論壇主選單 > 香港論壇 > 沖黑白菲林 + scan



2005/01/26 13:19
器材: 其他 其他
請問各位大佬邊度沖傳統黑白相同幫我 Scan 埋 ?


最好係灣仔區 or 美孚深水步旺角區啦.

睇返 d 舊文灣仔好似話有間 colorsix ? 請問地址是什麼 ?


P.S. 我唔打算自己沖...



1) 2005/01/26 14:43 
1)你出digital B&W, 點解唔索性用DC/Dslr?

2)點解唔用D-76 B&W film? 易沖好掃.



2) 2005/01/26 14:56 
IF  >>唔使哂埋出來的.. or/and 唔打算自己沖...<<


just pick any C-41 B&W film and
go to any 1 hr shop for processing.


simply use DC/DSLR and convert to grey-scale.

BTW, I can"t see any reason for you to use
traditional B&W film in your present situation.



3) 2005/01/26 15:08 
謝Arthur更正, 夠擔死打左D-76 B&W film....
我想打 C-41......

Peter LO


4) 2005/01/26 15:16 




5) 2005/01/26 18:38 
其實因為我打算出左 digital 之後如果靚先去哂相/放大...
因為未用過 delta/ T-max 果 d 黑白film所以先唔打算用 C-41..

anyway 多謝各路英雄回答~~



6) 2005/01/27 08:57 
colorsix 在中環史丹利街,價錢合理,但我試過一次竟然被剪爛菲林...請小心。

我也推介灣仔東亞,價錢不算貴,服務質素高,電話:2866 8825。



7) 2005/01/27 09:25 
I also go to 灣仔東亞 for 11X14 B&W prints as gifts for friends,
they looks good.東亞 provides hand prints only now, they do not
use B&W paper for machine prints. Color paper is used! Be careful.

personally, I don"t like small size 4R machine print from colorsix:
too contrasty wih fuji paper. Those are portrait photos.
Some people, most probably Janpaneses, may like it.

Ming Kai is expensive when you ask them to process only.
$25 for processing a roll  but $20 per roll if you also
ask them to print that roll (each print costs you extra $$).
Not sure how they charge for a CD.

Hope these info are not outdated.

An alternative may be ask for a contact
print instead of an image CD. The print may be small but
digital images maybe quite different from print images.
The contrast and other attributes maybe quite different
because a skillful Sifu can do much in the darkroom.

You can go to 東亞 in Central, as the Sifu in 灣仔東亞 is now
in Central, my friend told me. He can provide you with valuable suggestion and is very kind and friendly.



8) 2005/01/27 09:31 
The Sifu can teach you how to assess your negatives.

Peter LO


9) 2005/01/27 09:54 
Alternatively, you may consider to have the film developed first and pick the frames for printing/enlarging with the help of a lupe.

>personally, I don"t like small size 4R machine print from colorsix:
>too contrasty wih fuji paper. Those are portrait photos.
>Some people, most probably Janpaneses, may like it.


Your info answer my query - why Eastasia offers 4R printing service at a price comparable to, if not cheaper than, one-hour photo-finisher.
I can understand why Fuji chose a contrasty default setting - by doing so the skin tone of the Japanese can resemble to Caucasians.  But I have no idea what the excessive sharpening is for.



10) 2005/01/27 10:15 
Peter Lo,

Colorsix adapts to the market quite flexibly when compared with Eastasia. As Kodak stop their supplies in paper and chemicals for printing sildes and B&W paper for machine prints. Eastasia simply
stop these services. But, Colorsix simply turn to Fuji that it continues to provide Direct Print of slides and machine print B&W
photos with B&W paper.

You can see clearly how Kodak response to the market stupidly in these years that lead to its lost in market shares in the photo industries...

What does "Caucasians" refer to? I"ve came across this term frequently
whenever I read B&W posts in other eanglish-speaking B&W forums.

Peter LO


11) 2005/01/27 10:48 

I"ll expect Kodak undergoes a decade-long hard-time as what IBM did, and finally becomes an inventor/patent-seller.  But IMHO Kodak"s digital innovations are too little and too late and, as you"ve mentioned, the company"s discontinuation of niche yet well-received products, as well as its high-profile declaration of ceasing research on halide products, are completely stupid.

For some reasons, "white people" tend to call themselves Caucasians (to hide their "white is right" mentality?).  Many Asians like to have their skin-tone resembles to the Caucasians on the pictures.  But to me such rendition is very unnatural and unsighty.



12) 2006/09/07 21:09 
Sorry for the late reply, I am also looking for a good place to develop B/W well, could anyone tell me the location of EastAsia? And as Arthur mentioned, the nice "sifu" had moved to central EastAsia, how can I find the shop then? Thanks!

I have tried ColorSix for the B/W develop, but I was not so satisfied :(



13) 2006/09/07 23:09 
1. The Sifu resigned.

2. Eastasia processes B&W films in Chai Wan so it doesn't matter whether you send your B&W films to Central branch or Wan Chai branch.

3. I tried Colorsix a few times this year (due to moving home). Over 50%, my 120 B&W films were 漏光. But, 120 color negs. or slides never 漏光.怕怕!!!!

4. If you live in Kowloon, you may try 天x影集 in tst. Not sure whether they scan B&W negs or not.



14) 2006/09/08 09:26 
does 東亞 make b/w paper print in about 3R size ?
anyone tried ? and price ?
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