論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 某人短暫試用D3的感覺


終身 VIP

2007/09/10 17:42
器材: Nikon 尼康 其他

以下兩篇是取自 dpreview 刊登的討論文章。這是某位運動攝影師短暫使用 D3 的心得,一篇是有關夜間拍攝,一篇有關白天拍攝。 關於文章作者 Ed Betz ,各位如果覺得他的「動機可議」,獲發表評論的「資格」,可以先 google 他的背景資料。




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I was covering the Mets game tonight and there were 2 D3's there. (今天晚上我拍攝紐約大都會的比賽,當場有兩台 D3 。)

I was allowed to shoot with one for a bit and I have a few comments.

First, let me say, that several years ago, I was a Nikon shooter, and when the D2H came out, I was VERY vocal about it's problems. (首先,讓我說明一點,幾年前,我曾經是 Nikon 用家,當 D2H 推出的時候,我曾經狠狠提出批評。)

I did detailed testing (if you search the messages you'll find some of the stuff) and the results were not good news for Nikon. As the result of that, I became a Canon shooter, and still am. (當時,我做過詳細的測試,各位可以搜尋我的發言紀錄,提出很不利於 Nikon 的關點。於是,我改用 Canon 器材,目前仍然使用 Canon 器材。)

Tonights experience with the D3 has really changed my mind about Nikon. (今天晚上使用 D3 的經驗,讓我對於 Nikon 改變看法。)

The camera "FEELS" great in your hand. The controls are really well placed (as they have been in most Nikon Cameras). The Auto focus was SPOT on and VERY VERY fast (even under night time baseball lighting) 這部相機握在手理得『感覺』很棒。各種控制鈕的安排很恰當( Nikon 始終是如此)。 自動 對焦 很準 ,而且 非常、非常 快(即使是在夜間打棒球的燈光下)。

While all of that I expected from the camera, there was something I never expected. The image quality was BY FAR the BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN in a digital camera. The detail in the images was STUNNING. 〔雖然這些都是預料得到的,但有些東西,則是我始料未及的。影像畫質是我 截至目前為止看過最棒 的數位相機。影像的細節令人 嘆為觀止 。〕

The camera was set for iso 2000 when it was handed to me, and I must be honest and say that they looked BETTER then the iso 800 I was shooting with my Canon Mark II. The color was pure and rich. 〔當相機交給我的時候, ISO 設定為 2000 ,我必須承認影像看起來 優於 我的 Canon Mark II 設定為 ISO 800 。色彩很純、色澤豐富。〕

Just for fun, I turned up the iso to 3200 and to my astonishment, it still looked BETTER then my 800 iso on my Mark II. Both in color and in noise. 〔基於好玩,我把 ISO 調到 3200 ,結果令我訝異,不論在色澤或雜訊方面,仍然 優於 Mark II ISO 800 。〕

The noise is NOT ONLY very low, BUT, the quality of what noise there is (unlike the D2H) was pleasing. One of the problems I had with the D2H was not only the amount of noise, but the QUALITY of it. The D3 changes all of that. 〔雜訊 不只很低 ,而且雜訊在 方面也看起來舒服(不同於 D2H )。我對於 DH 的意見,不只在於雜訊的嚴重程度,而且在於雜訊的 D3 的情況完全不同。〕

The final test came when I opened the images in Photoshop. I must say, if I didn't shoot them myself, I never ever would have believed that they were iso 2000 and 3200. They look like 400 and 640 (only better) then my Mark II. 〔最後的測試,是在 PS 裡面打開影像。老實說,如果不是我自己拍的,我根本就不信這些影像的 ISO 2000 3200 。看起來就像我的 Mark II 400 640 (只會更好)。〕

Finally, the level of detail that the camera captures goes FAR BEYOND anything I have ever experienced in ANY digital camera . 〔最後是擷取影像的細節程度,這 遠超越 我所使用過的 任何 數位相機。〕

So, my hats off to you NIKON.... I only wish you would have done this sooner, before I spent tens of thousands switching to Canon....... 〔所以,讓我對 Nikon 脫帽致意……不幸地,這一切是發生在我花了好幾萬塊轉換到 Canon 之後。〕

Perhaps there is a Nikon switch in my future. 〔將來我或許會再轉回 Nikon 。〕

Ed Betz


When I got to work on Saturday at Shea Stadium in NY, I was surprised to see the Nikon Rep back for a Day Game. 〔星期六,當我回到紐約體育館,很意外又看到那位 Nikon 代表拍攝日間的比賽。〕

He had with him the D3 again and a 600mm lens to go along with the 400mm lens I shot the night before. 〔他拿著 D3 600mm 的鏡頭,還有前一天晚上我使用的 400mm 鏡頭。〕

Now keep in mind, most of the conversations I had with him were between innings, or pitcher changes. So there were a short series of conversations. 〔請瞭解,我跟他的談話都發生在交換攻防或換投手的空檔。所以,我們的談話很簡短。〕

I expressed interest in using the camera again in the daylight. He happily agreed. 〔我表示很想在日間使用他的相機試試。他很樂意接受。〕

I will say, I was prepared to be less impressed with the daytime images. I fully expect an image that is shot at 100 iso or 200 iso to look great with any camera. 〔我必須說,日間拍攝的影像,結果應該不會讓我更覺得印象深刻。 ISO 如果設定為 100 200 ,任何相機的影像都會很不錯的。〕

In my hand the camera felt really good again. I spent a little more time messing around with the focus, tracking moving people, trying to lock on to something and something else passed by, turning and locking on something else quickly (as in – fly ball, go from batter to shortstop – and nail him, no jumping around). 〔相機握起來的感受還是很棒。我花了一點時間撥弄對焦、追蹤活動的人,試著鎖定某些東西,如果有東西進入畫面,相機很快又鎖定對焦(就如同飛球,由打擊區飛到游擊手的手套,一下子就鎖定了,不會猶豫不決。〕

The Nikon performed flawlessly in every instance. The autofocus was outstanding in daylight. 〔相機表現得毫無瑕疵。白天的自動對焦表現太棒了。〕

The 600 lens was sharp, and it was nice to be able to shoot a pitcher with a 600 again. Shooting him with a 400 just doesn’t look the same. For those who don’t understand the difference, its really about depth of field and compression. The 600 looks much nicer, but I digress. 600 的鏡頭很利,用 600 的鏡頭拍攝投手,感覺很好。 400 的鏡頭沒辦法產生類似的感覺。各位如果不瞭解其中差別,最主要是景深的問題。 600 看起來的感覺很妙,不過這是題外話。〕

So, after shooting, I put the card into my laptop and the fun began 〔拍完之後,我把卡片塞到手提電腦,有趣的事情開始了。〕

Let me stress that the lighting was HARSH. There was bright sunlight, not a cloud in the sky and heavy shadows - ball players wearing white uniforms, and black hats with heavy shadows over their eyes. This can be a real nightmare; you are between a rock and a hard place. If you shoot for the shadow the whites are blown out and if you shoot for the whites the shadows turn almost black. 〔讓我強調一點,白天的陽光很 刺眼 。豔陽高照,沒有雲,沒有濃陰。球員穿著白色的服裝,戴著黑色帽子,臉部有明顯的陰影。這是相當棘手的情況。如果以暗部曝光,亮部就爆掉;如果以亮部曝光,暗部就一片漆黑。〕

Man was I surprised by two things. First, the white were never hot or blown out and the shadows had plenty of detail. It confirmed what I had heard about the dynamic range of the camera. I can say for certain, My Mark II doesn’t handle that lighting condition well. 〔有兩點讓我覺得意外。第一,亮部都沒有爆掉,暗部充滿細節。這驗證了我聽到有關這部相機動態區間的說法。我相當確定,我的 Mark II 對於光線的處理沒有那麼好。〕

The images had a really nice creamy quality to the out of focus background, and the images were tack sharp. How sharp? Like nothing I have ever seen before. 〔脫焦背景的奶油味很重,主體本身非常銳利。有多銳利?我從來沒有見過的那種程度。〕

Every hair on the back of a players neck (yes those little almost white hairs) can be seen and counted. Every eyelash, perfectly defined in a way I have never experienced before. 〔球員的髮絲清晰可見,甚至可以計數。每根眼睫毛都看得清楚,我從來沒有類似的經驗。〕

One of the things I have to do from time to time is upsize a photo. The place I was shooting for has minimum requirements for file size. So every now and then I have to take an image in photoshop and res it up a little. 〔我有時候需要放大照片。我工作的地方,沒有嚴格要求檔案大小。所以,我有時候會進入 PS 把影像稍微放大。〕

Not all images (cameras) handles this the same way. In some instances, it becomes clear right away that while the file is bigger, the images looks like hell. 〔不是所有的影像(相機)的表現都完全相同。某些情況下,即使檔案很大,但影像看起來還是很糟。〕

Just for fun, I took a photo, cropped it to about 900 pixels in one direction and then res’ed it up to 2000 pixels (nothing fancy, just did it in four steps – 1100 – 1300 – 1600 – 2000) like I always would. 〔基於好玩的心理,我把某個影像的一邊大約裁切 900 畫素,然後放大為 2000 畫素(沒有涉及特別技巧,就是分幾個階段放大, 1100-1300-1600-2000 ),就像我平常做的。〕

The D3 handled that better then anything I had ever seen. D3 的表現優於我過去所見過的其他相機。〕

WOW – I could not only count every eyelash, but I noticed – I can see the veins in the pitchers eyes… Very unexpected! 〔老天!我不只可以計算眼睫毛,甚至可以看到投手眼睛內的微血管……實在沒想到!〕

Just for fun, I also shot into the fans (the upper section) and there were about 30 people in the frame. I zoomed in, and sure enough I could tell what time it said on one man’s watch. UNREAL… 〔我也拍了一些球迷(最上層的觀眾),鏡頭裡大約有 30 個人。在 PS 裡面,我把影像拉近,我可以看到其中一個人手錶上的時間,了不起………。〕

The level of detail (I’ve come to understand pixels aren’t everything – it’s about detail) is extraordinary. 〔細節程度確實不同凡響(我知道畫素不代表一切,重點是細節)。〕

So, as with my night time shooting, the daytime shooting left me very impressed with the D3. 〔所以,就如同夜間試拍的結果一樣,白天拍攝結果也讓我印象深刻。〕

I wish I spent more time with it. I’d loved to get my hands on one for a week or two and really put it through some paces. 〔我希望能夠多試一陣子,或許一、兩個禮拜,讓我好好測試一番。〕

If I could afford it, I would probably switch back for this camera. I never wanted to leave Nikon. In fact – Like Ronald Reagan said about becoming a Republican, he never left the Democrat party, they left him. I feel that way about Nikon, I didn’t leave them, they left me. Perhaps it’s time to return… There are other issues for me now (pool glass etc) but who knows. 〔如果禁受得起的話,我可能會轉回 Nikon 。我從來沒有想要離開 Nikon 。事實上,如同雷根總統對於自己成為共和黨員所說的,他從來不想離開民主黨,而是民主黨離開了他。我對於 Nikon 的感覺也一樣,我沒有離開他們,是他們拋棄我。或許,這是回家的時間了……。當然,現在還有其他的問題( Nikon 的鏡頭還是比較弱),但誰知道……。〕


Ed Betz

推薦者: pcc0905, huck1471, 米粉2, jome, kevin1566, alanhaung, wongkelvin, cyw, Bill, skyler, jan2000, EGG001, Lin San, jenhoxen, bruce888weng, 攪革命者→死, SCH1014, 老何471130, loveada, nd100, jung, keithhwang, vov, ikarus, ㄚ3



21) 2007/09/11 12:57 

攝影大師霍克伊凡 曾說:『人們總是問我用何種相機拍照,其實拍照的不是相機,而是 …… 』接著他用食指輕敲著指向自己的腦袋。


終身 VIP

22) 2007/09/11 13:18 

jenhoxen 兄:

我沒有翻譯那篇鏡頭的評論,理由很簡單:( 1 )涉及太多術語;( 2 )涉及鏡頭方面的專業知識(我不懂)。

推薦者: jan2000



23) 2007/09/11 14:09 










推薦者: jan2000, EGG001, keithhwang, jenhoxen, SCH1014, 亦龍, jung, ikarus, xue3625



24) 2007/09/11 14:10 
原發文者: jenhoxen 發文時間: 2007/09/11 12:41
看來這顆我也是逃不掉了~~慘痛教訓 part 2.~~絕對不要預存銘機銘鏡,東西只會越出越好! 我到目前為止兩部嶄新的F100+MB15再加一支28-70, 都是當初換新來「備用」的, 現只證明一點, 就是「備而無用」!!恕刪)






25) 2007/09/11 15:37 
經過firefly-Lee兄為 24-70 的解密之後,

慘了! 這篇評論有毒害到我了,


不知道我可以忍受多久 ~~><~~



26) 2007/09/11 15:48 


這下24-70mm 鏡皇之戰



27) 2007/09/11 15:58 


終身 VIP

28) 2007/09/11 16:52 



Bjorn Rorslett 本身來說,他不認為自己需要把 28-70 換成 24-70 。事實上,他的說法是:


I regard the 14-24 as being a versatile 18mm lens. This is something different form my 17-35 which I regard as a 24mm giving +- adjustments. As to the 24-70, I do own the 28-70 and see little or no reason to replace it with a newer design.

(我把 14-24 鏡頭當作多功能的 18mm 鏡頭。這顯然不同於我的 17-35 ,我把後者當作多功能的 24mm 鏡頭。至於 24-70 ,我看不出來有必要把 28-70 取代為新設計的鏡頭。)


推薦者: jan2000



29) 2007/09/11 20:02 




30) 2007/09/11 20:06 
如果實機上市也是如同此種文中的表現的話,不知Nikon和Canon在高階市場上命運的變化會不會從此開始?我也是換Canon系統很多年了,當初也是對Nikon D2系列失望。如今如果Nikon的D3真的如此強悍的話,也真的為Nikon拍拍手,雖然我已經不能回頭再用Nikon了,哈~~~~~~~~~。Nikon加油。



31) 2007/09/11 20:30 



32) 2007/09/11 20:47 
nikon! 加油!




33) 2007/09/11 21:39 
會不會他拿的鏡頭是手工組裝,精挑細選出來的?等到我們拿到手上的全都是有些許 centering defect,但在組裝誤差容許範圍之內,換句話說,也就是都沒那麼神。
就像前一陣子AMD的Barcelona 樣品說可以催到3GHz,但大家都認為這是人工精挑細選出來的,量產短期內是根本達不到這種品質。

喔Nikon !你總算沒讓我們這些死守寒窯的失望啊!



34) 2007/09/11 22:22 
原發文者: jom1216 發文時間: 2007/09/11 15:48
基本上... 這位攝影師的測試心得跟xiaxin兄的心得是是差不多的 自我沈醉的心情多於實際使用 應該算是低劣..(恕刪)

我覺得他言之有物, 而且並未無的放矢→去矮化其他沒用過的產品, 怎能與一般狂悖之言相提並論?

他敘述的每個細節在我腦海中都可形成一幅圖畫→Nikon原本產品的表現在我心中自有定位, 加上他的陳述拼湊起來, 我可以直接揣摩新鏡是什麼樣子; 這些描述是否允當, 到時候都是可以檢驗的.

推薦者: nd100



35) 2007/09/11 22:50 





36) 2007/09/11 23:10 
原發文者: 四個小朋友 發文時間: 2007/09/11 21:39
會不會他拿的鏡頭是手工組裝,精挑細選出來的?等到我們拿到手上的全都是有些許 centering defect,但..(恕刪)


這方面我也有經驗,剛買的時候的確覺得12-24DX很棒,可是跟朋友的Tokina 12-24一比,竟然銳利度輸了,我也不以為意,因為有些網路測試的確Tokina的銳利度很好。不過後來有一次跟另一個朋友的12-24DX再比,我發現我自己那一隻不是A+的產品,所以我拿去榮泰看看能不能有什麼調整。榮泰看了看之後,由工程師來跟我解釋,他們的說法是這樣的:「每一個產品都會有誤差,不可能做到完全一樣,也就不可能每一個鏡頭都很完美,你這顆鏡頭根據我們的測試是合格的。我自己也有買18-200VR,和拿來修理的18-200VR比也比較不銳利,可是我也沒辦法。」

Well...這大概就是Bjørn所謂的Sample Variability吧!真的很吹毛求疵的話,也就只好學Bjørn一次叫一打鏡頭回家慢慢測,找一隻最好的留下來,剩下的賣二手了。不過可以肯定的是,越高價的鏡頭,爛的sample越少,這應該跟品管過程以及製程都有關係,而我個人還會盡量找日製的。

推薦者: cyw, scrumhalf, ikarus


終身 VIP

37) 2007/09/11 23:16 

>> 關於幾何變形, 24-70 在望遠端有非常輕微的枕狀變形,而用在 D3 D2X 嚴重一點。 .................
周圍失光的情況也許在實驗室裡可以測量得到,不過實際使用在 DX 相機上,你幾乎感覺不到,至 >> 於在 FX 機身上,要等我拿到 D3 再說了。

感覺上這兩段話似乎是相互矛盾的 , 如果還沒拿到 D3 怎麼知道 "24-70 在望遠端有非常輕微的枕狀變形 "?
是參考其他 D3 的圖片嗎 ?

*******        ********

1.    「枕狀變形」與「周圍失光」應該是兩回事,不知道什麼地方有矛盾?

2.    8 23 日, Nikon 在東京舉辦的產品發表會,有招待 Bjørn Rørslett 參加,他還去參觀 D3 的生產工廠,實際看到 D3 開始裝配。另外, D3 在挪威的發表會, Bjørn Rørslett 也應當地的 Nikon 邀請,是重要的主持人之一。總之,他用過好幾台 D3 原型機。他是說,他還沒有拿到他自己的(正式生產) D3 ,原文如下:

Light fall-off can probably be measured in a research lab but is undetectable within the frame of a DX camera, more or less the same behaviour is seen on the D3 but this statement is only tentative until I get my D3 later.



38) 2007/09/11 23:20 
原發文者: skuldly 發文時間: 2007/09/11 22:50

這是因為原作者受邀去日本的D3發表會時就用過D3了,不過現在回家後要等一陣子才會收到Nikon寄給他的D3,而且發表會上的D3是工程版,即將寄給他的是接近市售版。總之,也只好等著看囉!現在說實在的,一張可信的照片都沒有,所有人說的話大概就當廣告台詞聽聽吧!基本上看到這段話,我還真期待實拍照片:「Still not have had the opportunity to run comparisons directly, but my impression is that 6400 on D3 is cleaner than 800 on the D2X, and 25600 looks more or less as 1600. All of this will be tested throroughly later, of course. For the D300, my guess at this time is that 3200 is on the level of 800 for D200....」


終身 VIP

39) 2007/09/11 23:20 

以下是 Bjørn Rørslett 對於 28-70鏡頭 的評論(供各位參考,並與24-70的評論做比對);另外則是他認為最棒的 Nikon 鏡頭。


AFS-Nikkor 28-70 mm f/2.8 ED IF


(D1, D1X, D2X, D200)

For its limited range of focal settings, the new AFS 28-70 might seem a tremendous overkill. It's very expensive, heavy and surprisingly bulky. Add its huge scalloped lens hood and people think you are the proverbial paparazzo. That don't impress me much - I bought this lens solely for its outstanding optical quality. It having non-rotating filter threads helped too. The stunning results delivered by this lens would indeed be expected from its sophisticated optical design that employs several aspherical and ED elements, and IF focusing. Its silent-wave motor gives blindingly fast AF focusing with D1, F5 or F100 bodies. Compared to the vast majority of wide-angle zooms (and most wide primes too), the AFS 28-70 convinces by its extreme sharpness, total lack of colour fringing (an effect due to residual chromatic aberration and coma, the bugaboo of retrofocus-designed wide lenses), low vignetting even used wide open, and nice rendition of out-of-focus areas thanks to its nine-bladed aperture. It is among the few modern zooms that match the 25-50/4 for landscape photography. However, flare can be a serious problem when shooting into the sun , much more so than with the 20-35 f/2.8 Nikkor, and there occasionally is some ghosting too when scene contrast is high, but the latter can be largely avoided by stopping the lens down. Sharp images are produced even when the lens is shot wide open, and this holds when extension tubes are added. Stopping the lens down to f/5.6 yields sharp pictures corner-to-corner and there is negligible field curvature as well. It shows only a small degree of barrel distortion. An outstanding lens if it suits your shooting habits.

Best of the Best :

  • Wide-angle lenses
    • 35 mm f/1.4 Nikkor
    • 28 mm f/2 Nikkor
    • 28 mm f/2.8 Nikkor (AIS, close focus to 0.2 m)
  • Normal lenses
    • 50 mm f/2 Nikkor-H (AI)
    • 50 mm f/1.8 Nikkor
    • 58 mm f/1.2 Noct-Nikkor
    • 50 mm f/1.4 Nikkor (latest versions, including AF D)
  • Medium short ("portrait") lenses
    • AF 85 mm f/1.4 Nikkor
    • AF 105 mm f/2 DC Nikkor
    • 105 mm f/2.5 Nikkor (Gauss design)
    • 85 mm f/1.4 Nikkor (MF, AIS)
  • Short telephoto lenses
    • AFS 200 mm f/2 ED IF VR G
    • AF 180 mm f/2.8 ED-IF Nikkor
    • 200 mm f/2 ED-IF Nikkor (AIS)
    • 180 mm f/2.8 ED Nikkor (AIS)
  • Long telephoto lenses
    • AFS 300 mm f/2.8 ED-IF Nikkor (Mk. I only)
    • 300 mm f/2.8 ED-IF Nikkor (AIS)
    • AFS 500 mm f/4 ED-IF Nikkor
  • Lenses for close-up photography
    • 55 mm f/3.5 Micro-Nikkor ( non-AI , old, compensating type, mid-to-late 1960's )
    • AF 200 mm f/4 ED-IF Micro-Nikkor
    • 85 mm f/2.8 PC-Micro-Nikkor
  • Zoom lenses
    • AFS 200-400 mm f/4 ED-IF VR G Nikkor
    • AFS 24-70 mm f/2.8 ED G FX Nikkor (the old king 28-70/2.8 has been overthrown by a new, state-of-the-art optic)
    • AFS 70-200 mm f/2.8 G VR ED-IF Nikkor (a long march but leading to revolution)
    • AFS 17-35 mm f/2.8 ED-IF Nikkor
  • Special applications
    • 105 mm f/4.5 UV-Nikkor [ discontinued ]
    • 55 mm f/1.2 Oscilloscope-Nikkor [ discontinued ]
    • Any of the many Ultra-Micro-Nikkors or Macro-Nikkors [ discontinued ]
      (if there is a trend here, I don't like it...)
  • Late-breaking entries, too good not to be mentioned here
    • (we'll see to that ...)



40) 2007/09/11 23:43 
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