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2006/02/18 14:18
器材: Nikon 尼康 D100最新拍賣藝廊作品D100規格表
Bibble Pro to include Noise Ninja NR

Bibble Pro to include Noise Ninja NR
Friday, 17 February 2006  20:40 GMT < Prev Next >

Pre-PMA 2006: Bibble Labs has today announced it has reached an agreement with PictureCode to integrate Noise Ninja noise reduction technology into Bibble Pro. "As pioneers of DSLR RAW software we have led the way in speed, feature set, and cross platform support. With the inclusion of PictureCode’s Noise Ninja technology, we are again raising the bar for integrated, fast workflow," says Eric Hyman, President & CEO of Bibble Labs.

Press Release:

Bibble Labs to license Noise Ninja™ from PictureCode
State-of-the-art noise reduction technology to be included in Bibble RAW processing software

Austin, TX 13:00 EST February 17, 2006. Bibble Labs Inc has reached an agreement with PictureCode LLC, developer of the best-of-breed Noise Ninja image noise reduction software application. Forthcoming versions of Bibble Labs’ awardwinning RAW workflow software will feature fully integrated versions of Picturecode’s patent pending noise reduction technology. This will enable a new level of image quality in the raw workflow, especially for high-ISO images.

“As pioneers of DSLR RAW software we have led the way in speed, feature set, and cross platform support. With the inclusion of PictureCode’s Noise Ninja™ technology, we are again raising the bar for integrated, fast workflow,” states Eric Hyman, President & CEO of Bibble Labs.

Raw conversion yields the highest image quality possible from today’s professional level cameras. Nonetheless, it can magnify and enhance grain like noise that is inherent in all digital photographs, especially at high ISO sensitivities. By integrating PictureCode’s sophisticated noise reduction technology into the earliest stages of the raw conversion pipeline, noise can better be eliminated then ever before, yielding cleaner, smoother images.

“We’re excited to see our award winning noise reduction algorithms integrated into the Bibble RAW engine. The resulting image quality within a high speed raw workflow is a first for the industry,” says Jim Christian, founder of PictureCode.

The new versions of Bibble will soon be available as an upgrade to all current Bibble 4.0 users at no additional charge. The most recent Windows, Macintosh, and Linux releases of these products will be available for download on www.bibblelabs.com and are priced at $129.95 for the Pro version and $69.95 for the Lite.

Come see us at PMA Booth #4889 for more information on this exciting development.

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