論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > I want to buy a triple-feet stand for camera



2002/02/20 22:33
器材: 其他 其他
I want to buy a triple-feet stand for camera. Which brands is better? Please give me idea. You can use Chinese word to write. Thank you.
p.s. I have a photo shoot on star ferry at three days ago. The photo
    have a beautiful Japanese girl wear a light blue shirt. I shoot
    this picture is very difficult. I use 50mm zoom len, 11/L and
    TTL flash lamp. I don't know how to put this photo on internet.
    Can you give me a method?

pigpig stone


1) 2002/02/21 00:41 
Do u mean tripod??
Gitzo is the best but not cheap.
Manfrotto is good but cheap.

Man Shing
106,Tung Choi Street,MongKok.

pigpig stone


2) 2002/02/21 00:42 
Do u mean tripod??
Gitzo is the best but not cheap.
Manfrotto is good but cheap.

Man Shing
106,Tung Choi Street,MongKok.



3) 2002/02/21 03:37 
below 1 kg
velbon 343e

around 1.5kg
slik 330dx or 340dx

around 2.5kg
manfrotto 190 + 308rc

貧窮的我在香港~ .\_/.



4) 2002/02/21 09:10 
triple-feet stand == Tripod.
How much you can spend on the tripod?
If you want photo onto internet, you need a scanner. General flatbed scanner of 600dpi is around $200~500 each, depend on function. If you just scan photos, those low price one already good enough. After scanning the picture and save in JPEG files, you can upload to some free of charge picture-book website, like Yahoo or Epson Photostation. Then you can share them with any person.

----------Never ever visit these site---------



5) 2002/02/21 10:04 
Dear friend,
Regarding a tripod, it really depends on how much you spend, how heavy a camera set to be supported, and how heavy you can physically carry. Gitzo and Manfrotto are the best brands, but they are quite expensive (HKD1,000 and above!?) Slik is not a bad choice, regarding quality and price. So you can shop around.
As "Net Superman" said, you also need a scanner in order to store you photos online. Brand like Canon is also quite affordable. You can go to Yahoo HK and open a free account, then you can start having fun with all your toys.
Good luck!

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