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終身 VIP

2006/12/14 15:45
器材: Adobe 奧多比 其他


終身 VIP

1) 2006/12/15 09:26 
有些PS CS 3的功能介紹(教學):


Smart filters也很好用。


終身 VIP

2) 2006/12/15 09:28 



3) 2006/12/15 11:46 
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta

As expected Adobe has today announced that a Beta version of Photoshop CS3 will be available for download tomorrow (15th December). To use CS3 you will need a valid CS2, Creative Suite 2, Creative Suite Production Studio, Design Bundle, Web Bundle or Video Bundle serial number. Without a serial number this Beta of CS3 will expire in just two days. As well as a range of improvements and user interface changes the biggest news with CS3 is Universal Binary support for Mac OS X, providing much performance relief to Mac Intel owners.

Press Release:

Adobe Releases Beta Version of Photoshop CS3
Company Also Previews Adobe Bridge and All-New Adobe Device Central

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Dec. 14, 2006 - Adobe Systems Incorporated

(Nasdaq:ADBE) will introduce a beta version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 software, the next release of the world standard in digital imaging, on Friday, December 15th. Adobe is delivering a widely available Photoshop CS3 beta to enable customers to more easily transition to the latest hardware platforms, particularly Apple's new Intel-based systems. The beta is available as a Universal Binary for the Macintosh platform, as well as for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP and Windows Vista computers. The final shipping release of Adobe Photoshop CS3 is planned for Spring 2007. The software can be downloaded at: http://labs.adobe.com, in the early hours Pacific Standard Time on December 15.

Packed with new features, Photoshop CS3 beta also includes a pre-release version of a major upgrade to Adobe Bridge, as well as a preview release of the all-new Adobe Device Central. Photoshop customers can use Adobe Device Central to design, preview, and test compelling mobile content, created specifically for smaller screens. This new tool, integrated in the Photoshop CS3 beta, simplifies and accelerates the creation of mobile content through a preview environment and built-in device profiles.

"This is an exciting time for the Mac, and Adobe wanted to ease the move to new Intel-based systems with a preview release of Photoshop CS3," said John Loiacono, senior vice president of Creative Solutions Business Unit at Adobe. "We didn't want to leave Windows customers out of the party, so the beta is available to everyone in the creative industry's most passionate user community -- no matter what their platform choice.

We still have some surprises in store, but this beta gives customers an early chance to see the power of another great Photoshop release, optimized and tuned to run natively on the latest hardware and operating systems."

To utilize Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta, customers require a serial number from either Adobe Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite(r) 2, Adobe Creative Suite Production Studio, Adobe Design Bundle, Adobe Web Bundle or Adobe Video Bundle. Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta is available in English only. Customers who have a valid serial number for all other language versions of qualifying Adobe products can download the software. Without a serial number, users can still download Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta, with the product expiring after two days. Customers must register online with Adobe or have an existing Adobe.com membership account to access the software.

In related previews of future technologies, Adobe has also released two new web tools as beta releases. Adobe CSS Advisor is a new web-based community site to easily identify and resolve browser compatibility issues. Web designers and developers can contribute their own issues, comment on existing issues, or become an editor to participate in driving the site's future. The site is accessible at: www.adobe.com/go/cssadvisor. Also introduced is a beta release of Adobe Spry framework for Ajax, a designer-focused solution for adding the interactive power of Ajax when developing rich, dynamic web-sites. Adobe Spry framework for Ajax is available at: www.adobe.com/go/cssadvisor.

System Requirements

For Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta,



4) 2006/12/15 11:47 
System Requirements

For Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta, recommended system requirements are as follows. For Macintosh: Mac OSX 10.4.8 or 10.5, 1 GHz PowerPC(r) G4 or
G5 processor, Intel based Macintosh. For Windows: Intel(r) Xeon(r) , Xeon Dual, Centrino(r) or Pentium(r) 4 processor, Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher, Microsoft Windows Vista. Both platforms require 512 MB RAM and a 1024x769 resolution screen. Photoshop CS3 beta will expire soon after the launch of Photoshop CS3 in Spring 2007.
Details on final pricing, system requirements and availability have yet to be determined.




5) 2007/08/04 05:02 
工作崗位上我用的是 win cs3 (master), 家裡用的是 mac cs3 (design).. photoshop3 在 mac 上有最佳化, 跑起來飛快!  我覺得新的工具其實只是多那麼一點點彈性, 其實還是跟 cs, cs2 差不多.  唯一差異是全部的介面都統一了, 而且新的介面會讓你有更大的工作空間.

壞處是, win 版太多保護了.  cs1 本來只有鎖住 photoshop, cs2 鎖住 photoshop 以及 bridge / cube.  現在不得了了, cs3 全部都鎖.  用個防火牆吧! 你會發現無論是盜版還是破解, 甚至原版. 以前 cs2 photoshop 只有在開啟時會傳資料到 adobe 做比對 (因此一個序號只能一個人用), 破解只能停止查詢後的否定狀態, 因此依然會傳資料.

cs3? .. 乖乖! 你每下一個指令, 他就跑一次.  注意 AdobeRegxxx.dll, adobeupdatexxx.dll 這些東西, 她們是可執行的.  而且並非類似 cs2 那樣子在裡面只放查詢功能, 跳過便可.  CS3 在 win 上, 全部的軟體都共用這幾個 DLL, 而且這是非用的 DLL 不可. 沒有他, 跳過他, 你的 cs3 會變成廢鐵.  (奇怪! mac 怎到現在還是沒設保護? 難道 adobe 對於 mac 的市場就是不怕盜版嗎? 我從沒遇過 mac 軟體會自動廢除假資料的.  就連 aperture, lightroom 都沒有...  不過 win 版的 cs3.. 建議大家裝個有 HIPS 功能的 spyware 軟體吧! 你不信我說的 cs3 內有 spyware?.. 你會看到 spyware monitor 不時的呼叫你...

建議是...  要盜版, 別跑 win 版的! 因為破解, 只有跳過序號以及 30 天測試期, 還沒有真正的破解能夠停止他上網. 除非你把網路線拔了.  這跟 win xp / vista 內建的 spyware 一樣, 是無法根除的, 除非你不用它的軟體.

幸好............ 公司有原版的 win 版. 要不然每一個滑鼠按鍵都查註冊, 我會瘋了. (P.S. 查資料的程序是隱藏的, 除非你有 firewall / HIPS 要不然抓不到的.)
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