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Fujifilm posts FinePix S3 Pro firmware v2.18

Fujifilm has today posted firmware version 2.18 for the FinePix S3 Pro which updates the setting for the sharpness of JPEGs on the PC control mode. A previous update (v2.16) that allows the use of Nikon flash units with the S3 Pro and updates the custom white balance and exposure control functions on the PC control mode, will also have effect.

Click here to download Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro firmware update version 2.18 (Windows and Mac)

Press Release:

Firmware update for Fujifilm FinePix S3 Pro v 2.18
The firmware (Ver.2.16 to Ver.2.18 ) update incorporates the following issues.

Updates for the setting of the sharpness for JPEG images on the PC control mode.
The firmware (Ver.2.12 to Ver.2.16 ) update incorporates the following issues.

Updates for compatibility of Nikon flash units.
Updates for custom white balance function and exposure control function on the PC control mode.

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