論壇主選單 > ☆色彩管理/影音軟體版 > Framing Question again!!



2002/10/03 04:24
器材: 其他 其他
Can u pls tell me how to put a frame under a photo again, how do u put the photo into layer 2, n the frame in layer below.. I am using photoshop 7...
Another unrelated question, how to post my photos if they require a very small file.. like 1000x1000 pixels... my original photos is 200kb let said, how to shrink it into a small file like 20kb is still too big...
and can I use Pbase photo album to post my photo to photosharp gallery?
Thank you in advance!



1) 2002/10/03 10:17 

Framing technique really isn't that hard to understand.  Actually, in Photoshop, everything goes into alpha channel and layers.  Enable to make picture floating above the background, you have to first open up a new document with white background (or any color you desire), then open up your photo, use "Ctrl+A" (Select ALL) command, and copy the image, paste into this blank new canvas, then you will have two layers.  All you have to do is to apply shadow into your second layer (which should be above the background).. so only one thing you need to consider is that background must be larger than your photo.

Second way to do it is to duplicate your photo (drag your background layer "photo" to low right icon that appears as "Create a new layer" then you will see two layers appear on your screen.  After that, you go to pull down menu IMAGE/CANVAS SIZE, give new size to the background layer.... let's say add 10 pixels to each side, you need to add 20 in width, and 20 in height..  after that, you will have background "Stretch" into larger canvas...  then you can apply "SHADOW" to your second layer.



2) 2002/10/04 01:48 
Thank you so much Chris, I think I have done it.. awesome!!
Can u tell me any basic photoshop tutorial I can find on net?
And I have problems with postin my photos, Cant use photome, either Pbase, tried to use msn photo, but have problem downloading the up load tool... I am really stuck here!!



3) 2002/10/04 09:29 
Don't mention it Rod,  piece of cake~
however, I have no idea where to put photo myself.  I used to use a friend's server, but I think I lost the password on that server, so I have no longer having any access to free upload spaces.  The problem to Photome and other online services, they won't allow you to use linkages.  Yeah! it sucks!  If you must ask, I think hosting your own IIS should be the easiest way to do. (and no file size limitation)

As to tutorials, there are plenty on the internet.  I remembered I was starting from photoshop 2.5, and later when I advanced to photoshop 3.0, I studied "Photoshop WOW book 3.0" inside out.. This book gives most of basics on photoshop, however, many theories (color theory, exposure...etc...) often coming from other courses like design theory or photography.  Quiet impressive book.

If you have question just for "cropping", I was charged for a tutorial course for cropping.  The detail you should be able to find at <href a="http://www3.vghtc.gov.tw:8082/photoshop"> HERE </a>! However, due to the traffic and our hardware setting, it should be very slow for outsider to access.  Sorry! too many layers of network under or Intranet....



4) 2002/10/04 22:31 
To be honest, thanks again!! haha, is good to get some advice when I was lost.. I have borrowed some old photoshop books from library, the new one are gone..guess is not really a matter since I only need those basic stuff... will visit your site tommorow, thanks again Chris, lookin forward to ask u more questions, cheers!!
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