論壇主選單 > 器材版 > 新版的105mm MacroVR對macro攝影很有用



2006/03/22 18:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D2Hs最新拍賣藝廊作品D2Hs規格表
new micro-nikkor 105: VR works well for macro

I have seen skeptical posts on dpreview on the effectiveness of VR for macro shots, in complete contradiction with my own experience with the 80-400VR+Canon 500D close-up in the field.

A french guy had actually the opportunity to try the new AF-S 105 VR, and he posted his impressions on his site (in french) with some examples shot handheld at slow shutter speeds:


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

Another really interesting point is that the AF was really fast with his D2Hs, fast enough in continuous AF-C to compensate for translational (subject to lens) motion !! Wow, if this holds true, I think Nikon has a real winner here :)


His initial impression is that VR helps a lot, even close to 1:1 magnification. He said that most images he took were simply impossible without VR.

推薦者: adammfc, cc5, chinphoto, 葉0503, daniel0211, Raywang123, 黑松, ko440301



381) 2006/06/19 00:55 
outstanding macro lens (pic)

Re: outstanding macro lens (pic)

I'd have to agree. For me it is the only Macro I have and I find I have it on camera a lot and it is always in my bag.
To each his own.




382) 2006/06/19 01:18 
-->>105VR panning shot<<--

Re: -->>105VR panning shot<<--
You must be from Singapore (this looks like the Padang).... nice shots

Re: -->>105VR panning shot<<--

It's singapore. =)

How could you notice this from such a blur background!!?

You are so professional!!!



383) 2006/06/20 01:27 
Nikon 105VR: Initial Impressions [22]

Nikon 105VR: Initial Impressions [22]

As the owner of four macro lenses (albeit only two distinct optical designs... don't ask ;), the Nikon 105VR marks my first modern macro lens. And not just modern, but cutting edge.

The lens features essentially the whole alphabet soup in Nikon's current bag of tricks, incorporating no less than AF-S, VR, G, IF-ED, and Nano crystal coating. The question is, does the lens live up to this impressive roll call of technology?

I've had the opportunity to audition the lens for the last two weeks and thought I'd give my cursory impressions of the lens, as well as share some images. The format will be as follows:

01 -- The Images [13]
02 -- Balance and Usability
03 -- Focus Ring
04 -- Construction, Fit & Feel
05 -- Hood
06 -- AF Performance
07 -- VR
08 -- Image Quality & Sharpness
09 -- Color, Contrast & Character
10 -- Closing thoughts

If you have the 105VR, please feel free to add your own thoughts on the lens. To those interested in the optic, feel free to ask questions.


01 -- The Images [13]
01 -- The Images

As they say, talk is cheap.




384) 2006/06/20 14:27 
01 -- The Images [13]
01 -- The Images

As they say, talk is cheap.

Re: 01 -- The Images [13]


While this is a review of the lens, I can't help but express my appreciation for some of the photos. I really like numbers 2, 10, 11, and 13. Good vision.

And thanks for taking the time with the lens!




385) 2006/06/20 21:48 
02 -- Balance and Usability

On the D2X, the lens feels solid. The combination seems to speak to one singular objective: getting the job done. The stout barrel of the 105VR matches well with the beefy D2 body and overall the balance feels great.

Many people will no doubt consider the lens large and bulky, especially for a prime of this focal length. Despite its size, the lens handles well.

The wide barrel and thick, well positioned focus ring make for great usability. Coming from manual focus macro lenses, the full-time manual override AF-S provides is a natural extension of the tools I've used to. The toggles on the lens all feel well-positioned, particularly the VR-button, which sits in perfect reach of the thumb.





386) 2006/06/21 01:07 
03 -- Focus Ring:

An essential point for any macro and/or portrait lens, the focus ring of the 105VR has the same fairly dry, hollow feel of my other AF-S lenses. I'd the action somewhere in between the easier-moving focus ring of the 70-200VR and the weather-sealed stiffness of the 17-55's focus ring. The action of the focus rings seems a marked improvement over that of most geared, screw-driven lenses, but not quite as nice as that of a dedicated manual lens.

In use, I missed the silky and sure drag of my manual focus glass for precision close-focusing. A more greased and more finely damped focus feeling would definitely be appreciated. Still, the action is adequate and probably as nice as any other AF Nikkor available, and not so course that it should really impede precise manual focus. Focusing and shooting technique will probably prove more of an issue for most shooters than the mechanics of the lens itself.





387) 2006/06/21 03:10 
04 -- Construction, Fit & Feel:

The lens is undeniably solid. No wiggle here. The action of all the buttons is positive and the focus ring is smooth. My only complaint would be with the VR button, which is noticeably more "hollow" in its locking action than the other buttons on the lens and also compared to the VR switch on my 70-200VR. The finish of the lens is fine, matching that of the my more modern Nikon gear of this new millennium, the D70, D2X, 17-55, and 70-200VR.





388) 2006/06/21 07:53 
Re: 04 -- Construction, Fit & Feel

Hi Tao.

Thanks for the review. I had a very short play with this lens, every thing seams great about it, sharpness real nice with this one. though, I noticed that some of the materials used on the lens, seams like they are plastic (fiber probably). can you please tell me if im wrong? (I'm a material nerd, love metal materials, hate plastic) :)


Hi Rumle,

I am no longer in possession of the lens, but I believe that the barrel was composite (though I could be wrong). The only real weak point of the contruction seemed to be the VR switch, which wasn't quite as solid feeling as the rest of the lens/controls.




389) 2006/06/22 00:43 
05 -- Hood:

The hood snaps securely in the bayonet system and stays put in once locked, active and stored. Out of all the bayonet hoods I've used, I prefer the very solid push-button locking mechanism of the 17-55 best, and wish Nikon had employed a similar system for the 105VR. Regardless, the locking mechanism feels solid enough and generally much more secure than that of my 70-200VR. Unlike that design, the hood of the 105VR seems quite secure when locked and likely to be resistant to casual twisting while loading or unloading the lens.

The hood features only the most minute amount of taper in its design, making it fairly streamlined when stored in the backwards position. Still, the hood only adds to the undeniable native width of the lens, which may make it a snug fit in your bag.

Due the design and depth of the hood, no controls are accessible when the lens hood locked in the reversed position. The VR, focus limiter, and AF/MF switch are all effectively shielded by the hood, which makes perfect sense for storage. Of course, this means the hood must be removed or attached in the active position to utilize any of the controls of the lens.





390) 2006/06/22 08:11 
06 -- AF Performance:

At conventional distances, AF is positive and snappy --the silent wave motor works as promised -- quick and fast. The AF performance seems about on par with the 70-200VR from casual use.

At close focusing, AF performance declines in effectiveness as the magnification ratio increases, though this should not really deter would-be buyers -- if your eyes are up to the task of manual focus. I would say AF performance at macro distances is marginal at best, largely hit-or-miss depending on the contrast of the subject.

As I use manual focus exclusively for close ups, the only real grievous inefficiency of AF for me occurred when the magnitude of focus changes dramatically. Given the very large range of focus, the lens can hunt when asked to switch focus between conventional distances and those used for close up work.





391) 2006/06/22 18:53 
07 -- VR:

It really does work. Casual testing indicates that once again VR is magic, and does indeed work in the lens as promised. However, just as with AF performance, the effectiveness of VR declines as the magnification ratio increases.

As Vibration Reduction is not a 100% effective solution all the time, and as translation becomes an increasing problem at high magnification, one must assume that using VR with macro is inconstant at best, though the adventurous and persistent will no doubt be rewarded.

My own use of the lens has proven VR to be useful and generally convenient up to magnification up to and around 1:2, with acceptable results as low as 1/60 second handheld. The patient photographer may find functionality beyond that, but for close up work, I wouldn't consider pushing VR further than that as anything approaching utility. One might note that the word patience has its root in the Latin pati, to suffer.

Regardless, with enough discipline and perseverance, it seems VR can be an interesting and even surprisingly functional asset for close up photography, and not to be dismissed outright.





392) 2006/06/23 00:07 
08 -- Image Quality & Sharpness:

As one would expect from a Micro Nikkor, the new 105VR is an exceedingly sharp lens, not only for close up work, but at a distance as well. Given the stigma attached to some of Nikon's older Micro Nikkors, this may come as a pleasant surprise to some.

At infinity, sharpness appears quite good from my testing, even wide open. Center sharpness is virtually identical throughout the aperture range from f/2.8 to f/11, while the edges improve in consistency as the lens is stopped down. Following a fairly standard performance curve, initial use indicates the lens renders optimal image quality between f/5.6 and f/8.

Color shifts appear largely controlled in the 105VR, though the lens can display purple fringing for highly reflective subjects like metal and other high contrast areas. At conventional distances, this fringing decreases toward f/5.6 until it is all but eliminated at f/8. Aside from this fringing, the lens appears very well controlled for aberrations.





393) 2006/06/23 21:21 
09 -- Color, Contrast & Character:

The ED elements and Nano Crystal Coating seem to do the job -- images have great color and a pleasing snap. Contrast appears strong and crisp.

The images rendered by the lens appear pleasingly smooth -- at least as nicely as those from the 70-200VR. From what I've seen from Nikon's other AF lenses designed for close up work, the 105VR is easily the smoothest of the shorter Micro Nikkor primes. Transitions and gradations of focus appear surprisingly smooth as well.

As per the mounting concerns of professional photographers everywhere, and in keeping with their other recent lens releases, Nikon has dropped in a diaphragm assembly with beautifully rounded aperture blades. Surely to the satisfaction of all invested parties, the lens delivers nicely circular specular highlights.





394) 2006/06/24 00:21 
10 -- Closing thoughts:

The 105VR Micro Nikkor is a very, very solid tool. It performs capably and without complaint, rendering excellent performance with ease.

While seemingly optimized for close up work, as the Micro Nikkor designation would have us believe, the new 105VR is anything but a one-trick pony. Performance across the range of focus is excellent, offering a highly functional option to photographers looking to maximize utility in their kit.

For those who are interested in a lens that can serve a triple threat as a single tool for close up work, short tele duty, and as a portrait lens, I think Nikon may have delivered just the product.






395) 2006/06/25 01:51 
Five 105 VR samples

After 3 months with it, I just love this lens. Here are a few photos I've taken with it, all with a D200 and SB-800.

These files are straight out of Nikon Capture. None have been cropped. For most of these, I just tweaked the exposure if needed and added a little extra sharpening. I set the D200 for Color Mode III, Enhanced Saturation, and High Sharpening.

The camera was in Manual exposure mode for all of these, and I used manual focus for all the but first.

1/30, f/10, VR on, Fill flash

1/200, f/16, VR on, Full flash

1/60, f/16, VR off (tripod), Remote flash

1/100, f/16, VR on, Full flash

1/100, f/16, VR on, Full flash (obviously)





396) 2006/06/25 08:49 
105VR+1.7+D200 Sample (1 pic)

I was quite impessed with this for a first attempt so hope you dont mind me sharing. Any critique welcome.

Handheld & manual focus with VR. Converted from raw to jpg no image manipulation, what you se is what i shot.




397) 2006/06/26 01:33 
Re: 105VR+1.7+D200 Sample (1 pic)

--This is very poor macro shot. Key in close up and macros are to get as much dof as posible and that is achived with small f stops like f16 f22 that in fact are efective f 32 and f 64 there fore one needs to use longer exposure on tripod or use flash.F5.6 hand held shots are only posible with in 1:2 1:3 magnification in mid day light.Learn how to use flash with macro lens and you will shot hend held shots inmid day like this




398) 2006/06/26 09:57 
consensus on 105 mm VR feature
Now that the nikon 105mm VR has been out there for a while is there any consensus on how useful the VR is for macro shots? Does it make you less likely to bring your tripod? Does it make the VR model worth the difference in price from the prior non-VR model? It seems odd to put the VR feature into a lens that's primarily for macro shooting if the VR feature doesn't work (much) for macro photography. I don't enjoy using a tripod much.

did you see Todd's analysis here? ;-)

it might be hard to find someone who can differentiate between the two 105's (since someone would be unlikely to have had and used both) unless perhaps Bjorn has. Here are his comments...


Re: consensus on 105 mm VR feature

The VR is a great feature. I have taken pics with the camera in one hand (VR and camera in AF-cont mode) and my SB600 in my other hand. I don't have the patience for the very close macro photo though. I actually love this lens as a portrait lens. I use it more as a mid range telephoto lens.

Some early shots with the lens can be found here




399) 2006/06/27 01:09 
105 mm VR in my backyard (images)

It seems this lens is really sharp after all, I'm happy. Comments welcome.





400) 2006/06/28 03:06 
D70 & 105mm F/2.8 VR

Some new pictures with 105mm f/2.8 VR lens:

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