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Matt F wrote: > Any impressions on how well the VR works as you get to closer and > closer focusing? HI Matt, Vr is VR wether you are at long or close range. It is excellent but cannot produce miracles under1/20 sec. Remember that 105 becones around 160mm in FOV. It focusses slowy for an AF-S lens, as expected by a macro lens. http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1021&message=17759502 |
> Vr is VR wether you are at long or close range. Ok but VR effectiveness is dependent of the amplitude of the motion blur. The problem is that motion blur is proportionnal to the focal length of the lens AND inversely proportional to the distance camera-subject when the latter is small. Precisely: motion blur amplitude = k*f(d+f)/d where k is a constant, f is the focal length and d is the distance between the subject and the nodal point of the lens. So the question is still unanswered. How does VR perform at 1:1 reproduction ratio? AB. http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1021&message=17760122 |
I hate mathematicians ... :-) What I meant is the Stabilisation doesn't vary whathever the focal distance is. I agree with what you are saying about amplitude and closeness of subject but the VR doesn't vary in effectiveness in relation to the focus lenght. Unless I am wrong or I totally missed the point. VR on a i:i, from actual testing is very very good, not worse than on longer f dist http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1021&message=17760319 |
Resalut Yves, VR effectiveness is dependent of only one thing: motion blur amplitude, that is how far from the original position the subject is dancing on the sensor. So if you can get the subject to move the same at 1:1 than at 1:10 you'll get the same effectiveness from the VR. The problem is it is much harder to keep the image still on the sensor at 1:1 than at 1:10 (cf. my previous post). Another way of stating the previous formula is motion blur amplitude = k* R / d where k is a constant, R is the reproduction ratio and d the distance from the subject to the nodal point. Moi j'aime bien les mathematiciens. ;-) AB. http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1021&message=17760370 |
105 VR Nikkor is unbelievable!!! I got this lens today in the morning when I was at work. I did some test shots, nothing special but I can’t believe what this lens can do! VR does work on macro! It is so sharp! I can’t say it enough it’s sharp! The colors are great the out of focus backgrounds are smooth and creamy. This puts my 60 Micro out of business! Aside form document copy work I can’t see myself using the 60 any more. It’s a big lens, much bigger then the older 105 and much sharper, the new 105 VR is something else. All shots have the corresponding 100% crops Hope this helps enjoy! http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1021&message=17793479 |
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基本上Nikon VR Micro 105跟Micro 105價差可超過一支碳纖腳架的價格 微距攝影還是裝置腳架上來的穩定多了 VR2可降四級快門 腳架沒有快門級別限制
因此我到還慢建議買就版105 多餘的錢可以多入手一大型碳纖腳架 外帶一支桌上用中小型腳架^^ |
kenkuo2006 大大~
那是以微距攝影來說 (如 小虫 小花 靜態小品)
但如果用Nikon VR Micro 105 來拍 一些 大型動物 (如小貓小狗) /人像 / 建築/ 風景...等 一些 跳脫Micro 的體材 ~
小弟想這就是網路上前輩一直在討論VR 對於實際使用上的爭執點 不知道是否跟小弟想的一不一樣 ~
各位前輩又覺得如何呢 ? |
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AF-S VR Micro Nikkor ED 105mm F2.8G (IF) 最大光圈:F2.8 最小光圈:F32 實體焦距:35mm 鏡片構成:12群14枚(含一片 ED 鏡片以及一片奈米鏡片鍍膜) 光圈葉片:9片 最短攝影距離:31.4cm 最大攝影倍率:1:1 最大徑x全長:83x116mm 重量:709g 濾鏡口徑:62mm 遮光罩:HB-38 發售日期:2006年03月 #1 外觀 #2 戴上遮光罩變成迷你小黑 #3 光圈全開 F3.3 ISO100 1/2.5s #4 #3的100%裁切 #5 F4 ISO100 1/2s #6 #5的100%裁切 #7 F8 ISO100 1/1.8s #8 #7的100%裁切 #9 手持 F3 1/40s ISO400 #10 #9的100%裁切 #11 手持 F3 1/40s ISO400 VR啟動 #12 #11的100%裁切 推薦者: cyw |
做成 IF,和小黑五一樣,鏡頭完全不會伸縮。 對焦速度方面: 因為有 AF-S,所以當然對焦速度比以往的 micro 鏡頭還要快, 然後我以前有在 yodobashi-camera 的展示台上用過 Sigma 150mm Macro HSM 感覺上好像是比 Sigma 的 HSM 快一些。 然後也因為是 AF-S ,所以不僅對焦快,而且很安靜,還有全時手動對焦,這對於拍 Micro 上真的很方便。 VR: 當然對焦在無限遠時,就和一般的 105mm 的鏡頭一樣, 因此新的 VRII 絕對能發揮防手振的效果。 雖然官方網頁有寫隨著對焦距離的縮短(放大率上升) VR效果可能不能100%保證有效, 當然另外一個原因就是,當放大率越高時,既使是手部的輕微一點震動, 因為放大倍率高,所以畫面震動的程度也是很高, 再加上如果拍攝的物品不是靜止物時,即使利用VR讓自己手持能很穩定的拍攝, 當被攝物體移動時,或是自己前後稍微有移動時(景深淺的情況下) 非常容易會讓焦點馬上就跑掉。 雖然這樣子說,不過還是測試一下在高放大倍率時,VRII到底有沒有效果。 放大倍率 1:2 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 放大倍率 1:2 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 100%裁圖 VR 開啟。放大倍率 1:2 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 VR 開啟。放大倍率 1:2 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 100%裁圖 兩張一起比較一下: 未開啟 VR開啟 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 放大倍率 1:1 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 放大倍率 1:1 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 100%裁圖 VR 開啟。放大倍率 1:1 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 VR 開啟。放大倍率 1:1 的情況下,對焦點是匡起來的部分。 100%裁圖 兩張一起比較一下: 未開啟 VR開啟 推薦者: lichen9330106, cyw |
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等下星期寄到後再來拍拍看。 |
這支根本是小黑五的定焦版嗎。 |
有那麼好嗎........ |
38) 看怎麼用吧~ 用對了就好 用錯了就一般般~ 如您說的 到手就知道了
終身 VIP
多少coco呀? |