any help would be appreciated


Re: Capture NX vs Photoshop
koonyuelam wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone describe how we can simulate the control point of NX in
> photoshop? e.g I would like to higher the saturation of the sky and
> darken the sea etc ... Do we need heavy masking?

Yes, but remember that in Photoshop CS2 your not working on a raw file. In capture NX you ARE. Huge difference. ACR doesnt have much fancy stuff like NX does.

> and the most important is, assume a skillful photoshop artist and a
> causal NX user processing the same image. One using masking of PS
> and one using control point of NX, beside the time spend on PP,
> would the result image has quality difference??

Non destructive editing in Capture NX looks better. No doubt about it. I own CS2 and enjoy ACR but the image quality of Capture NX is more to my liking. Many pros would labor away with the old Capture 4.4 just because the colors and tonality were greater then ACR to them. ACR is faster and a more efficient workflow option however.

> Personally I think the result of control point is perfect assume u
> have time to fine tune it, which means use a smaller control point
> and copy it elsewhere.

One way of doing it. Though imo the power lies in ones ability to "paint" control point detail exactly where you want it. You cant do that on a RAW file in Adobe ACR.

ACR and Capture NX are both great. But personally im leaning towards Capture NX for its superior output. (I do a low volume of images - speed is of little value to me)

Have fun!



134) 2006/07/12 00:53 
First Capture NX photo

Downloaded the trial tonight and played around with it. A bit funky feeling at first - didn't take too long to get the hang of it though. It actually seems to make a lot of sense logically.. to me anyways. I haven't read any of the documentation - I enjoy trying to figure stuff out on my own.

Anyway, here's the picture. 99% processed in Capture NX - then threw it into CS2 to downsize and USM. I played it pretty safe in Capture NX - some curves adjustments, warmed it up a bit, white balance adjustment, and some other tweaks here and there. Haven't explored control points yet.

Overall I'm pleased with it. A big improvement over NC 4.4, IMHO. I also still love the fact that they integrate the histogram with the curves. Why oh why will Adobe not do this!???? (or should I read the CS2 manual? :) )

This was from my recent visit to the Biltmore Estate. We stayed at the inn on the property so I was able to sneak up to the house after it had closed and see the sunset. :)




135) 2006/07/12 01:11 
Capture NX Control Points. Wow! (Sample)

All this talk about NX being too slow, too buggy and too quirky reminds me of the punchline: "Other than that, Mr. Lincoln, how'd you like the play?" The quibbling misses the point of the revolutionary impact the control points feature will having on photo editing. My first effort below illustrates what I'm talking about. Not impressed? What if I told you I did this within 15 minutes of downloading NX and without so much as opening the manual pdf? Sooner or later, everyone will get beyond the quirks and come to the realization that this technology really is a power-to-the-people kind of step forward.

Without control points:

With control points:




136) 2006/07/12 09:14 
Capture NX not as bad as I thought...

So, after ranting about slow performance, I worked with NX more and more and with some reorganising of cache and ensuring that all images to be opened were on my internal drive and not an external one, I can now do quite a few corrections and save a file as tiff in between 30-60 seconds. I just don't attempt noise reduction as the time goes up to 6-8 minutes!! And if the file is on an external drive, it takes 4-6 minutes to process.

Here is an original shot I processed in Capture One:

And here is the NX version with white point, some colour control points, some contrast and some sharpening:

I prefer the NX version but I am sure I could match it with C1. The beak is interesting. The C1 version is all yellow but the NX version shows green tones too. just wish I could remember what the colours were so I can assess which is more accurate. I think I may be changing my mind about NX though :-)





137) 2006/07/12 09:22 
D2Xs NEF file processed with NX(1 pic)

I have yet to establish a constant workflow with NX. The software is too buggy at this point in time and I prefer NC 4.4 for my regular work. I Hope Nikon will soon start fixing those bugs. Here's a sample I shot today with my D2Xs and a AF 85/f1.4 and SB800 fired towards the ceiling. This was a NEF file processed with NX.


Thanks for sharing. Q about ISO

Hi Danny.

Looks like D2X shot. Can you please tell us if there's any difference in high ISO?

Does capture 4.4 support D2Xs NEF files?
Jemini Joseph


Re: Thanks for sharing. Q about ISO

I've been using my new D2Xs and the new Capture NX for a couple of days and have noticed no change in high iso images compared to my D2x. Also, I have noticed no improvement in image quality. Focus on the D2Xs is blazing fast, faster than the D2X and much much faster than with my D200. Working in HSC mode(which I use a lot) has been dramaticly improved as well as the viewfinder which has been enhanced with better visibility. Capture 4.4 does not recognize D2Xs NEF files.




138) 2006/07/12 09:27 
Boston pic with D200 + NX

Here is one of my first attempts at using NX to try to turn a very flat and boring photo into something more interesting. I used multiple control points to make the sky and water more dramatic. I also used the selection paintbrush to "paint" some USM and additional contrast onto the bridge and buildings, which helped overcome the light haze that afflicted the actual scene. I applied various other adjustments, mostly to make the scene warmer.

This is the original, unprocessed version:


And below is the edited version. What do you think? Does it look overprocessed?


Re: Boston pic with D200 + NX

Overprocessed? No way.... I think it looks great!!! I was faced with a very similar situation in Boston the day before (July 5)... here's the before:

Using CS2, I made adjustment layers for levels, curves and color balance to get the aircraft carrier looking the way I wanted, then I painted the original detail back into the dinghy using the history brush. Here's the after version:

What do you think?

Best regards,
Camera Sheik



139) 2006/07/12 23:15 
嗯 真的好用也!!



140) 2006/07/14 03:48 
NX Opened from NikonView???

Has anybody been able to get NX to open from NikonView? I'm trying to add NX to the editor list and make it the default instead of NC 4.4.

So far I can't even add it to the list (it doesn't show up to add, even when searching for it).

This is on a PC with NV 6.2.7....

thx, mark

Click add/remove, then

Go down to the bottom of the list and click Other, then browse to find it...

Works for me,

Re: NX Opened from NikonView???



IF you want it as the default program for editing in Nikon View

If you want NX as the default program for editing in Nikon View, so you can just click the button to edit and not have to select it from the list every time, do this. After you add it to the list of editing programs like the previous poster linked, then go to tht "Edit" menu then "preferances". In the new window click the "still image" tab, then click the selection for "use the following program and then click the change button and select it.


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