論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 新版的105mm MacroVR對macro攝影很有用



2006/03/22 18:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D2Hs最新拍賣藝廊作品D2Hs規格表
new micro-nikkor 105: VR works well for macro

I have seen skeptical posts on dpreview on the effectiveness of VR for macro shots, in complete contradiction with my own experience with the 80-400VR+Canon 500D close-up in the field.

A french guy had actually the opportunity to try the new AF-S 105 VR, and he posted his impressions on his site (in french) with some examples shot handheld at slow shutter speeds:


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

Another really interesting point is that the AF was really fast with his D2Hs, fast enough in continuous AF-C to compensate for translational (subject to lens) motion !! Wow, if this holds true, I think Nikon has a real winner here :)


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

推薦者: adammfc, cc5, chinphoto, 葉0503, daniel0211, Raywang123, 黑松, ko440301



501) 2006/08/21 19:24 




502) 2006/08/24 00:28 
First 105 VR Pic and my opinions

If they matter that is - i say get it - it can do much more than macro if you need it to

Im not a pro or anything but this lens rocks.

Main things that stand out is that the focus is fast so for non macro stuff i think it will be useful - indoor sports it seems to have a nice range and the DOF on lenses under 2.8 can be a problem so really it should work well as long as there is enough light for 2.8

VR is very good!

Super sharp especially with flash and the sb-600 works fine even up close for macro!

Its a little heavy but not like my 80-200 2.8

I might even splurge for a good tripod - i shot this this morning with with a monopod that i just bough. ITs not perfect but with a tripod im sure i can do better. I plan on painting my son's walls with bug pictures so he is going to have a fun time at it as well!

I did a few test portraits as well and can tell this lens will get used for more than macro work, ill post some portraits later

comments and tips appreciated




503) 2006/08/25 12:10 
105mm vr macro lens 1:1???
Is the 105mm vr lens a 1:1 ratio? thanks for the info.

Better than 1:1, according to

Pop Phot this month.

In any event, this is a wonderful lens.





504) 2006/08/26 16:35 
s3 + 105mm VR = fun
My first ever macro outing. I was lucky to have a Nikkor 105mm VR and a lovely S3 camera with me and it was a joy to use. The speed of the camera was not a problem as patience is nevertheless a key ingredient in macro photography. Its nice to be able to slow down sometimes and look at and appreciate the detail that is around us.

The Gitzo 1227 and Markins ball head also made it really nice in the practical sense. All photos were in ISO 100 on a tripod, and shot in 12mp jpeg at STD, STD, STD and auto WB.

Here are some of my humble collections from this evening i would like to share. Please enjoy and any critique and comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Tongue tied


I got here first






505) 2006/08/27 00:19 
Again some 105VR pics

Still learning so far from perfect. Some creatures from my garden:




506) 2006/08/27 00:25 
Nikon 105 VR vs. Sigma 105
currently own the Sigma. Any advantage to the Nikon? I do shoot quite a bit of macro Hand Held. However, I usually use a shutter speed that would negate the benefits of VR. What do ya-all think?

Here is one of my shots.......
Thx in advance for your comments.

Re: Nikon 105 VR vs. Sigma 105

Phil Raphan wrote:
> I currently own the Sigma. Any advantage to the Nikon? I do shoot
> quite a bit of macro Hand Held.

I have both and I think they're about equally sharp. The Sigma is lighter, but I think that's its only advantage.

AF-S and VR are both very useful when you're using the lens for hand held shots that aren't quite 1:1.

Perhaps the best part of the NIkon is not having to deal with the annoying AF/MF clutch on the SIgma. As you know, switching between auto and manual focus is a two-step process: you have to change both the lens and the camera. With the Nikon, you don't really have to change anything. Just twist the focus ring when you decide you need manual focus.

If you're interested in the R1C1, I don't think it would work on the Sigma, either.


Re: Nikon 105 VR vs. Sigma 105

I should also add that I think the bokeh of the Nikon is far superior to the Sigma.




507) 2006/08/27 00:26 



508) 2006/08/29 04:49 



509) 2006/08/29 04:51 
Here are some sources

The thread below was meant as a review. It's done by someone who's used a few different macros and includes some examples too. There's quite a bit, spread over 10 differernt sections:


I'm still getting to grips with mine, but you can see some examples at:

These include:
Colin Malsingh



510) 2006/08/30 03:05 
Is the 105VR 1:1?
Just wondering...........

No it doesn't....

According to a review from Popular Photography and Imaging, the lens is capable of going down to 1:0.7, which means that it is larger than life size.

Read the review here:

IN THE LAB: SQF numbers were excellent at all apertures and output sizes—as expected. The actual magnifying power of the lens tested greater than 1:1, coming in at an impressive 1:0.7.



Re: No it doesn't....
Deadpixel wrote:
> > Hey...
> > I sense a mistake - like they forget sometimes to allow for dx
> > sensor size or something. Have a look at some other lenses and
> > there seems to be a common theme of pop. photo tests showing
> > greater (sometimes much) magnification than the manufacturer's
> > claim.
> >
> >
> I don't believe the DX sensor size matters in macro magnification
> computations.
> The size of the sensor affects the field of view, so instead of
> viewing a full 23° 20' worth of the image, you'd only get to see
> 15° 20'. The 15° 20' however is a 1:1 crop, from the full frame
> 1:1, so instead of seeing the full 35mm frame at 1:1, you're only
> seeing a 23mm frame at 1:1.
> The lens is suppose to focus at 1:1 at 1ft, regardless of whether
> you use film (full frame) or a DX CCD (1.5x crop). At this
> distance, the fullframe camera captures a wider view at 1:1
> compared to the DX CCD. the 1.5 crop does not give greater
> manification.
> Cheers

Don't disagree with the above - but i think Pop photo has made a mistake - perhaps they didn't understand...

105mm @ 31cm distance is ~ 1:1 regardless of sensor size.
1:0.7 is much bigger...

Coincidentally it's about what Pop photo would have got if they forgot to allow for DX sensor size, and used some wrong method to calculate ratio based on a target image.



511) 2006/09/01 18:30 
105 vr Bug lens or more?

What else can you do with the 105 vr? What else can the lense be used for? Can some examples be posted to show some creative variations for this lens. I am drawn to this lens and would like to buy it but would like to see its potential. How have you used it?

Thank you

Re: 105 vr Bug lens or more?

Also a great mid-tele with VR.

Here's a quick candid at 1/30 sec . . .



much more than a bug lens (4 pics)

though it does bugs fine

besides portraits (nice length and has sweet bokeh) this fine lens has other tricks that have helped my photography

the VR works like a charm and allows for hand holding in situations where you cannot use a tripod

wonderful for indoor handheld shots

this lens is great for nocturnals with very little CA or ghosting

it will allow you to get shots that you would have a hard time getting otherwise

hope this helps



512) 2006/09/03 08:56 
Andrea, beautiful

Ready to sail.

Nope, this isn't the 85mm f/1.4 -- the 105VR has some mighty fine bokeh, too.




513) 2006/09/03 08:58 



514) 2006/09/09 11:59 
所以他的Bokeh MR. Kuankuoyun2202 認為不錯喔?



515) 2006/09/12 04:19 
105mm VR macro + Kenko DG300 1.4X

Just to report that I've tested both together and so far the combo works w/o problems. VR works, AF works, and I've been able to get auto-focus to lock on pretty high magnification ratio (1.4:1 , 1.3:1) with the teleconverter on.

My coin wasn't angled perfectly (don't have a macro rail), so you can't see it entirely in focus (sharpening set to normal in-camera, no other PP done). Time-delay shot on tripod with but no MLU (using D70s). VR was turned off, but I also made couple tests shot and there doesn't seem to be much of a difference with it on.

Just one last comment I'm using the Manfrotto 420 geared head for macro photography and it doesn't seem to be that sturdy. The micro-adjustments are nice, but at 1:1 macro I can practically make the image move by blowing on my lens =/ I actually look at all the shots I made of that coin and I can see a slight variation in framing with each shot I took heh (easily noticeable when you look at then quickly thru windows explorer as a slideshow).

Might be slight reflections differences as I was trying to block the sunlight with my back (no studio lighting for me ...yet)

These are at 1:1 magnification markings on the lens (so should be 1.4 : 1 because of teleconverter)

VR off:

VR on:

100% crop of shot w/o VR:




516) 2006/09/16 02:15 



517) 2006/09/16 14:02 



518) 2006/09/17 00:42 



519) 2006/09/18 00:18 
New Orleans w/ new 105VR....(pics)

Folks....no pretense of artistry or "photography" here...just some snapshots while walking back from lunch in the Frentch Quarter. Purpose is to let folks see the new Nikkor 105mm VR. All these snaps are taken in a 30 minute period returning from our favortie hamburger place (which of course is a bar). Been eating hamburgers for 1/2 century and these are the best I've ever had..."Yo Mommas" on St Peter.

All pics with D2x, fine JPEG, Meter multi-pattern, 0 EV, ISO 400, WB auto, Tone Comp Auto, color mode III, Hue Adjust 0, Sharpening Auto, Noise Reduction Off....no PP...straight from camera




520) 2006/10/16 02:05 
Is Nikon 105mm VR Micro better than the Tamrom 90mm?

Subject says it all.

All the pics I see show the two to be fairly similar, aside from the VR and extra 15mm on the Nikon... Money is no object, just seriously want whichever is better. I doubt I'd use a tripod much, and it would mostly be of flora, aside from the occasional insect.

Yes, a million threads on this, but I am just checking again. Someone is asking me which one I want for a present. :D

Having used both

I prefer the 105VR.

The bokeh is superb..the macro capabilities are superb...the build is superb and there's no funky clutch shift to use to get it into macro mode.

Plus, while I don't use the VR for macro shots, it comes in very handy at other times.

The image quality of the nanocrystal coated glass is just something in a league of it's own as well.

Jim Fenton

Thom Reviews Both Together

Jim Fenton

Re: Thom Reviews Both Together

ccbrowning wrote:
> Anthony also linked to this. :)
> The review is only -ok-, though. If he could have taken more pics
> and put up some comparison ones it would help a lot. Thom does
> seem to imply the Nikon isn't really worth it unless you need VR,
> and they both have the same image quality, though.

Thom's not the type to put lots of image up to prove or disprove anything. If he didn't like the lens, he would have said why and rated it appropriately.

I have the 105 VR. It's a great short telephoto that happens to be able to do macro work too.


Re: Thom Reviews Both Together

Thanks. :)

Well, it does seem like the Nikon one is a bit more versatile and better made, so perhaps I'll get it. Doesn't seem like I can lose either way in terms of image quality, which is my main concern...

Re: Thom Reviews Both Together

ccbrowning wrote:
> Thom does
> seem to imply the Nikon isn't really worth it unless you need VR,
> and they both have the same image quality, though.
Uh, maybe? But not "the same image quality."

Look, I have both, and will be selling my Tamron shortly, which should tell you something. The Tamron is sharp, without any meaningful IQ defect, and smaller/lighter with a lower quality build. It works well both at macro and long focus distances. It focuses somewhat slower, and has more tendency to hunt. The Nikkor is sharper, without any visible IQ defect I can find, but much heaver/larger, higher quality build, and a higher price to match. It works well at macro and long focus distances, plus the VR adds some desirable handling ability to an already nice lens. the Nikkor focuses very fast, though it will hunt a bit on most macro subjects (I don't know of an AF lens that doesn't, actually). The Nikkor managed to elbow out another lens in my basic backpack kit; the Tamron was in and out as needed.

This is the old Camry/Lexus thing in photographic form. If you're buying for price/performance, you get the Camry (Tamron). If you're buying for best possible quality, you get the Lexus (Nikkor).

Thom Hogan
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