論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > Budget $5000.00 Pentax or Nikon ???



2002/01/13 00:05
器材: 其他 其他
Budget $5000 for a set of camera and now considering in Pentax or maybe Nikon. Who can give me advise ha..... My requirements are no zoom, no Canon, no Minolta. Only in Pentax or Nikon....

F-80, or MZ-? (too many models), what lens ?

kenneth cho


1) 2002/01/13 00:24 
why no Canon, no Minolta???



2) 2002/01/14 10:23 
MZ-6 + FA28/2.8 for snapshot/landscape + FA100/3.5 for protraits/marco, the total cost should be around HK$5000



3) 2002/01/14 22:42 
F80D + Nikon 28-105mm AFD



4) 2002/01/15 07:04 
No zoom lens. I tried Canon and Minolta before, found that the interface of the bodies are not suitable to me.

MZ-6 is good but is this camera ready for sell in HK ?

Why not FA 35/2 AL ?

Is Nikkor 24/2.8 and 50/1.8 good (I mean the AF type) ?




5) 2002/01/15 09:50 
MZ-6 is not yet available in Hong Kong yet (coming soon)....

If you like traditional interface, MZ-5n or MZ-3 are good choices.

FA35/f2AL is NOT available in Hong Kong (ask Jebsen) otherwise I agree that it is a good choice for snapshots.



6) 2002/01/15 18:58 
That is an interesting requirment " NO ZOOM " most new user will want a zoom today. But since that's the requirments , so lets dwell into this further

A set, what does a set mean here, camera body, a simple 3 lens setup ( wide, normal, Tele ) and a flash I suppose ---- when you consider that, it is quite clear that 5000 is limited. In this case the Pentax obviously had an advantage as like for like the same item is usually cheaper when its Pentax.

Now lets check out the bodies, Nikon have F60 or FM3A which might fit into the budget, Pentax have either MZ-7, MZ-5N, or MZ-3. Within these the MZ-3 and the FM-3A.

Lens wise, the 50/1.8 AF-Nikkor and the Pentax 50/1.7 are almost the same price, but at 1.4, the Pentax is cheaper. on the wide end, the pentax have a very good 28/2.8AL, Nikon is kind of short of reasonable priced alternative here. Nikon have about only one choice in the tele 85/1.8, all others are way out of budget, Pentac likewise, but its the Cosina derived 100/3.5 Macro.

As nyou can see, 5K is actually short of a budget to get a full set. My advice is to go fetch a cheap 2nd hand body ( Pentax MZ-5N or older F-60/F-50 is very cheap now ), get a normal and a Wide as start. adding the tele when budget allowed and later the flash ( after all, the startup MZ and the F bodies had build in flash already )

Beware that in later days what you want  to do with your investment. Pentax is less likely to fetch good price in 2nd hand market but low to mid end Nikon gear are even worse though they might be easier to offload .
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