論壇主選單 > ☆色彩管理/影音軟體版 > Adobe Lightroom beta 3



2006/07/19 13:52
器材: Adobe 奧多比 其他
Adobe 開發出來和 Apple Aperture 對拼的軟體 Lightroom 現在推出 Windows 版的測試版下載,有興趣的抓來玩玩吧!(需要註冊 Adobe ID)



終身 VIP

1) 2006/07/19 14:12 


終身 VIP

2) 2006/07/19 16:30 
影像老是顯示 "Working……",而且經常需要重複載入。





終身 VIP

3) 2006/07/21 06:34 

I've been wondering what I would get out of lightroom.

I am not a professional who takes huge amounts of photos at each event. I take my family photos, photos of my husband's artwork, and I'm in the process of scanning old family photos for posterity. I have thousands of images, but it has taken me decades to gather them. I never suddenly have 100 photos that need editing and I don't have deadlines.

If I already have photoshop cs2 to meet my image processing needs, what additional benefit would lightroom provide?

There is so much buzz about it, that I wonder if I'm missing something.


From what I've gathered from what I've read, heard at a class on it and what I get from viewing the format, it is esp. for professional photographers who process 100's of shots at a time. Much of the program is about organizing images and having various ways of sorting and tagging them, saving info on the shoot and on individual pictures, so they can easily be brought up in whatever order is needed - print, proof, enhance, etc. All things necessary in that respect to 'run a business'. The RAW processing is all right there as well and in most cases with true pros - that may be all that is needed. Certainly other tools/features wll be added to complete the process but I doubt that it will be as in depth as Photoshop, but that's just a guess.

For me as a 'hobbiest' and 'retoucher' I don't even use the sorting capabilities of Bridge and need the full use of layers, masks, selections, healing, cloning etc. in Photoshop. I d/led it for my own 'education' :-) so I know what people may be asking about, although my suggestions to people that are having trouble/questions (or complaints) would be to go directly to the adobe labs forums where they have people there to answer in depth.



Well Lightroom may be good for you. You can leave your images where they are "organized your own weird way" and still take advantage of Lightroom's database. You would import your directories into Lightroom's database as shoots it may be a good idea if your weird organization is date related to include the date in the Shoot name. Once in the data base you can move images around logically the will stay where the are on disk. You can even move images drag and drop from one shoot to an other an image can only be in one shoot. However you can also create collection an image may be in many collection.

Right now there are two big problem for me.

1.)RAW xmp files for Lightroom and ACR are not compatible.

2.)RAW files can not be open into Photoshop CS2 from Lightroom. Lightroom has to convert the raw data into an image file place it and its thumbnail into the shoot and invoke Photoshop. I like the way the bridge can use ACR to create the RAW XMP files a invoke Photoshop with the RAW file and if done through menu Tools>Photoshop Image Processor the RAW files are processed using the xmp raw settings without opening the ACR window. I hope when they get the XMP files compatible that Lightroom will be able to work like the Bridge including the Image Processor. For I think Adobe might replace the bridge with Lightroom





4) 2006/10/24 11:20 
Lightroom 其實並不好用.. 資源吃太多了. 我的 64x dual 4400+ 跑起來還會喘氣呢! 顏色也太淡了.. 調整的地方雖多, 但是在動態方面常常吃緊 cpu. 反而 apple 自家出的 aperature 無論管理與速度都較快. (但是 aperature 你可能要 Powermac 才跑得順)..

個人覺得 acr 解讀出來的顏色不敵各家自己的軟體. 唯一好處是之後 adobe 想推出公定規格的 RAW, 你可以無論用什麼相機都可以在 lightroom 裡面解 RAW. 但是除此之外, 我覺得 lightroom 的管理只能算是還好. 使用上的調整雖然細項很多, 但又不慎精準. 他尚未像 aperature 那般可以一次修圖多張圖, 一同比對, 一同分區. 顏色控制雖多, 卻因為控制的控制盤還是過小, 稍微調整一下就過頭了.. 實在有點頭痛.

我覺得 lightroom beta 3 來說目前還好.. 但是速度必須增加. 因為實在太耗資源了!!! adobe 軟體真是一個比一個大!


終身 VIP

5) 2006/10/24 13:32 

或許可以試試4.1 beta版,據說有些改進(我個人沒有使用經驗):

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