論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > 完全新手想買Nikon F80!! 請各位高手幫幫手!!



2002/01/12 17:46
器材: 其他 其他
我是完全未用過單鏡反光機的新手!我想問各位前輩?新手使用Nikon F80是否適合,和我不知應買什甚鏡頭才好(聽說28-105mm是比較方便和適合新手)有沒有好的推介,另外我的預算大約五千至六千。



21) 2002/01/15 11:00 
Happy to see there are still so many responses to such as old topic (which camera to buy for beginner), that means we have all gone through this stage and really want to give help, you should be proud of yourselves!!

OK, go back to this discussion. I suppose all of us have read all of the camera / lens review passages in 手扎. If you still can't make your decision, you may want to get more information in photo.net, my 2nd favourite site about photography.

As many people has said, you are not buying a camera but a system (which means AT LEAST one camera + more than one lenses, right?). If it is not the case, it means that you may not be actually that serious about photography, and therefore I recommend you to re-consider a good point-and-shoot camera or a consumer level DC.

If you still want o build your system, think lens first, which is almost equivalent to think which type of photos you like to shoot. Scenery? Portrait? Architecture? Macro? Sport or bird shooting? Or only for travel? Take a look of this link and it suggests that Canon & Nikon has slightly different strength, then you may find much easier to choose your 1st camera.
(Take me as an example, I like scenery & macro most, but less interest in portrait, therefore I chose Nikon)

OK, which 1st lens? Although I have introduced this link:
I still want to emphasize 50mm prime lens to start with, otherwise it is just difficult for beginners to understand why they want shorter / longer focal length.

Last but not least, be reminded that 35mm SLR is a somewhat 50-year-old tech now, any incompetitive product cannot survive, so the overall difference between brands in same price level is so small (otherwise you don't even need to think which brand is better, right?), which also mean almost any one of them can do a good job for beginners, just don't go for the very cheap models.

I don't suggest buying top / too high model unless you are too rich. I suppose anyone of us have had experience about giving up a very delicated interest in 2 months......, plus remember that the cheapest camera can take great photos with reasonably good lens and, most importantly, good skills. So even the cheapest camera can always be your back-up camera.

You may also want to check these two:

That's all I want to say, good luck!!



22) 2002/01/15 11:16 
Sorry, one more point to add. Some people suggest not investing too much money in 135 camera, but save some money for 120, or even just start with 120. I somewhat agree with them. Personally I think if you don't earn money from photography, there is no point to buy too expensive lens. Save some money to travel and take good photos with your not-too-bad lens is not a bad idea at all!!

However I won't start playing 120 because 135 is really enough to me, at least for now!

Good luck again, guys!



23) 2002/01/15 13:45 
嘩!真的十驚喜!沒想到會有這麼多前輩作出回覆和給予十分多寶貴的意見,對我這新手來說,真是獲益不淺!我想我已決定買Nikon F80D+ 28-105鏡(因Budget問題,本想買F80s),但相信要等到出糧日才能買到(因今年沒有了雙糧,真苦!)!其實除了單鏡反光機外,還想買一部傻瓜機(For 我影Snapshot),不知家有沒有好介紹呢!



24) 2002/01/15 18:21 

我都買左.後來還download左個電子版,不過好似非法 :P



25) 2002/01/15 18:57 
對於snapshot, 傻機機...****有排***都唔夠數碼相機好, 隨非你SNAP得極少.



26) 2002/01/15 19:55 
Jar Jar Bink : Thanks for visiting our album. 但Mira個"樹驚拿"病重,同埋我地懶,好似有一段時間無拿起部機,好久無Update個相簿Lu! 我D相"邊暑"見得人喎! 要襯呢段時間,除了增肥之外,就要搶mira介紹比妳本書惡補惡補lu!

Bus Fan


27) 2002/01/15 23:38 
Sorry, my hand writing system runs down. So I have to write in Eng.
OK, I am one of F80S user. It is a good camera. I own it for almost one year but still love it very much. However, I would like to share some un-happy experience w/ you.
The manual claims that when the battery almost run out, a "half-battery" sign on the LCD panal will shown. However, it NEVER! The battery will run out suddently, especially when you switch it ON, w/o any warning. At 1st, I think it's only my own camera's problem. But later, my friend, w/ a F80D, also share the same problem. So I believe it is one of the bugs on the F80. (But it is very strange that the F80S in the Customer Service Centre at Tai Koo Shing did as on the manual!)
When you buy it, remember to check it "Light-metering Selecting Switch" near the view finder for looseness. Some of them are very, very tight that you have to twist it with 2 finger. That is only one advice would like to share.
LENS: According to my friend's opinion, Nikkor AF 28-105 mm f:3.5-4.5D is worth considering since it's image quality is generally above average, especially step down to f:8, good control in distoration at both ends. Light weight and affortable. But it not very convenience w/ polarizer because it's front will rotate as you zoom (not focing). And it's marco function is useless for living insects since too short working distance (but useful for steady objects). Some people said it is not good for portrait but my friend said it's ok. I really have no idea 'cause he is the user.

michael luk


28) 2002/01/17 17:31 
可曾想過點解選 F-80?
你拍人像? SNAP SHOT? 風景? 意念?

除了 F-80外,以你的預算還可選

至於 F-80,我試用過好幾次,功能不俗,質感不錯,但對焦有點慢,比起以上提起的幾款機種,還有一個致命缺點就是對焦屏相當暗,用細光圈差點不能手動對焦,感覺不太好。
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