Rollei 6008新一代機-----
Rollei Hy6:
@Sinar網站的介紹 @rolleyes: Sinar Hy6
@rolleyes: Hy6
:huh: Sinar Hy6 marks the advent of a new era for digital medium format photography.
The product of a technological partnership between Sinar and Franke & Heidecke, it is an example of innovative drive which is set to revolutionize medium format work for years to come.
@The ideal combination of innovation and practice
The Sinar Hy6 is currently the only medium format AF camera that not only covers the usual 6x4.5 format, but also the classic 6x6 format and thereby has still room for even larger CCDs.
With its central shutter and a shutter speed of only 1/1000 second, it is also the fastest camera in its class.
The technological innovative power of the Sinar Hy6 is totally geared to the practical needs of the professional photographer – the imaginable and the feasible combine to become reality.
The result is a camera with an intentionally flexible architecture and a modern interface, which will not be affected by future adaptations, helping investment in the Sinar Hy6 to pay for itself
even faster; an investment which any professional photographer will enjoy working with.
@Sinar Hy6 – uncompromising advantages:
Fast and accurate auto focus
Easy-to-grasp operating concept
90° viewfinder with adjustable diopters
USB interface for firmware upgrades
Open interface for user-friendly back adaptations
Waist-level finder with flip-up magnifier
@Innovation 1: The best of both worlds
The Sinar Hy6 is not only an analog/digital hybrid system, but also allows for free choice of format: Square 6x6 or rectangular 6x4.5. With the latter, by changing the back orientation without altering the camera position, portrait or landscape format can be chosen.
@Innovation 2: Optimal image quality
The most important criterion is and will always be image quality: Thanks to the short synchronized flash speed of 1/1000 second, the Sinar Hy6 produces sharper images.
@Innovation 3: Firm grip
Even if you start to perspire, the Sinar Hy6 stays cool. With this mobile and compact medium format camera, optimal and ergonomically safe operation is assured in any position.
@ Innovation 4: Everything in view
Now you can really trust your eyes. Thanks to an integrated LC display in the rotatable controls grip, settings can always be read off from the same angle of view on the grip whatever the position of the camera. The menu structure of the new operating concept has a flat design and furthermore all the main settings can be initiated through direct, mechanical actuators.
@Innovation 5: Perfect light conditions
Light knows no boundaries and this is also how it should be measured: With a light metering system which is independent of the viewfinder system and an RGB sensor for optimal white balance.
@ Innovation 6: Always quiet
No one needs operating noise or vibrations: a totally innovative mirror drive concept ensures lower-vibration operation and hence consistently sharper pictures.